Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 330

Chapter 76

Sun, beach...

At the moment, Yotsuba Zhenye is enjoying the sun bathing on the exclusive private beach of the Yotsuba family...

"Patriarch, Mr. Lin's call."

At this moment, a girl in a bikini suddenly appeared beside her and handed the mobile phone in front of Yotsuba Maya, with a very calm face.

"Darling, miss me!"

Yotsuba Zhenye answered the call, and after seeing the words'Dear' displayed on the phone, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly and said to the other end of the phone.


"My husband asked me to tell you something..."

Yotsuba Zhenye, who was waiting for Lin Yi to reply, couldn’t help but not waiting for Lin Yi’s familiar voice. Instead, a female voice that made her very unfamiliar came to her ears, especially the other party’s familiar name, which made Siye Zhenye wonder why. There is a kind of restlessness...

"you are?"

To this strange voice, Yotsuba Maya asked flatly.

The reason why Siye Zhenye asked this was mainly because after she left Siye's home from Lin Yi to go to the first high school, she knew all the women Lin Yi had daily contact with, but she had never heard this voice.

It even said that it had never appeared in the intelligence, which made Yotsuba Maiya very curious...

"Since you are also the husband's woman, you can call me sister Xinnai..."

Regarding Yotsuba Maya's question, the words from the other side suddenly made her have the urge to run away...


"Then I don't know what Darling has to tell me?"

Although Yotsuba Maya asked in a very flat tone what was the matter with Oda Shinna on the phone, the gradual freezing sea in front of her at the moment showed that Yotsuba Maya's heart was not at peace.

"A family will no longer exist, you are ready to take over their property!"


After hearing these words, Yotsuba could not help but look surprised when she was about to ask something, but the phone was hung up...


"It seems that I have stayed at home for too long recently. It's time to go out for activities."

"Otherwise there will be too many women crawling on top of me."

After Yotsuba Zhenya handed the phone to the girl who was waiting on the side, she couldn't help muttering while looking at the sea that was gradually unblocking in front of her.


"Husband, it is no surprise that all the members of the family who are outside have been killed by personal guards."

"Now this ancestral house is left."

At this moment, on the top of a mountain, Oda Shinna looked at the huge complex of tens of thousands of square meters in the distance, and couldn't help but sigh with Lin Yi beside him.

"As one of the ten divisions, it is normal to occupy such a large foundation as a family ancestor."

"Not to mention the huge industry, it's just that the strategic magicians hidden in the family all have a certain right to speak in the world.

"But the last thing they should do is to provoke my open existence."

"No matter which world you are in, the most unprovoked thing other than the protagonist is to be are seeking your own death!"

Lin Yi couldn't help but sigh with pity when he looked at the buildings that were about to be destroyed by him in the distance.


"Husband, you can do it now!"

"It's so boring here..."

To Lin Yi who was sighing, a black line appeared on Oda Shinna's forehead...

Next, Lin Yi didn't speak, but saw two Xiaohuang suddenly appeared in front of him...No, they were two magic books...


As Lin Yi closed his eyes and conceived, a barrel-like weapon in his hand gradually appeared...

"Husband, what is this?"

Oda Shinna looked at the science fiction weapon in Lin Yi's hand and asked curiously.

"Scorching Soul Demon Brake Cannon, this is a weapon I constructed based on a previous familiar online game..."

"It's just that I don't have detailed information about that weapon, it's just a model!"

Lin Yi stopped speaking after answering Oda Shinna's question.

I saw that the hand cannon in his hand began to glow with a deep purple-golden light, even if Lin Yi didn't say Oda Shinna could feel a huge energy beginning to converge in this weapon...

"Eat my big eagle... ahem! Eat me a shot..."


At this moment, the Yijia family is still discussing how they faced the counterattack from the Siye family after they killed Lin Yi...

"Jiang Hui! As the next Patriarch, don't panic when encountering anything!"

One Jianghui’s father is also the current owner of the Yijia family. One fortitude, after seeing Jianghui’s somewhat impatient look, his face sank and scolded...


"Yes, father!"

Regarding his father's words, Yijia Jianghui's face became stiff and he dared not show any expression...


Yiyi is still very satisfied with his son's attitude, but it didn't take long for him to show his smile...


"not good……"

I saw a Jiang Hui suddenly slapped the table in front of many elders, and shouted in a panic expression.


A resolute anger!Before he scolded... Suddenly a fear of death spread into his heart...


These three words of resoluteness became his last last words...


"Boom boom boom"

You must know that general strategic-level magic requires a certain amount of time to lock and brew before it can launch a powerful destructive attack...

This is completely useless on Lin Yi. After he injected his huge Demon King level magic power into the weapon in his hand, he directly attacked the distant target...

So for Lin Yi's sudden attack, even if the opponent hides a number of strategic magicians, there is no time to defend...

The devastating beam shot from Lin Yi's hand swept past the distant buildings like a plow... The feeling was like setting fire to wild grass and leaving a ruin...

"Huh! I'm such a good person, let them meet God without knowing it..."

After Lin Yi finished the addiction, the hand cannon in his hand disappeared and looked at the ruins in the distance, nodding in satisfaction and exclaiming.


Lin Yi is enjoying himself, but some people are more anxious than him...

At this moment, all the military bases of Neon sounded sirens...

"What happened?"

These military bases built with the support of various families panicked when the sirens sounded, thinking that some country had come... I saw the highest authority of each military base sounded inquiries...


Soon a picture appeared in front of them and they completely lost their voice...

"The tenth division is going to change the sky..."

Looking at the flattened ancestral land in the picture, the corners of their mouths could not help muttering to themselves.

Chapter 77

As one of the best homes in the world, it was suddenly destroyed by a mysterious organization for a few hours. The news spread throughout the world like an earthquake...

"It's so cruel!"

"As long as the people of the Yijia family have become dead...If it weren't for the Yijiajia family and some people are abroad, I am afraid that the Yijiajia family is now annihilated..."

"Then there will be chaos. After all, the teacher has been waiting for this opportunity for Shibajia for a long time."

As a man who can probably guess the truth, he couldn't help muttering to himself seriously after hanging up the phone in his hand.

"Forget it, I don't have to worry about these things for now."

"After all, I haven't graduated from high school yet!"

After murmured to himself, Shi Wenkeren suddenly left the matter behind...

For him, although he is now the acting Patriarch of the Ten Character Clan, he still can't get involved in the whole Neon event. After all, above him is his father, the current Patriarch of the Ten Character Clan and the elders of various ethnic groups...


"Did you say this was really done by the ghost teacher Lin Yi?"

Nanakusa Mayumi looked at the report on the phone and the wiped-out ruined ground in the video, she couldn't help but looked at the girls next to her with a look of loss and asked.

"do not know……"

In response to Nanakusa Mayumi's question, Ichihara Ruzune shook his head in confusion and replied.

"I still have to ask myself about this kind of thing."

Watanabe Mori, who was also somewhat unbelievable, didn't make much guesswork to directly guide the essence.

"Should... Maybe not!"

"How can Teacher Lin Yi do such a big thing to destroy the ten divisions!"

Regarding the discussion about whether the destruction of Ichijo's family was Lin Yi's action, the more kind-hearted Nakajo Azusa retorted in disbelief.


"Our Catalpa sauce is really hopeless. Isn't the ghost teacher Lin Yi so kind in your heart?"

Seeing that Azusa Nakajo raised her little hand with a somewhat unbelievable appearance, Mayumi Nanakusa couldn't help but wake up a little funny from her loss...

"Speaking of this, I suddenly thought, who are the young girls who suddenly appeared next to Lin Yi?"

Suddenly Watanabe Mori's words caused everyone to stop laughing because of Azusa Nakajo...


"We unexpectedly became other people's concubines..."

As soon as Watanabe Mori talked about this, Nanakusa Mayumi couldn't help but think of Oda Shinna's words, and said with a frustrated expression.

"This man has too many secrets. It attracts us curious little cats like a ball of wool..."

In fact, there is not much disgust for Lin Yi Qicao Mayumi and the others, although Lin Yi has nothing to do with them, and sometimes even finds some excuses to make them very speechless...

But every time his magical performance is like a magnet, they can't help but approach Lin Yi...

For example, his strength, the magic circle that he teleported everyone at that moment... and the powerful power that just showed... all of this is attracting their curiosity...


The exclusive base of the 101st Army Brigade·Independent Magic Brigade...

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