Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 35

Tian Suohui brought Minezaki Yaeko to the room again, put down the luggage she was helping with in her hand, and then spoke casually.

"Did the master not sleep here last night?"

Yaeko Minezaki couldn't help asking curiously, looking at the seats and beds around him.

"That... my room is next door."

Tian Suohui answered Fengzaki's doubts hesitantly.

As soon as Tian Suohui said this, Minezaki understood it instantly.For Fengzaki, who has been with Lin Yi for a while, he has a general understanding of his character.

If someone warms the bed next door, why bother to keep the empty room alone!

"Then what happened to you?"

Fengzaki couldn't help but become curious about the two who slept together again.

"I drank too much yesterday and slept so badly that Yijun didn't do it."

Regarding Minezaki's question, Tian Suohui couldn't help but said with some frustration.

"It doesn't matter, today is an opportunity."

"I don't believe that he can still hold you tonight and sleep with him."


at dusk

After taking a bath, Fengzaki Wada Suohui returned to the room and saw Lin Yi sitting on the bed with a smile.

Although Fengzaki guessed that Lin Yi would do something to Tian Suohui tonight, Lin Yi's appetite was even greater.

According to the current model, it is clearly a rhythm of one shot and two sounds!

"come on!"

Lin Yi directly hooked his finger at Minezaki Wada Suohui who was in a daze at this time.

In response to Lin Yi's order, Fengzaki directly took the shy Tian Suohui and walked over.

"Two attractive little fairies."

Lin Yi looked at the two girls who were shy in front of him, and threw them down without saying a word.

Lin Yi sniffed slightly against them, and two different scents passed into Lin Yi's nose.

In an instant, Lin Yi's small universe exploded, and with his superb cooking skills, he realized the law of breaking clothes in an instant.


As the two women exclaimed, the rags in the room began to fly.

"Let us do something happy now!"

After Lin Yi finished speaking, first kissed Feng Qi's lips...


"... (I'm a happy river crab)"

The exchange between you and me lasted about an hour before Lin Yi let Fengzaki fall asleep satisfactorily.

If it hadn't been for Lin Yi to exchange more powerful cooking skills to improve his physical fitness to an inhuman level, I am afraid he would have collapsed after meeting Fengzaki.


After pacing Minizaki, Lin Yi grinned and fixed his eyes on Tian Suohui, who was in a state of excitement watching the live eroticism scene.


At this time, Tian Suohui was looking at Lin Yi with blurred eyes, and the mouth even sent out an invitation like words.

Faced with this situation, how Lin Yi could endure this situation, after Lin Yi approached, Tian Suohui took the initiative to give a kiss.


The volcano in Lin Yi's heart erupted...

(...I am another happy river crab!)

"Xiaohui, let me love you well!"

With the fall of Lin Yi's words, Tian Suohui successfully broke away from the ranks of girls with a cry of pain.

The snow-white moon illuminates the two people working hard in Room 302...


With a high-pitched cry, Tian Suohui felt that she had risen into the blissful world among the clouds...

"So bad?"

With the passage of time, after meeting the two daughters of Fengzaki and Sohui, Lin Yi discovered that the bed in his room was unexpectedly small.Although the three of them can sleep, they seem very crowded.

"Forget it, I'll go to sleep next door!"

"It seems we have to find a time to buy a bigger bed."

After Lin Yi glanced at the two women who were contented and fell asleep at this time, he sighed lightly, covered them with the quilt, and walked out of the room.


Lin Yi, who gently closed the door, suddenly noticed Yoshino Yuuhime who was not far away.

"Yuhime, how come you haven't slept yet?"

"You are not here to listen to the corner, are you?"

As soon as Lin Yi said this, Yoshino Yuuki's face blushed, and she turned and left without saying a word.

"Don't run!"

"It's a long night. Since you and I have no intention of sleeping, why not come to my room and talk about life, and talk about ideals."

After hearing this invitation from Lin Yi, Yoshino Yuuki ran faster.

"Talk about life, talk about ideals?"

"I think I will talk to bed in the end. Can I not afford to provoke it and hide?"

Yoshino Yuuhime murmured inwardly and left the third floor.

Chapter 56

"This guy, you must make him look good then."

In the kitchen of a large building, a girl with short blond hair dressed in Lin Yi's familiar three-point style was studying cooking in front of the kitchen counter, and gnashing her teeth secretly.

This person is the Mito Yumei who set the halberd battle with Lin Yi yesterday.

As for why she was so angry, it was not because Lin Yi, a thick-skinned guy like the city wall, was angry.

Yesterday, if it wasn't for her quick response, then Lin Yi would not be as simple as touching her skin. She could find that Lin Yi's hands had a tendency to spread to her chest.

"When I win you, I must train myself well. As a man, I can't be so shameless."

"How can a girl's body be touched."

After murmured to himself, Yumei Mito turned his attention to the new dishes. The two sides did not stipulate which dishes to use to decide the outcome, but for Lin Yi to get an A grade or above in the classroom of Mr. Chapel, Mito Yumei must go all out.


"Master Erina, I heard that Mito Yumei and that transfer student Lin Yi have a halberd fight three days later. Are you going to see it?"

At this time, in an office of Totsuki Gakuen, Nito Hisako who stood by the side suddenly said to Nagiri Erina who was dealing with affairs.


Nagiri Erina shuddered subconsciously after hearing Lin Yi's name, obviously she had this slightly different feeling for Lin Yi.


Nito Hisako was not suspicious, she simply thought Erina hadn't heard it clearly, so she repeated it again.

"Huh... don't look at it."

"There is no suspense in this matter. Although Mito Yumei is good at cooking, she is far from Lin Yi."

"This nasty man apparently digs a hole to make her jump down, and it is useless."

After taking a few deep breaths and forgetting Lin Yi's existence, Erina instantly regained her glamorous temperament and analyzed it to Nito Hishasha.

"Is this Lin Yi really so strong?"

Nito Hisako did not disagree with Erina's analysis, but he was somewhat confused about Lin Yi's level.

"Too strong, I am not his opponent either."

After sighing intently about the doubts of Nito Hishasa, Urina couldn't help but remember the scene of being forcibly assaulted by Lin Yi, her face flushed.


"Although this guy is strong, he doesn't have the dignity of a certain strong person. He is a rascal at all."

Erina, who was thinking about it more and more angry, suddenly slapped the table, and complained loudly after taking Nito Hisago by surprise.



Room 302


The door to the room was broken open instantly, and an agile shadow rushed in.

"Lin Yi, why haven't you got up yet."

Yoshino Yuuhime is the only girl in the entire Pole Stars Liao that is so popular.

"It's such a big morning, can you not disturb your dreams?"

Lin Yi, who was sleeping on the bed at this time, directly covered his head with the quilt and said.

"No, get up quickly."

"I have something to ask you."

Where did Yoshino Yuuki willing to follow Lin Yi's will, and directly came and pulled his quilt.

"Be honest with me!"

At this moment, Lin Yi lifted the quilt and pulled the overwhelmed Yoshino Yuuki into his arms.

"Your body smells so good!"

"Since it's here, let me sleep well with me!"

Without waiting for Yoshino Yuuhime to resist, Lin Yi tightly held Yoshino Yuuhime in her arms and whispered in her ear.

Yoshino Yuuki, who was held in Lin Yi's arms, was in a state of confusion. She wanted to struggle but couldn't resist Lin Yi's brute force.

Screaming for help but worried about being misunderstood by others.

"Aren't you afraid of Xiaohui getting angry like this?"

For the shameless Lin Yi, Yoshino Yuuhime had no choice but to put the shield of Tian Suohui.

"Don't be afraid, what did I do? We are innocent without taking off our clothes."

To Lin Yi's answer, Yoshino Yuuhime closed her eyes and didn't know what to say.

"ask you a question"

"Did you and Xiaohui the one last night?"

Then Yoshino Yuuhime who diverted her attention instantly came to her spirit, gossip spirit.


It's not that Lin Yi deliberately pretended to be tender. After hearing this question from Yoshino Yuuhime, Lin Yi didn't think about that at first.

"It's... just... the kind of thing that can give birth to a baby."

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