Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 340

Just when Lias had nowhere to vent the anger aroused by Lin Yi, Tacheng Baiyin, who had eaten and leaned on the sofa without speaking, suddenly spoke.


"You're a snack food, I bought you for a meal."

Lias suddenly laughed angrily when Tacheng Baiyin spoke.

You must know that they and Lin Yi have only been in contact with Lin Yi for less than a day. Now Tacheng Baiyin, who doesn’t speak much, speaks for Lin Yi. If we get along for a long time, wouldn’t it be necessary to help Lin Yi to sell her? money……


Lin Yi's shadow will appear on the roof of the school...

"Sure enough, condescendingly, the vision is very broad..."

Standing on the edge of the rooftop, Lin Yi couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the female students who kept coming in at the school gate.

"Forget it, it's important to find someone..."

After observing these beautiful scenery for a while, Lin Yi shook his head and cared about his business...


When Lin Yi closed his eyes, a secret wave of fluctuations gradually spread from his body in the school...

"found it……"

Before long, Lin Yi found his goal in a corner of the school building.


At this moment, Yuma Amano, the girl who has been aliased by the fallen angel Reinarei, will see the target that she needs to monitor-Hyoto Issei to see the teaching building...

"Classmate Yicheng, please associate with me!"


Amano Yuma looked at the excited young Houtou Issei in front of him, smiled directly and said words that made him excited...

It's a pity that Yuma Amano's words just fell silent, and she watched as the young man in front of her was shot to death by a palm falling from the sky...

"Could this palm that descended from the sky be the palm of the Tathagata?"

"Bah! No, who is it?"

"You come out for me..."

After Yuma Amano complained about the palm technique that fell from the sky, she quickly realized that this was not the point of the problem...

Chapter 13-A Wonderful Main Quest

Renalei came to watch the artifact owner Hyoudou Issei under the pseudonym Amano Yuma. She originally planned to learn about him before deciding what to do with this guy, but what Renale didn't expect was that she met him on the first day I was photographed to death, even in front of myself.

How could this make her tolerate, only to see that Lei Na Lei did not hesitate to directly show the costume of a fallen angel, flying in the air very vigilantly watching the surrounding loudly.

"Who are you? Have the ability to come out."


With Renalei's scolding, suddenly a magic circle appeared above her head...


At this moment, Renalei, who was flying in mid-air, had not had time to dodge, and saw a few chains appearing in the magic circle that entangled her limbs, making her unable to move...

"I'm out, what can you do?"

After Renalei was bound by the chain, Lin Yi's figure slowly descended from the air...

For the fallen angel girl who was still struggling at the moment, Lin Yi ignored her after saying a word, but moved to the corpse of Hyoudou Issei who was shot to death.

"Ding! Contact the protagonist of the plane, the main mission will be triggered!"

"The protagonist of the plane is dead, and the main mission is changing!"

"The main mission is released!"

[Main Mission: Man’s Dream]

[Mission introduction: The only thing the protagonist regrets before he died is that he didn't touch Opie with his own hands. Opie is what he desires most since his sensibility.

[Task requirements: touch ten kinds of oppa with different sizes and softness.

[Task Reward: Shenmie Ju "Scarlet Emperor's Cage Hand" (the reward will be issued in advance)]

[Task time: unlimited]

Just as Lin Yi walked into Hyoudou Issei's body, the system prompt sounded.

However, the newbie task that was refreshed later made him speechless... This newbie task is probably the simplest in all Lin Yi's experience world.


Lin Yi silently complained in his heart, and saw a red light flashing on Houtou Issei's body. When Lin Yi came back to his senses, the red light had already penetrated into his right hand...

"Is this the Red Dragon Emperor's cage hand!"

After that red light penetrated into Lin Yi's right hand, he suddenly felt a powerful thing in the sojourner on his right hand... About this, Lin Yi couldn't help muttering to himself after feeling the power.

"It seems that the control is very convenient..."

Lin Yi didn't feel any uncomfortable feeling for this Shenmie tool who suddenly resided in his right hand, as if this Shenmie tool was born from his body...

[The Cage Hand of the Chiryu Emperor: The Newborn State]

[Ability: increase the power of the owner according to the will of the owner, the stronger the will, the stronger the increase]

[Restriction: the current state of birth, can only increase twice]

When Lin Yi transferred all of his consciousness to the goddess "Scaroon Emperor's Cage Hand", there was no so-called Red Dragon Emperor Draig's consciousness, but a kind of weak consciousness of the owner just from his body. The existence of babies born in general.

"Is this my child?"

Lin Yi felt the state of the gods at the moment, and a silent expression appeared on his face.

"Forget it, that's fine."

"It saves me the trouble of dealing with Seiryuutei Draig's consciousness."

Lin Yi didn't think too much about this god-mie-gu who was born in his body, but looked at Renalei, who was unable to struggle in the air at this moment...

The reason why Lin Yi didn't kill Renalei in the first time was mainly because he had other ideas...

You must know that when he first came to this world, he was injured by the "True Red Dragon God Emperor" Great Red that suddenly appeared in the dimensional cracks. Therefore, according to the system wizard Lori, Lin Yi is temporarily unable to summon others. The characters of the world appear, even if he recovers, when the time comes, summoning characters from other worlds may attract an attack from the guy'True Red Dragon God Emperor' Great Red.

And the fallen angel Renale, who appeared in front of Lin Yi at this moment, was undoubtedly a good choice for a maid.

"Kill if you want, no need to say more."

Lei Na Lei looked at Lin Yi, who was constantly observing her at this moment, and couldn't help but snorted very proudly.

Seeing Renalei's arrogant and disdainful appearance, Lin Yi was energetic... He liked these disobedient and rebellious ones, so that they had the value of training and playing.

"You will be my maid from now on."

"Although it is not clear what your original name was, since you have changed your name to Amano Yuma, then you will call it this name in the future!"

"Now I will take you to meet the mistresses of the future."

In Renalei...oh no, it should be called Amano Yuma now... In her incredible eyes, Lin Yi's self-care words made her have the urge to hit someone...

"Don't think about it, dream..."


For Lin Yi's words, Amano Xima naturally disagrees...

It's a pity that she didn't finish her screaming loudly, and saw Lin Yi stretched out her hand and waved a magical force to seal her lips.


In Amano Xima's eyes that seemed to be killing people, Lin Yi stretched out his arm and hugged her waist and disappeared in place...


Supernatural Department Activity Room...

"What's happening here?"

Regarding Lin Yi who had just disappeared and appeared suddenly, Lias didn't feel anything wrong, but the girl with her arms around Lin Yi at the moment caused Lias and others to cast strange eyes...

Especially the girl is still bound with a ribbon in a strange posture...


"My dear, are you looking for a mistress?"

"Clearly Minister is such a good candidate here, why would you find a fallen angel?"

Himejima Junai, who had already had a love for fish and water with Lin Yi, when she appeared in Amano Yuma, her eyes narrowed slightly...because she perceives the identity of this young girl fallen angel...

Himeshima Juna is a mixed blood of humans and fallen angels, but after her mother died because of her bloodline of fallen angels, she resented her bloodline of fallen angels very much, and even had no affection for fallen angels.


"I am such a noble person who will look for Xiaosan? You underestimate me..."

The people who were waiting for Lin Yi to explain were suddenly speechless by Lin Yi's words...

"Hello...Do you still know what a face is?"

The girls made a collective complaint in their hearts...

Chapter 14 Is it strange that I am a devil?

"Lias, do you have a devil chess piece?"

Just when Lias and others looked at Lin Yi with contempt, Lin Yi suddenly asked.


Lin Yi's question made Li Yasi stunned!

"Of course."

Although she didn't know what Lin Yi meant, Lias answered honestly.


"You may have misunderstood what I meant. I mean, do you have extra demon pieces?"

"If you have one, please give me one!"

Seeing Lias's unfamiliar appearance, Lin Yi couldn't help covering her forehead with her hand and explained it to her with a sudden realization.


Not to mention Rias herself, but the others who were on the side looked at Lin Yi silently...

"I'm not a wholesaler of devil chess pieces, OK, how can I have extra for this kind of thing!"

Regarding Lin Yi's request, Rias was too lazy to complain.

"If you really want it, it's not impossible."

"But have to wait a while!"

After seeing Lin Yi's disappointed expression, Li Yasi immediately said to him.

The so-called demon chess piece is to reincarnate others as your own demon servants, but the devil chess piece is not a popular commodity. It was invented by the current demon king Beelzebub of the Demon World. If you want to get it, you only need to get a promotion in the ranking game held by the Demon World. , Will naturally get the devil chess piece.

In fact, according to Lias, when they return to the Demon Realm for a while, they can ask her brother to bring out a set and give it to Lin Yi. After all, Lucifer, one of the current four demon kings, still has this right. .

As for non-compliance with the rules, don't care about it at all... After all, Lin Yi's strength is a bit stronger than Li Yasi's point of view. Strength in the Demon Realm is everything... As long as you have seen Lin Yi's strength, who dares to say more Too!

"Forget it! That sounds troublesome."

"I will figure out how to do this myself!"

After Lin Yi heard Lias's words, he immediately waved his hand with a look that I hate trouble and rejected Lias's suggestion...

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