Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 32

"When does it begin?"

After hearing Lin Yi's answer, Miyoko Hojo couldn't help showing a smile on his serious expression.

"Laughing so good-looking, why are you always so serious!"

Lin Yi looked at the heroic smile of Miyoko Hojo and couldn't help asking in surprise.

Unfortunately, Miyoko Hojo did not answer Lin Yi's question.

"How about this!"

"You go to Jixingliao tomorrow morning, which is the dormitory where I live, and we will have a match then."

"Having one of the top ten, Isshiki Hui, will naturally guarantee fairness."

"Of course you can apply for halberd if you don't find it bothersome, but it may take a few days."

Lin Yi thought for a while and decided.Finally, considering Miyoko Hojo's opinion, she can apply for jiji.

"That'll be fine"

"Tomorrow I will find you."

Miyoko Hojo turned around and left after speaking.

"How do you feel more domineering than me?"

"Forget it, wait for you to become my maid to see how I can train you well."

Lin Yi looked at Miyoko Hojo, who had left after the conversation, and a lot of dirty thoughts flashed through his mind.

"I am a gentleman... I am a gentleman..."

After Lin Yi muttered in his heart several times and buried the dirty thoughts in his heart, he then continued to wander around...

Chapter 51

Da da da……

Lin Yi began to wander around the entire academy. What Lin Yi had to do at this time was not only to pass the time, but also to go to various clubs to see if he could browse the recipes they had studied since its establishment.

Human wisdom is infinite. Although their recipes may not be great, they can at least enrich Lin Yi's vision and perhaps bring him different inspirations.

At other times, unless Lin Yi joined a certain society, it would be possible to check the various special recipes studied by the predecessors, but now it is different.

Because it hasn't been long since Nagiri Erina became the top ten, she urgently needs to hold some of Yuanyue's resources in her hands to expand her strength, but Yuanyue's resources have all been allocated.

All she can do is to use her own strength to grab it. Now there are many research societies facing the crisis of abolition under her oppression, so those recipes are not important.

"Ah! It's you guy."

"No running."

Lin Yi came to a place called the Hotpot Cuisine Research Association. When he was about to go in and take a look, a girl's cute voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Arrogant transfer student."

Originally, Lin Yi didn't care, after all, it wasn't necessarily himself who called out.It's a pity that the following sentence made Lin Yi stop.


Lin Yi turned around and immediately saw the visitor. The visitor was a man and a woman. After seeing their obvious characteristics, Lin Yi knew who it was without asking.

Lin Yi couldn't help but look pleasing to the bright silver short hair.In fact, Lin Yi is still very interested in her cute and funny performance.

Nageri Alice, Erina's cousin, is a powerful and beautiful girl known as the son of God in molecular gastronomy.

The man beside her is...well!What's it called? Mirror recruitment, loyalty and luck,


"One of the Qiyun owners is found, it can be a strategy"

After Lin Yi confirmed his identity, the system sent a message soon.

"Beauty, you have something to do with me."

Lin Yi did not think that her charm was strong enough to attract her. I thought it must be her words at the opening ceremony that made her worry about it!

"Where is the squeak ball I gave you?"

Alice asked with the name called "Jingbuyiyi" to stir up four loyalty and loyalty to compare to Egypt, also wiping out his brother and benevolent helper, Yuezhong, and enemy, and asked the emperor.

"Crack the ball?"

"Are you talking about this?"

Akiki was used to Alice's thoughtless question.After thinking for a while, he opened a small bag on the waist side and took out two balls, one black and one white, spinning in his hands.

"Yes, this is it."

Alice smiled in surprise and was very satisfied. At this time, Jing Nao was very tired, Lu Xuan was swayed and closed, and he was very oppressive to Lin Yi.

"Although this action is very imposing, but it does not have any deterrent effect on me, you should put it away!"

It's a pity that Lin Yi's words of shock came over when Alice was surprised.

"Hello, why are you so annoying?"

Alice suddenly became dissatisfied, but this was the method she finally came up with, and it was directly hit by Lin Yi just after it was used.

Although Lin Yi wants to play with her ambiguously and teasing her about the coincidence Alice, but there is no way to have her follower Jing×Guan A Zhong Book drag  Su Shao Naoji Collect Institutional neon cavity

"If you are okay, then I will flash."

"I'm busy!"

Lin Yi didn't care about Alice's dissatisfied expression, turned his head and prepared to leave.


"You guy is very rude! Don't you be tempted by such a beautiful woman in front of you?"

Just when Lin Yi turned around and didn't intend to enter the hot pot restaurant and was about to leave here, Alice Nakiri trot in front of Lin Yi and said with a little dissatisfaction.

"Thank you, very white and big."

Alice's slightly bent body naturally exposed the spring light on her chest. Lin Yi embraced the gentleman's character of seeing no evil and admired the exposed spring light, and reminded her better afterwards.

"You didn't come here to give me benefits!"

After enjoying the spring light on Alice's chest, Lin Yi couldn't help but said, "I suddenly realized."

"Narcissist, lecherous."

"You are already on my blacklist, you are waiting."

Alice couldn't help but blush when she saw Lin Yi staring at the back of her chest.

Then he said with his hands in front of his chest in a defiant tone.

"Aren't you trying to seduce me?"

"Why are you angry when I succeeded in getting into the set? You are so strange."

Lin Yi looked at Alice as if she was angry, and said with an innocent face.

"The ghost wants to seduce you, I just...just"

Just after Lin Yi had finished speaking, Alice's anger broke out in her heart, but she forgot the purpose of the beginning.


So she directly turned her gaze to her attendant Kurokiba Ryo.

"What's wrong? Missy."

Kurokiba Ryo, who looked confused as if not awake, couldn't help but asked in confusion after noticing Alice's look.

"Don't you know how to act with a wink?"

Regarding Kurokiba Ryo's state of confusion, Alice's brain, which was dizzy by Lin Yi, rose again.

"Your forgetful eldest lady has forgotten something to find me, and now she wants to find answers from you."

Before the two could speak, Lin Yi offered to help them.

"Yes... blame"

"Hate, you are forgetful!"

I have to say that Alice's brain reaction is quite rapid, and it is really not easy to get her.

"Miss, you just met him by coincidence, so I have no idea what you want to do."


Lin Yi didn't want to express any opinions about this strange master and servant.

Chapter 52

Jing×Purchasing the car screen and pushing the car screen eight cloths

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yi saw Alice grumbling, as if she wanted to release Pikachu's unique air cannon to kill the person in front of her.

"Actually, you can find me anytime you want."

"For beautiful women, I still rarely refuse."

"Especially meet in some remote places."

Lin Yi had just finished speaking, and Alice's anger instantly exploded.

However, it is a pity that Lin Yi never gives others the opportunity to magnify the trick, especially for his beauties.

Just when the look between Alice's brows condensed and wanted to say something to Lin Yi, who was utterly talkative, Lin Yi directly leaned forward with the help of the close relationship between the two and used reality to teach Alice a good lesson. What is shameless is invincible.


Just in a daze, Nageki Alice was strongly kissed by Lin Yi.

Not to mention herself, even the realm behind Alice at this time × Gou Zazuo Zhongjun male unloading, and playing the crab from the foundation.

Originally, this posture could be maintained for a while in Lin Yi's enjoyment, and the other two were surprised, but what Lin Yi did not expect was that Alice decisively pushed Lin Yi away when she felt that her lips were further invaded.

"Bah baah baah"

"How can you guy do such a shameless act to a lady."

Alice Nakiri took a few steps back and spit a few saliva on the ground before glaring at Lin Yi.

Not only that, but the original environment that has always been confused as if there is no energy × good  worry beech⑸yunhuanabout dry woodκ head phra Shun chu chu  if it is miscellaneous Loyalty and even hovering in front of the screen, the curtain, the curtain, the curtain, the curtain, the curtain

"Is it the first kiss?"

"It seems that I still earned it!"

Lin Yi was not only not angry at the glaring words about Alice, but instead said words that made Alice run away.

"That's the price you stopped me this time."

"If there is another time, I think it won't be that simple."

After Lin Yi finished speaking, Alice left with only her chest bouncing in place.

"Asshole... asshole"

"You wait for me."

Alice looked at Lin Yi, who had left after taking advantage of her, and yelled suddenly.

"Miss, you look like the wailing of a defeated dog like this."

Don’t need Lin Yi to speak, Jing×Weird benzene glaze

"To shut up"

"This thing is endless."

Alice is hearing about Jing×Gonggou Doumu Dam   is the thief ship paralyzed Tutu's Remoxime, forgive me.

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