Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 23

After that, Lin Yi ignored Xingping Chuangzhen, who was staring at the entire dormitory in a daze, and directly took Tian Suohui's little hand to open the iron door in front of him and walked towards the hall of the dormitory.

Chapter 36-Pole Star Liao Examination

"You are the transfer students Lin Yi and Xingping Chuang who are going to live in, right?"

"I am the supervisor here, Fumio Dai Mido"

"You will call me'Maria of Pole Star' Aunt Wenxu from now on!"

"Are you two ready for the check-in?"

Just as Lin Yi and the three walked into Jixingliao, an old woman was standing on the stairs not far from the door. After seeing the three of them, a rather hoarse voice came.

"Admission assessment?"

Xingping Chuangzhen was very confused about this, apparently he did not read the check-in notice about Jixingliao.

"Lin Yi, do you know?"

Xing Ping Chuang couldn't help but cast his gaze on Lin Yi who came in at the same time as him.

"Of course I know."

"You only need to make a dish and get the approval of this aunt Wenxu."

Lin Yi somewhat helplessly explained to Xingping Chuangzhen.

"Aunt Wenxu, can I move in as Xiaohui's husband without a test?"

"I can live with Xiaohui in the same room."

Lin Yi looked at Tian Suohui's head next to him, and suddenly asked the Suguan Damitang Wenxu in front of him.

"Husband" x4

Lin Yi's words just fell silent, and not only Wen Xu, the superintendent in front of him, but also a few people in the corridor made their voices in surprise.

"Xiaohui, have only been back a few days, are you married?"

Lin Yi’s words can be described as shocking the entire Ji Xingliao like an earthquake. After all, Tian Suohui is still a minor girl. If she says she has a boyfriend, that’s nothing, but her husband’s steps are too high almost.

At this moment, he came over and took Tian Suohui with both hands and asked about the petite girl with cute curly braids.

"Yu Ji, it's just that the fiance is not married yet!"

For the girl's question, Tian Suohui looked a little shy and said Lin Yi.

"That's about it."

The petite girl understood immediately and said carelessly.

"Hello, my name is Yoshino Yuuhime"

"It's Xiaohui's best friend, although Xiaohui is stupid, but don't bully her!"

Petite girl... Oh no, it was Yuuhime Yoshino who walked up to Lin Yi after getting a clear answer from Tian Suohui and stretched out her hand to introduce it.

"Hello, my name is Lin Yi"

"I don't object to you saying that Xiaohui is stupid and cute, but I don't bully who is going to bully her."

Lin Yi knowingly reached out and shook Yoshino's little hand, but said in disapproval, it was obvious that their bullying was not on the same channel at all.

After getting Yoshino's name, the system promptly popped up.

"One of the Qiyun owners is found, it can be a strategy"

Their topic is temporarily set aside, after all, Aunt Wenxu has not agreed to Lin Yi's proposal!

"If you want to eat soft rice, you can be exempt from this assessment."

Da Mido Wenxu originally wanted to stimulate Lin Yi's self-esteem, but she underestimated the thickness of Lin Yi's face, and this ridicule had no effect on Lin Yi.

"Then thank you Aunt Wenxu, I still like soft rice."

When Lin Yi's words were outstanding, everyone looked at him, and he was really familiar with Lin Yi's shame.

"Yijun, what about sister Fengzaki?"

Just as Lin Yi admired his cheeky, Tian Suohui suddenly reminded him by his side.

"Oh! I suddenly forgot that I still have a maid! Can Aunt Wenxu prepare an extra room?"

Lin Yi suddenly thought that his maid was still living outside the school under Tian Suohui's reminder!Now that the dormitory has been allocated, she should naturally be brought in.

"No, unless you pass my assessment."

Da Mido Wenxu directly rejected Lin Yi's request.

"Xiaohui, how about buying a bigger bed when the three of us sleep together!"

After Da Mido Wenxu refused, Lin Yi thought of another idea.

"No, you regard our Xiaohui as someone, this thing is definitely not good."

Without waiting for Tian Suohui's answer, Yuki Yoshino stood next to her and rejected Lin Yi's idea.

"Well then! I'll take the assessment."

Lin Yi looked at Yuki Yoshino who seemed to be protecting the chicks at this time, and suddenly interrupted the idea of ​​one dragon and two phoenixes in his mind, and said with some disappointment.

"Then did you bring the ingredients?"

As Lin Yi agreed to the assessment, Da Mido Wenxu asked again.

But obviously she was going to be disappointed. Not to mention that Xingping Chuang really didn't know about this. Even Lin Yi didn't plan to test it. Where did the ingredients come from?

"We didn't bring that kind of magical thing."

Not to mention Xingping Chuangzhen, who doesn't know the rules, even Lin Yi who just knows doesn't have the habit of carrying food with him.

"Ah! That's right."

Just when Da Midang Wenxu heard Lin Yi's words, his eyes widened and he was about to say something, Lin Yi suddenly hammered his palm and said: "When I just came in, I saw a little white rabbit in the courtyard. Don’t use it to make a spicy little white rabbit."

"No way."

Just when Lin Yi finished talking about the movement of Xingping Chuangzhen beside him, Yoshino Yuuhime jumped out again.She even wanted to dig Lin Yi's corner.

"Xiaohui, I suggest that you think about this person. He can handle such a cute little rabbit. I really don't trust you to entrust him."


I saw that Yuuki Yoshino's words just fell silent, and Lin Yi directly knocked on her head with one hand and a palm up behind him.


Enjoying Lin Yi’s gentle blow, Yoshino Yuuki instantly hugged her head and squatted on the ground...

"Please don't ruin my reputation casually, let alone dig my corner in front of me! You fool."

After Lin Yi complained to Yuuki Yoshino, he looked at Fumio Dai Mido and said, "Let's go to the kitchen to see what ingredients are there!"

Chapter 37-Pasta

Now not only Fumio Dai Mido, but other people in the dormitory are also leaving for the kitchen.

Anyway, I was idle and bored, so I could just observe the cooking skills of the two, and more importantly, I wanted to see who Lin Yi was.

"I tell you, there are only bits and pieces of ingredients in the kitchen."

"If you can't make the food that satisfies me, then even if you are Xiaohui's object, you can't even want to live in Jixing Liao."

After Fumio Dai Mido brought everyone to the kitchen, he first turned on the lights.Then turned around and looked at the two people who were quite satisfied with the Ji Xing Liao kitchen at this time. The last sentence was a warning to Lin Yi.

"Being able to pass the assessment of Erina Nakiri, one of the top ten, who is known as the tongue of god, shows that their cooking skills are still quite good."

"The assessment of Jixingliao must not be difficult for them."

Not long after everyone came to the kitchen, a man was wearing an apron... When will the apron be used as clothing? Besides, isn't the nude apron only for girls?What the hell is this man?

Wearing an apron... naked is Isshiki Hui, who is ranked seventh among the top ten.

Seeing him quietly appearing behind Tian Suohui and Yoshino Yuuhime suddenly surprised them.

"Senior, I think you should put on your clothes! It's really bad customs."

"So as not to scare the two new members."

Maybe Isshiki Hui's dress is more hateful!Before he waited for the frightened Yoshino Yuuhime to speak, he heard a helpless voice from behind Isshiki Hui.

"Ryoko, you are coming too!"

While they were talking in silence, Lin Yi, who was admonished by Wenxu Da Mido, began to retort: ​​"Chefs are a group of people who can turn corruption into magic."

"We are never afraid of challenges."

Lin Yi said with a serious expression with his head up high and said this passage that made everyone quite touched.

"Lin Yi said yes."

"Although the ingredients here are fragmentary, there is no pressure to make a few dishes."

When Lin Yi finished speaking, Xingping Chuangzhen, who had been patrolling the kitchen and groping for the ingredients, came to Lin Yi's back and said in agreement.

"Xiaohui, I didn't see it!"

"Your husband is still very temperamental!"

"Although he is not as handsome as his predecessor, I feel that he is much more reliable than his predecessor."

There is no one who can speak like this. I saw that Yuuhime Yoshino's words just fell silent, and Lin Yi and Isshiki, who had killed two birds with one stone, cast unkind eyes instantly.

In fact, Lin Yi originally wanted to say that even if he didn't pass the test, he would spend the night in his car!It's not a big deal anyway.It's a pity to be interrupted by the second person Yoshino Yuuhime.

"Yuhime, I think you'd better stop for a while."

Except for Yoshino Yuuhime himself and the somewhat cute Tian Suohui, everyone else naturally noticed the atmosphere at this moment. At this time, I saw the beautiful girl with long red hair and big breasts behind Yoshino Yuuhime, who just arrived, Ryoko coughed slightly. She spoke to Yuuhime Yoshino and suggested.


After hearing Sakura Ryoko's words, Yoshino Yuuhime turned around and asked with some confusion.

For the seemingly second-hand Yoshino Yuuhime, not only Lin Yi but also others chose to ignore it.

"What the hell should I do?"

I was already very tired on the way, but now I have to prepare cooking, so Lin Yi thought about getting some dishes by the way.

When the sharp-eyed Lin Yi was searching for ingredients, Lin Yi found half a handful of noodles in the cupboard.

"Noodles: edible (PS: This is a noodles that will expire soon, please cherish it.)"

The message that the noodles were reflected by the hand of God was quite simple, but the latter sentence made Lin Yi a little speechless.

"Chuang Zhen, have you decided what to do?"

Lin Yichao asked Chuangzhen Xingping who was still thinking with the half-handle in his hand.

"A little onion and other vegetables, eggs, flour, various seasonings"

"It seems there are canned fish"

When Lin Yi asked, Xingping Chuangzhen murmured to himself, putting the limited materials into his mind and starting to make random combinations to make a unique dish.

"Just do it."

Xingping Chuangzhen, who was thinking at this time, directly ignored Lin Yi's question. Lin Yi didn't say anything about it, but just walked up to one of the stoves and set fire to water.

"I love taking a bath, my skin is good, Oye... Oye..."

Compared to Xingping Chuangzhen, who decided to cook all kinds of busy work, Lin Yi was just cooking the soup and singing shocking songs in his broken gong voice.


"How about we come back later!"

At this time, the tortured audience couldn't stand it anymore, and Yuuhime Yoshino, who was already restless, offered his opinion directly.

"Boy over there, you are too noisy."

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