Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 22

"Challenge Mission: Beef Showdown (Completed)"

"Task Reward: One Thousand Luck Points"

"Then when can I catch him."

Since Xingping Chuangzhen had never tasted Lin Yi's cooking, he didn't understand Lin Yi's cooking skills, so he asked Mr. Shaper about this.

"It's hard to say, look at chance, look at comprehension!"

Teacher Chapel shook his head and sighed for the question of Xingping Chuangzhen.

"Next time I make one more, you will understand"

Lin Yi didn't say much about hitting Xingping Chuangzhen, just patted him on the shoulder and left a word.

Lin Yi's actions, Teacher Shaper, couldn't help but nodded. After all, young people like Lin Yi's cooking skills can easily become arrogant after reaching a level that ordinary people can't match.

In fact, low-key is the truth for Lin Yi.

Invincible and Pinnacle are easy to feel lonely and even alienated from others.

This completely conflicts with Lin Yi's road of conquest!Besides, it’s good to stand on the top and watch sentient beings occasionally. After all, I don’t always pretend to be a pig, eat a tiger and hit others in the face!

"The teacher Shaper, I have something to trouble you."

After Lin Yi agreed to become a teaching assistant, he had another idea.

He should be very clear that his cooking skills can be said to have reached the peak, even if he has not exchanged the top-level recipes, any one of his own dishes represents the highest state he is in.That's why he just said that after tasting his own cooking and waking up, "The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves forward!"'The words.

"You said."

At this time, Teacher Chapel was a lot more kind, and Lin Yi was already his colleague now, so naturally he could not treat him with the attitude of treating students.

"In fact, it's not a big deal. I just hope you will not expose my cooking skills."

"I don't want to be too high profile."

Lin Yi said slowly afterwards.

"This is okay, but you have to understand that after you become a teaching assistant, even if I don't tell you, I will not be able to keep a low profile in the future." Although Teacher Shaper was surprised by Lin Yi's words, he still agreed to his request.

Lin Yi nodded with satisfaction after listening to Teacher Shaper’s words, “That’s enough! As long as you don’t take the initiative to disclose it, it doesn’t matter even if you become a teaching assistant. After all, some students are more powerful. Some teachers are much stronger!"

What Lin Yi said was the fact that Yuanyue Academy is a student-oriented school. If these students are not as capable as their teachers, which teacher is willing to be controlled.

The weak and the strong are universal in any world.

This is why Lin Yi did not worry about being high-profile after agreeing to become a teaching assistant.

Chapter 35

One day passed quickly.

Since the students of Yuanyue Academy have learned a lot about cooking in the junior high school, the main thing after promotion to the middle school is to cultivate and improve their personal culinary skills.

So there are not many courses. As long as you pass the far-month classroom assessment every time, it is not a big deal if you don't go to the class.

Lin Yi and Tian Suohui directly went to the management department to apply for accommodation after passing the evaluation of Mr. Chapel.

After all, Yuanyue Academy is so big and there are quite a lot of dormitories.With Tian Suohui's recommendation, Lin Yi obtained the qualification to live in Jixingliao, so that Yuanyue would not be assigned randomly.

After Lin Yi and Tian Suohui finished the check-in procedures, the time had begun to approach the evening.

"Xiaohui, how far is it!"

In the sunset, on the road leading to the top of the mountain, Lin Yi asked Tian Suohui, who was beside him, rather bored.

"It's about half the journey!"

Tian Suohui tilted his head to think about it and gave Lin Yi a very painful remark.

"It looks like I need to buy a car! Every time I climb a mountain like this, it's not a way!"

Lin Yi raised his eyebrows with one hand and looked at the top of the mountain, muttering to himself.

"Ah... yes!"

"Why am I so stupid?"

Lin Yi's idea of ​​buying a car just came out, and suddenly remembered his golden finger, so he slapped his forehead and said.

"Yijun, what's wrong with you?"

Tian Suohui was puzzled by Lin Yi's self-harm.

"I want to surprise you."

Lin Yi did not directly answer Tian Suohui's question but said mysteriously.

After speaking, Lin Yi directly began to communicate with the system.

"System, I want to exchange the car."

"Don't let me choose, just get me one that fits my noble status."


Following Lin Yi's request, the system directly gave information about a car after a short silence.

"Rolls-Royce-Phantom (extended version): The only symbol of grace and nobility in the automobile kingdom, which perfectly combines modern flavor with classic and timeless design elements. Exchange price: 500 luck points"

"It's okay! Just make do with it."

"It would be nice if it could be inside Transformers in the future. Grab a few Transformers to expand the garage."

Lin Yi curled his lips in a certain way and said.

"If I redeem the system, wouldn't it just show up in front of me?"

Since Lin Yi had the experience of exchanging kitchen knives last time, so guessed.


As expected by Lin Yi, the answer given by the system was indeed the case.

"Xiaohui, close your eyes first and I will surprise you."

After Lin Yi finished communicating with the system, he once again mysteriously said to Tian Suohui.

Although Tian Suohui didn't know why, she cleverly closed her eyes at Lin Yi's request.

"System, exchange it!"

Under Lin Yi's order, fluctuations began to appear in the open space in front of him, as if a portal had been opened, and a pure white extended sedan began to slowly appear.

"Exchange Rolls-Royce-Phantom (Extended Version)"

"After deducting 500 luck points, the exchange is complete."

"Well, you can open your eyes now."

After the Rolls-Royce fully appeared, Lin Yi said to Tian Suohui.


Tian Suohui opened his eyes and screamed when he looked at Rolls Reston who suddenly appeared in front of him.

Obviously, I was surprised by this luxury car that suddenly appeared.

"This... this... how did you manage Yijun?"

"Yijun, when did you have the money to buy such an expensive car?"

"Yijun, am I not dreaming?"

Afterwards, Tian Suohui seemed to have turned into a hundred thousand why, and kept asking Lin Yi's ears.

Faced with this situation, the only thing Lin Yi can do is to calm down Tian Suohui, who has lost his sense of measure.

For Lin Yi, the only way he can control a woman is to kiss, or something more comfortable.

"Sweet and delicious" Even if Lin Yi has kissed Tian Suohui many times, it cannot alleviate his love for Tian Suohui's soft lips.

"Xiao Hui"

"It's not that I don't want to tell you, but the man with a secret is the most attractive person."

After a long time, after releasing Tian Suohui's lips, who had been blushing for a long time, Lin Yi whispered in her ear.


"What's the situation in this school?"

"This is too big to be too outrageous, right?"

At this time, besides Lin Yi and Tian Suohui on the mountainside, Xingping Chuangzhen was also rushing towards Jixingliao. At this time, he looked at the buildings in the mountains and couldn't help complaining.

It's just that this academy is beyond his expectations, even if he has a strong physical strength, he can't help but complain. It doesn't matter whether it is tired or not, it's just boring.


At this moment, a series of car horns suddenly came from behind him.

He turned around to see a pure white stretched car, Xingping Chuangzhen subconsciously stepped aside and let the road out.


To his surprise, the car stopped in front of him.


As the glass on the car door dropped, Koping Chuangzhen finally understood why the car stopped in front of him.

"Lin Yi?"

Although Xingping Chuangzhen was surprised by Lin Yi's appearance, he unceremoniously opened the car door and walked up.

"Oh oh"

"Local tyrant!"

"Just why don't you find a driver?"

Although Xingping Chuangzhen didn't know much about vehicles, he immediately felt different after he got in.

Indeed, luxury cars like Rolls-Royce are used to ride rather than drive. If it weren’t different from the wilderness, Lin Yi would not drive it himself!

"There will be milk and bread."

"The driver will come sooner or later."

After Lin Yi said this rather philosophical remark with a nonchalant expression, he suddenly turned his head and said seriously: "That reminder, please remember the seat belt."


Xingping Chuangzhen expressed his incomprehension.

"Actually, I am driving without a license, and I am still trying to drive the vehicle!"

It is said that curiosity kills the cat, but exploration is also one of the great interests of mankind, so Lin Yi did not exchange the driving skills in the system, but fumbled for how to drive after getting in the car.

Because of its remote location and wide roads, Lin Yi did not encounter any accidents.

In a surprising experience, the three finally arrived at their destination, Jixingliao.

"Is this really Jixingliao?"

"Why do I look like a ghost house?"

After the three got off the car, Xingping Chuangzhen muttered to himself while looking at the dark dormitory in front of him.

As his words fell, the surrounding crows flew up very cooperatively and made the sound that represented disaster.

"These crows are too good to set off the atmosphere!"

"Could it be that they know that Xingping Chuang is really the protagonist to please him?"

"Think too much..."

Lin Yi couldn't help thinking about it after looking at the scene before him.But soon he left the idea behind.

"Just you talk a lot"

"Xiaohui, let's go in!"

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