Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 34

"It's still very comfortable to the touch."

At this time, not to mention Mito Yumei himself, who was taken advantage of by Lin Yi, even the staff watching the lively demolition.

"It's really a god and man."

For Lin Yi, who dared to be upright, the president of the rice bowl research institute Konishi Kanyi, who was still very frustrated, gave a thumbs up.

Chapter 54


Just as the people in Jixingliao were working in the countryside, the sound of car horns came from the door of the dormitory.

"It should be Yijun who brought Sister Fengzaki back."

The sound of the car's whistle directly reminded Tian Suohui that Lin Yi was back.


"Xiaohui, your heart is too big too!"

"But he took a woman back, aren't you afraid of Lin Yi's transference?"

Yoshino Yuuhime on the side was not calm, and began to question Tian Suohui.

"Probably not!"

Tian Suohui said with some disbelief about what Yuuhime Yoshino said.

"probably not?"

"Can you remove the word should be?"

"I feel hungry just for you, I don't have a sense of crisis."

When Yoshino Yuuhime heard Tian Suohui's words, she rolled her eyes and said somewhat irritably.

"Xiaohui, as the main house, you have to show your aura and tell Lin Yi to reject all minors."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid your status will be suspended by then."

"I heard you said that Fengzaki was a senior executive of a certain group before. If she gets in between you and Lin Yi, you will not be played to death."

It's a pity that these words of Yoshino Yuuhime not only failed to cheer up Tian Suohui, but made her a little depressed.

Without it, it was mainly because of the "rejection of everything" that Yuuhime Yoshino said. To a certain extent, she also belongs to the junior. After all, Lin Yi's first woman was not herself but her mother Mieko.

This is also why Tian Suohui did not object to Lin Yi looking for other women.

"Xiao Hui, Xiao Hui"

"What happened to you?"

Yoshino Yuuhime had originally planned to instill some experience of the husband in Tian Suohui, isn't it a pity that she didn't have to come out after searching for so long last night.

But then Yoshino Yuuhime found that Tian Suohui was in a state of loss of soul, and couldn't help worrying.

"Now I know I'm nervous!"

Just when Yoshino Yuuhime couldn't know the state of Tian Suohui, she walked over as their eldest sister Ryoko.

"What's wrong with Xiaohui (⊙⊙?)?"

Yoshino Yuuhime couldn't help asking Sakura Ryoko, who was unclear about Xiaohui's state.

"Hmm! Let me think about it."

After Yoshino Yuuhime asked, Sakura Ryoko lightly hummed and started thinking.

Just now she was behind, but she understood the conversation between the two of them clearly, so she began to organize her thoughts.

"Is it possible?"

Sherlock Holmes' version of Sakura Ryoko reappeared, and she suddenly screamed in surprise after thinking for a while.

"What happened?"

It was not Yuuhime Yoshino who was speaking, but Hui Isshiki who was wearing a loincloth and brandishing a hoe not far away.

He had noticed the situation here early in the morning. He had been eavesdropping for a long time with his gossip spirit, and he subconsciously asked Sakura Ryoko's surprised expression.

"Aoki, Sato."

Ryoko Sakura didn't say a word, and directly waved to the two strongest boys in Ji Xingliao.

"Do me a favor and lift our senior Isshiki away."

Without waiting for the two to ask questions, Sakura Ryoko directly pointed to Isshiki Hui who was standing not far away at this time.

"Little meaning."

Dago Aoki and Akira Sato barked their teeth, and they stood up and dragged away before Ishiki Hui could resist.


From a distance came a cry of unwillingness to Huihui.

After seeing Isshiki Hui being dragged away, Sakura Ryoko set his eyes on Tian Suohui again.

"Xiaohui, tell me honestly."

"Does Lin Yi already have other women before you?"

As soon as Sakura Ryoko's words fell silent, Tian Suohui's surprised eyes looked at her.

Sherlock Holmes' version of Sakura Ryoko once again got an insight into the truth of the matter.

"What? This bastard is already on two boats now?"

It was not only Tian Suohui who was surprised by Sakaki Ryoko's words, but also Yoshino Yuuhime on the side.

"It's no wonder that your face started to be wrong when I said I would reject all the juniors."

"The original reason is here."

After understanding the problem, Yoshino Yuuhime suddenly realized...

"Xiaohui, tell us something about Lin Yi now!"

When Sakura Ryoko spoke, Tian Suohui's expression hesitated.

"It's not for you to say everything, we just want to get a general understanding of Lin Yi."

"You can choose not to say what you don't want to say."

Sakaki Ryoko immediately explained when he looked at Tian Suohui's hesitation.

"OK then!"

With Tian Suohui's consent, Tian Suohui began to narrate about Lin Yi.


Time passed quickly, and Tian Suohui's narration was over in about ten minutes.

"What the hell?"

"Is he a foreigner?"

In just over ten minutes, Sakura Ryoko and Yoshino Yuuhime understood how shameless Lin Yi was when he came to this world.

But this is not the point. The point is that Lin Yi's magical way of appearance just mentioned by Yoshino Yuuhime.

At that time, everyone in Zhuang Huiyuan was not surprised by Lin Yi's appearance. After all, according to Lin Yi's self-introduction, he was Tian Suohui's classmate.

But after hearing Tian Suohui's account, Sakura Ryoko and Yoshino Yuuhime couldn't help but become curious.

"Hey, he finally caught his little tail."

"If you don't want to slice and study, you have to listen to us obediently."

After that, Yoshino Yuuhime couldn't help but laughed, her eyes flashing with fascinating eyes.

"According to yesterday's contact and Xiaohui's description, I feel that if you use this to threaten him, you will end up miserably."

Sakura Ryoko poured cold water on Yoshino Yuuhime's countless ideas.


Regarding Sakura Ryoko's words, Tian Suohui nodded in agreement.

"I almost forgot. Based on what he did last night, I can tell that Lin Yi absolutely lost his integrity."

Yoshino Yuuhime couldn't help but said in frustration.

"What did you do last night?"

Yoshino Yuuhime's words caused several question marks to appear on Tian Suohui's head.


Yoshino Yuuhime couldn't help but replied with some embarrassment.

Chapter 55

"Xiao Hui, come to the lobby."

Just when the three of Tian Suohui were about to continue the discussion, the voice of Su Guan Da Mido Fumio suddenly came from the speakers in the distance.

"Why doesn't that guy Lin Yi come here by himself?"

"It's too much to want Xiaohui to go there."

After hearing the auntie's call, Tian Suohui began to embarrass her before Yuuhime Yoshino spoke.

"Go, I'll go with you."

After speaking, Yuuhime Yoshino raised Tian Suohui's small hand and walked towards the hall of the dormitory.


When entering the hall, the first thing that caught Yoshino's eyes was a pair of surging Europeans.

Yoshino Yuuhime looked at the huge chest in front of her, and she subconsciously looked behind her, perhaps only Ryoko could match it.

"what's wrong?"

Ryoko Sakura couldn't help asking strangely for the look in Yoshino Yuuhime's eyes.

"It's nothing."

"What about that guy Lin Yi? Why isn't he here?"

After Yoshino Yuuhime perfunctory Ryoko Sakura, found that there was no Lin Yi's voice in the hall, she couldn't help asking loudly.

"Sister Fengzaki, didn't Yijun come back with you?"

At this time, Tian Suohui asked Minezaki Yaeko directly curiously.

"The host said he would visit the school, and he will inform me to pick him up at that time."

For Tian Suohui's doubts, Minezaki Yaeko chuckled and began to explain to Tian Suohui.

Fengzaki's words couldn't help but stop Yuuhime Yoshino, who was originally agitated and wanted to trouble Lin Yi.

"Xiaohui, since you are here, let you take her to Lin Yi's room!"

At this time, Suguan Dai Mido Fumio, who was standing by, said to Tian Suohui.

"Aunt Wenxu, leave it to me here!"


Tian Suohui took Minezaki to the next door to her room, which was the room assigned by Fumio Omitou.

"Sister Fengzaki, this is Yijun's room."

"I will show you the entire Jixing Liao later."

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