Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 331

"Call you, why should you understand why you want to come?"

As the captain of the 101st Army Brigade·Independent Magic Equipment Brigade, Xuanxin Kazama looked at all the members present with serious expression and said solemnly.


Then he nodded slightly, and Kyouko Fujibayashi on the side suddenly projected a document onto the huge display in front of everyone...

"Name: Lin Yi

Sex: Male

Origin: Ominous

The first time he appeared in the Yotsuba family, he had a very close relationship with the head of the Yotsuba family. According to the recommendation of the head of the Yotsuba family, Yotsuba Maya, he currently works as a physical education teacher at the first high school affiliated to the National Magic University.

The main actions are: the destruction of two satellites belonging to the Army’s 101st Brigade’s independent magic outfit brigade, the destruction of a neon branch base of the "Blanche" political organization of anti-magic activities, and the destruction of one of his family’s ancestors. made."

After looking at the information projected in front of him, Fujibayashi Kyouko gave a general introduction...

However, when he heard the destruction of the two satellites belonging to the independent magic outfit group of the 101st Army Brigade, Kazama's face turned black...

You know that for this matter, Xuanxin Kazama was once scolded by the dog blood spray...

"Ahem! This person is so mysterious."

"Even if we used a great price, we didn't get a trace of information about him from the Yotsuba family..."

"What we are going to discuss today is how to get along with him next... You must know that after he has shown such a powerful ability, the country will never allow such a human-shaped nuclear bomb to wander outside."

"Therefore, a decision must be made whether to destroy him or win him over."

"Regardless of the plan, we will definitely contact him. Now is for you to brainstorm and come up with an idea."

After Xuanxin Kazama conveyed the main idea, everyone present was silent.

"Maybe I can try..."

Seeing the silent people, when Xuanxin Kazama sighed, Kyouko Fujibayashi's voice suddenly rang.


After hearing Kyouko Fujibayashi's words, many people's eyes brightened...

You must know that there are many people present who belong to the ten divisions, or the people from the eighteen families or even hundreds of families. They have learned the information about Lin Yi after one family was destroyed, especially about Lin. What a good girl...

"Are you sure?"

Xuanxin Kazama looked at the confident Fujibayashi Kyoko and asked seriously.

"I have had contact with him, there should be no problem."

Because of Kazama Xuanxin's question, Fujibayashi Kyoko suddenly remembered the humiliation last time...

"You bastard... I will want you to look good..."

Although Kyoko Fujibayashi answered Kazama Xuanxin's question very seriously, but at this moment, she was a bit gnashing her teeth.

Speaking of the contradiction between her and Lin Yi, only the last time Lin Yi was trapped in the enchantment and the fact that she was almost taken into the bathroom by the hotel security guard...

"Okay, then! I'll leave this to you."

"I'm waiting for your good news."

Kazama Xuanxin looked at Fujibayashi Kyoko with a confident look, but he could only agree with him as a doctor.

Chapter 78

In a solemn auditorium, neon's leading magic figures gathered together...

In the center of the auditorium, there are seats representing the ten most powerful family leaders of the ten division neon...

The second ring represents the eighteen families that have the strength to rival the ten divisions, and the status is second only to them, that is, the eighteen divisions... Whenever any family of the ten divisions unexpectedly does not have the strength to occupy this position At that time, one of the eighteen schools will be replaced by the teacher.

Those seats on the outermost periphery are the members of the Baijia with uneven strength and irrelevant...

This time one family was erased by Lin Yi, so the vacated position will be filled by one of the eighteen families...

This meeting of the divisions was held for the purpose of discussing which family will be promoted to the tenth division...

"Damn it, where is the Patriarch of the Si Ye Family?"

"Such an important meeting didn't appear. Does she want to quit the Tenth Division?"

It is a rare meeting of the divisions in ten years, and it is also the top meeting for deciding a new member of the ten divisions. The entire auditorium is full of people.

As long as people with the blood of ten divisions, eighteen divisions or even one hundred divisions, can appear at this meeting after getting permission.

For this meeting that determined the fate of many people, I saw that there was a seat in the middle representing the Yotsuba family that was actually empty... This means that Yotsuba Masayuki, the patron of the Yotsuba family, one of the ten divisions, did not put it away. In my heart...this makes the members of the Shibu Shishiji family who can't wait to become one of the ten divisions very angry.

So where did the four nights and true nights go in Ignoring the Teachers' Meeting?


High School Affiliated to National Magic University-Hachioji First High School


At this moment in Lin Yi's dormitory, two women on the left and right beside Lin Yi are staring at each other...

"Zhen Ye, shouldn't it be that teacher's meeting held now?"

"Why do you have time to come to a high?"

After Lin Yi glanced at the left and right people with a headache, he could not help interrupting the strange atmosphere first.

"Ah! I don't want Darling!"

"How can such a small matter as a division meeting be Darling important..."

"Besides, a woman who is going to be the eldest sister suddenly appears, how can I not come?"

The two women on both sides of Lin Yi paying attention to each other were Yotsuba Patriarch Yotsuba Maya, who was absent from the meeting of the teacher clan, and Oda Shinna who was summoned by Lin Yi this time.

After hearing Lin Yi’s question, Yotsuba Maya on his left couldn’t help but ignore Oda Shinna, pressing his body on Lin Yi, stimulating Lin Yi’s body with that huge chest, and nodding his head in a charming manner. Leaning in Lin Yi's ear, whispered.


"Miss me? The last sentence is the truth!"

To Siye Zhenye's answer, Lin Yi couldn't help but instinctively complained...

But soon his mind was captured by the softness that was pressing on him...

"It's another cow..."

After seeing Yotsuba Mayo seduce Lin Yi, Oda Shinna couldn't help but compare her chest with her, and murmured bitterly after defeat.

"I won't admit defeat, I am the queen of my husband..."

Facing Yotsuba Maya's crushing offensive that seemed to be soft, Oda Shinna gestured his hands on his chest, and quickly cheered in his heart with confidence.

"Toot toot..." x2

Just when Oda Shinna was about to take action, Lin Yi's cell phone and Yotsuba Mayo's cell phone rang at the same time...

"Cut! So disappointed..."

Before the phone rang, Lin Yi's lust in his heart had already started to rise, but unfortunately before he was released, the phone call could not help disturbing his interest.

"Huh? Mayumi?"

Lin Yi looked at the caller displayed on the phone and couldn't help being a little surprised.

You know that with Mayumi Nanakusa's character before, I'm afraid I would like to be farther away from Lin Yi, but what the hell was this when I called?

Although Lin Yi was puzzled, he still answered the phone...

"Teacher, help"

Before Lin Yi could say anything, a panicked voice came from the other side...Unfortunately, it was cut off soon...


Such a short conversation could not help making Lin Yi feel a little skeptical.

"Darling, there is a problem."

Just when Lin Yi wondered if Mayumi and the others were playing a prank, I saw Yotsuba Maya on the left hand side of Lin Yi took off the phone and said in a serious tone.


Lin Yi was suspicious, waiting for her explanation...

"The division meeting was attacked."

"This action may be recognized by those in power in the country, otherwise the Great Asia Alliance will not be able to bring so many people and equipment over, and we don't have the slightest information here."

Siye Zhenye's two words immediately let Lin Yi understand what happened.

"It should not be too late, go to the meeting of the teachers and clan."

"Oh! These girls are really not worrying."

In fact, even if the people at the meeting of the teachers' clan died, Lin Yi didn't bother to care...

But the immortal Nanakusa Mayumi, and the boring girls such as Watanabe Mori, Chiyoda Hanatone, Kitayama Shizuku, etc. want to see this teacher clan conference... Lin Yi can't even think about it!

"Let's go! We still need some helpers."

After Lin Yi made a decision, he directly led the two to stand up and walk towards the door...


Lin Yi took Yotsuba Maya and Oda Shinna out of the door, walked directly to Asuka's room and knocked on the door...


"Huh? Have you decided the winner?"

After hearing the knock on the door, Shiba Miyuki, Niwa Nagahide and others couldn't help but walk out of Asuka's room. Looking at Lin Yiyi's Yotsuba Maya and Oda Shinna on the left and right, Asuka was a little surprised. Asked.


"Call everyone, we have something to do."

Lin Yi flicked directly on her forehead and said silently.

Chapter 79


"This is really quite martial law!"

Before Lin Yi and the girls arrived at the meeting of the divisions, a few blocks away, they saw a dense number of terrorists on guard.

From time to time, some magicians who tried to break through the blockade were either eliminated or repelled by them...

"I don't have time to waste energy on these cannon fodder who can't be called with supporting roles, just push it horizontally."

Lin Yi looked at the two fighting parties in front of him, and he couldn't help but wrinkle... It's not that the situation at this moment makes Lin Yi feel troublesome, it's just that it's just a little troublesome!

"Leave it to us!"

After hearing Lin Yi's words, he didn't need to do anything, but Shibata Shengjia directly led his guards and began to break through...

"Darling, where did you find these beautiful little girls?"

"One by one is not annoying!"

Yotsuba Maya looked at these delicate girls under Shibata's leadership to solve the terrorist scenes like a chicken, and asked Lin Yi curiously.


"At the beginning, a lot of thought was spent training them, but now it finally comes in handy."

Where did Lin Yi still have time to explain these things, and saw him faintly saying that the back figure rushed forward...

When Lin Yi came to the auditorium where the division meeting was located, what he saw was not the fierce fighting but the corpses everywhere...


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