Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 33


"The weather is really good today."

"It seems that I am going for peach blossom luck! Sure enough, sometimes people's luck can't be stopped and can't be stopped!"

Lin Yi, who strolled around on campus, touched his lips and felt the mellow aroma left by Alice, and couldn't help but sigh with a smile.

"Da da da……"

Lin Yi slowly walked into the room marked'Banfan Research Association' at the door.

At this time, the rice bowl research society seemed to have been looted, various cooking recipes scattered all over the place, and an object that looked like a statue man was sitting motionless on a chair.

"Sorry, please go back!"

"Gaiyan will be abolished soon."

The long-haired male chicken statue on the seat seemed to hear the sound of Lin Yi entering the door, and he said to himself without raising his head.

"It's okay, you continue to act as a statue!"

"Don't worry about me, I just take a look."

Lin Yi didn't care about the words of the statue man.

Then the two sides fell into silence, the statue man continued to be in a daze, and Lin Yi read the recipes of the rice bowl research group for a long time. Although Lin Yi’s cooking skills reached the peak, there were still some ideas in so many recipes that made him Eye-opening.



There was no sound in the room, leaving only Lin Yi's constant flipping sound.




"Are you interested in rice bowls?"

Soon the stone carving man couldn't help it. He was okay with one person, but now there is another person next to him, which makes him unable to be in a daze.

So he looked up at Lin Yi and asked.


Lin Yi's answer did not pause at all.

"Then what are you?"

Lin Yi's answer puzzled the stone carving man. Since he is not interested, why keep watching these recipes.

"Idle and Boring"

"Your member has finished running!"

Although Lin Yi used questioning words, his tone was very certain.

"But it is also. No matter who puts on a trash president, he will despair, and it is reasonable to quit the club.

Lin Yi's words directly gave the stone carving man the heaviest blow.

"You'd better be your stone sculpture! Don't bother people anymore."

Lin Yi's words immediately made the stone carving man feel like there is no place for him in the world.


Obviously, sometimes there is always a blind eye to bother you.

Just when Lin Yi was about to ignore the chief commander of Gaiyan, Xiaoxikuan, and watch the recipe quietly for a while, a few figures in overalls walked in at the door and began to look around.

"Sure enough, it is faster to demolish and rebuild than to rebuild."

I saw the staff who watched the room very casually and said to the outside of the door.

"Really? Just do that."

As the words fell, a girl dressed in sexy came in from the door.

"What are you doing? Mito"

Konishi Kanichi, who had been acting as a stone sculpture just now, couldn't help but stand up to the girl's self-care decision.

"What to do? Of course it is to check in advance, after all, the result is already obvious."

In response to Konishi Kanichi's question, the girl chuckled and walked to him quickly.In Konishi Kan's horrified look...


The girl kicked on the iron box behind Konishi Kan...

Chapter 53

"Mito Yumei? Has the plot begun?"

After Lin Yi heard the noise, he recovered and looked at the sound.

After looking at the girl's rather cool dress, Lin Yi immediately understood who the person was.

"What's the noise? Be quiet!"

Lin Yi's words interrupted the conversation between Mito Yumi and Konishi Kanichi.

"This classmate, are you a member here?"

In Lin Yi's silent but pressured words, he couldn't help but pause.

As the leader, Yumei Mito naturally stood up at this time.

"For teachers, please use honorifics."

After hearing Mito Yumei's question, Lin Yi looked at her in cool clothes and reminded her with interest.


What Lin Yi said was not only Mito Yumei but also Konishi Kanichi, the president of the rice bowl research institute who had been in a state of stone carving.


Mito Yumei was amused and puzzled by Lin Yi's words, so she moved closer to Lin Yi, who was standing in a remote corner, to see how sacred he was.

"It's you, that arrogant transfer student."

As Mito Yumei approached, she recognized who this man was at a glance.

"Does anyone talk to the teacher like this?"

At this moment, Lin Yi's eyes condensed, and he glanced at Mito Yumei.

Although Mito Yumei, who was stared at by Lin Yi, was very upset, it was undeniable that Lin Yi was a teacher.

Now it has been spread throughout the school that once at the welcome party for freshmen, Lin Yi, who was so arrogant, received a grade A or above in the first class of Roland Chapel, and was recruited by Professor Roland as an assistant teacher.

"I wonder if Teacher Lin Yi has any advice here?"

Although the top management of Yuanyue Academy is the commander-in-chief and top ten, teachers at all levels outside of them can naturally take care of them. They are the students at the bottom of the academy.

Although Mito Yumei was very disdainful of Lin Yi, his identity as a teacher was there, and she had to reply.

"I just want to read a book quietly."

Lin Yi directly raised his hand about the recipe for rice bowl and said.

"Rice bowls and everything are evil, food is food, and rice is rice."

"Besides, this club will be torn down. What's so interesting about these recipes."

After understanding what Lin Yi had done, Mito Yumei said with a look of disdain.

"Any cooking must have its merits, even dark cooking."

"You don't want a mentality like this."

Lin Yi watched Mito Yumei, who was indifferent to rice bowls, immediately entered the teaching mode...

"Although you are hired by Teacher Chapel as a teaching assistant, you may not be able to teach us. Don't worry!"

Mito Yumei obviously did not agree with Lin Yi's rhetoric.

Although Kanichi Konishi, the president of the rice bowl research institute, wanted to refute Mito Yumei's words, he did not dare to speak because of her lust.

"The disobedient female classmate and teacher like it the most."

At this time, Lin Yi was not only not angry, but squinted and said with a smile.

Without waiting for Yumei Mito's reply, Lin Yi directly asked Konishikuan who was acting as a stone sculpture at this time: "I want to come here to eat the halberd in the name of rice bowl researcher, don't you have any comments!"


Xiao Xikuan was taken aback by Lin Yi's sudden words.

But Lin Yi was obviously not asking for his opinion, but just to remind him.

"Young girl, are you interested in taking a gamble in life?"

At this time, Lin Yi looked at Mito Yumei and asked in a frivolous tone.

"What do you mean?"

Mito Yumei was obviously confused about Lin Yi's words, and she couldn't help but frown and asked.

"As a teacher, there must always be close students around."

"If you can beat me in the battle of the halberd, then the place of the rice bowl research is at your disposal."

"But if I lose, I don't mind multiple female students who can communicate with each other."

Lin Yi replied solemnly to Mito Yumei's question.If it wasn't for Mito's Yumei and not stupid, she would almost think that he was a gentleman looking at Lin Yi's tone and expression.

"How can you be so shameless!"

"What kind of female student who communicates physically and mentally? Such shameless words are at the expense of what he said.

Mito Yumei couldn't help but arrange her secretly about Lin Yi's condition.

"It seems you have an opinion."

"How about that, I'm adding a condition that I will become your property if you win?"

When Mito Yumei was not satisfied with the conditions of Lin Yi's halberd war, Lin Yi suddenly added.This request could not help but make his eyes shine.

"Okay, I agree."

For being able to accept the most arrogant transfer student since the establishment of Tomotsu Academy Academy as servants, thinking about it, I feel energetic, so Mito Yumei instantly agreed to Lin Yi's halberd battle.


"Challenge Mission: The First Battle of Food Halberd"

"Task requirements: to show the majesty of a teacher to female students who are provocative like you! Use whips and candles to let her know how terrible being a teacher is."

"Task Reward: One Thousand Luck Points"

The moment Mito Yumi agreed with Lin Yi to eat the halberd, the system prompt followed.

"Actually, I always have a question I want to ask you. Don't be angry after I said."

At this time, Lin Yi slowly walked to Mito Yumei, and suddenly asked an irrelevant question.

"go ahead!"

Mito Yumei was in a good mood at this time, so he didn't care to answer.

"I just want to know if you wear it so cold?"

Lin Yi glanced at Mito Yumei's three-point clothes, and asked in surprise.

"Forget it, I'll feel it myself!"

Lin Yi took the initiative to embrace Mito Yumei when he was a little sluggish about his problems.

While Lin Yi felt the surging surging on Mito Yumei's chest, her hands could not help but stroke the exposed skin of her clothes.

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