Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 341

Seeing Lin Yi's troublesome look, I almost angered Lias...

Knowing that she had planned to ask her brother for a set of demon chess pieces, but seeing Lin Yi's unappreciative appearance suddenly became a little anxious...

"Little Lolita, are there any devil chess pieces?"

"Give me a set"

Apart from obtaining it from the Demon King, the only way for Lin Yi is to exchange it from the system.

After all, when updating the exchange list, in addition to artifacts and the like, these miscellaneous things were also there. Even Lin Yi also saw the high-end thing of the'belief processing system' at the time, but it was cheaper than the gods. Quite a lot, only 500,000 points.

This world is different from the world Lin Yi had experienced before. With Lin Yi's current ability, he could not evolve the system to the point where he could deprive the world of luck and bring it into his own control.

It's like before Lin Yi even triggered the first phase of the main mission, but there is no clue to the world...

The so-called points are just things refreshed by temporarily replacing Qiyun in this world. They are just items that are not exchanged at an equivalent price. That is to say, the cost of exchanged points is far more than the real thing, which is equivalent to the equivalent. The luck of exchange is simply not on the same level.

The way to get points is also very simple. For example, as long as there are supernatural powers to kill demons and angels, they will get points based on their strength.

For example, before Lin Yi slapped Houtou Issei to death, even if he didn't awaken the gods, he still met the points obtained.

As the owner of the Divine Destruction Tool, even if he did not awaken to use the Divine Destruction Tool, Hyoto Ise also brought Lin Yi 1,000 points...

"Master, you now have 11,000 points..."

"According to the rarity, it takes ten thousand points to exchange the devil chess pieces!"

"Do you want to redeem?"

Regarding Lin Yi's question, little Lolita appeared in front of Lin Yi for the first time and asked.

In addition to getting 1,000 points by killing Hyoto Ise, Lin Yi also got 10,000 points for winning the supporting actress, Shuna Himejima's first blood...

This point is compared to those divine artifacts that are exchanged for the gods, even if Lin Yi has exchanged the girl who appeared in the original book last time, I am afraid it is not enough to exchange for one...

However, according to the system's explanation, you can only get one-tenth of the blood. That is to say, if Lin Yi kills Himejima Juna, there will be 100,000 points, but this is obviously impossible...

Therefore, Lin Yi generally does not consider this point redemption...

After all, sometimes the robbery is more direct and faster than the exchange...


Lin Yi looked at the little Lolita in front of the system and said.

Lias and the others couldn't see the little Lolita of the system, so they couldn't help feeling a little strange after seeing Lin Yi nodding alone there...

But before they were asking because of Lin Yi's nervous movements, they were suddenly shocked by what appeared in front of him...

"Devil chess piece?" x4

Seeing the demon chess piece that suddenly appeared in front of Lin Yi, Rias, Juno Himeshima, Chitaku Sona and Tsubakiji Jinra all exclaimed...

"how is this possible?"

"Even the chess pieces representing the king..."

What made Rias and the others most incredible was the set of demon chess pieces in front of Lin Yi. The chess pieces representing the king's career were all in it...

You must know that even Rias did not have chess pieces representing the king's career, whether it was the preciousness of the materials used to make the king's chess pieces, or the difficulty of refining the king's chess pieces, this kind of chess pieces are in addition to the current four devil kings. No one owns...

So after seeing this set of chess with a king chess piece in front of Lin Yi, Li Yasi and the others were shocked...


Without waiting for them to come and watch it, they saw that the chess piece representing the king's job agency instantly got into Lin Yi's body...

"How... how is it possible?"

"It is said that only the devil can refine and use the king, why are you all right?"

This chess piece penetrated into Lin Yi's body. The most uncomfortable thing for Rias and the others is that Lin Yi is okay at the moment... From the other fifteen pieces, it represents the five positions of queen, chariot, bishop, knight, and soldier. It can be seen from the state of the chess pieces that they are now refined...

As long as the matching demon pieces refining the king, you can easily master the remaining fifteen pieces, instead of refining the fifteen pieces like Lias and others before they can be used...

"Ale! Am I the devil, didn't I tell you?"

When Lias and others were surprised, Lin Yi's words stunned them...

Chapter 15 The Consequences of Lin Yi Playing Handsome


With Lin Yi' I am the devil, didn't I tell you?'With these words, the activity room of the Supernatural Department suddenly fell into dead silence...

In silence, everyone stared at Lin Yi with incredible eyes...

"My dear, this joke is not easy..."

Before Himeshima Juno and Rias were just joking and guessing when discussing Lin Yi, after all, with the strength of Himeshima Juno, she can easily subdue her, except for the Demon King, some of the strengths are infinitely close to the Demon King. Higher-level demons can also do it.

Before, the two of them guessed that Lin Yi's strength might be in this position, but when they suddenly heard Lin Yi say that they were the Demon King, they were a little confused...

"Don't believe it?"

"Then let you see it."

Looking at the suspicion of Li Yasi and others, Lin Yi couldn't help but chuckle and said.


In the perception of Lias and others, a devastating magic power spread from Lin Yi...

When that magical power spread, all the objects in the entire activity room became gray...

"Let's go out and see..."

When Lias and the others looked at Lin Yi's body's magic power like an abyss, Lin Yi suddenly spoke.

Under the leadership of Lin Yi, everyone walked out in a daze...

"This... this... the black sun..."

As soon as I walked out of the activity room, not to mention the changes in the surrounding scenery, everyone was completely shocked when the golden yellow sun above their heads was replaced by a black sun that exuded destruction...

Different from the enchantment they arranged, Lin Yi's magical explosion is to change the whole world...

"Black Sun?"

"What's going on? Is the end of the world?"


As the whole school talked about words, even if Lias and the others were unwilling to admit it, they could not help but accept Lin Yi as a demon king...


After Rias and the others accepted the reality, Lin Yijian recovered all the magic power that had exploded...

The black sun was once again replaced by the golden sun, and the surrounding scenery gradually returned from a uniform gray to colorful...

"Can the devil really do this?"

Lias felt a little unbelievable about Lin Yi's ability to instantly change the operating rules of the world, and even instantly destroy the world.

"An illusion, this is definitely an illusion... how could it be so powerful?"

At the same time, the fallen angel Amano Yuma, who was restrained by Lin Yi, also mumbled to herself in disbelief...


After everyone returned to the activity room and was silent for a while, Lias spoke, "Lin Yi, you just gave me the feeling of destroying the world every minute. Is this true?"

Lin Yi couldn't help but stunned for Lias' question.

"I don't have any idle pain, why am I going to destroy the world?"

"Furthermore, with my current control of this magical power, although it is possible to destroy the world, it may exhaust myself...After all, I don't use this power much, so I am not very familiar with it..."

After Lias solemnly asked her question, Lin Yi's answer immediately made her feel a little regretful for asking...

Although Lin Yi just appeared in the dimensional crevice of this world, he was injured by the True Red Dragon God Emperor Great Red, but after adjusting with Himeshima Juno last night, he has basically recovered now.

The only thing that Lin Yi lacks now is to fight against his opponents, to fully utilize the power of the devil in him...

At that time, there will be no too much pressure to deal with the Demon King-level existence in this world, and it will even be able to compete with the number of transcendents in this world...

"In fact, the devil is no big deal..."

Lin Yi could not help but persuade the women who hadn't calmed down yet.

In Lin Yi's eyes, the four great demon kings of the Demon Realm are not mentioned at this moment. Even the old demons that have not yet been eliminated also use the Demon King level to exist, and then there should be hidden in the Fallen Angels besides Governor Asachel. The devil-level existence, and the four great blazing angels in the gods must be the demon king-level existence...not to mention that there are other gods or forces besides these people...such as the Nordic gods and Buddhism that appeared in the original work. ...

Although there are many Demon Kings, there are also strong and weak... and among them, the top masters may randomly select one person, Lin Yi is not an opponent... For example, the infinite cute dragon-Orpheus... Uh!This should be able to abduct...

Just when Lin Yi asked Li Yasi and others to calm down on his strength, Lin Yi's play in command caused some riots...



After the black sun appeared in the world, the abyss-like destructive magic power, the four demon kings of the demon world could not ignore it, and sent their own men to explore the world...


Originally because of the fall of God, the system of the Four Angels to deal with God’s legacy has been extremely busy. Because of the appearance of the black sun, believers who thought it was the end of the world prayed to God. The sudden increase in the prayers of believers directly led to the Four Seraphs. The pressure has increased...

After the black sun disappeared, although the prayers of the believers weakened and the four blazing angels relaxed, the angels would obviously not ignore this guy who caused the riots and directly sent the oracle church members to check...

As for the fallen angel...

Because Asacher happened to be nearby, after receiving the order from Governor Asacher, the Fallen Angel did not send anyone over...

Other forces are more or less, strong or weak, and they have sent some people to check...After all, the Demon King is even a newly-born Demon King strong, and all the forces are interested...


In the supernatural department activity room, after Lias and others calmed down because Lin Yi was the demon king, Lin Yi, who didn't care that he caused the riot, couldn't help but turn his attention to Amano Yuma, who still couldn't believe it at this moment...

"This is for you, start the contract!"

Lin Yi directly handed the chess piece representing the soldier to Amano Yuma and said.

In fact, Lin Yi can also directly force the contract, but in the spirit of humanitarianism, Lin Yi still said...It's just that she didn't give her the right to choose...

"You have to think about it, whether you will be willing or not will affect your strength..."

After Lin Yi found the unwilling look in Amano Yuma's unwilling eyes, he didn't persuade him but just dropped a word...

After all, when a demon piece transforms another person into a family member, the strength promoted by the piece varies according to the subject's willingness...Even if the opponent resists after being forcibly contracted, the strength will even be damaged...

So after Lin Yi said these words, Amano Xima looked stiff and hesitated...

Chapter 16 The Experience

"Xima, where is your residence?"

As the sun gradually sets, Lin Yi takes Amano Yuma walking on the streets of the town...

At this moment, Xima Amano has become Lin Yi's family member, and she walks behind Lin Yi very well in a maid costume...

The reason why Amano Yuma is so behaved at the moment is mainly because today after becoming Lin Yi's family member, she has a clear understanding of Lin Yi's strength.

Through the demon pieces, even the weakest soldier piece with the least increase, Amano Yuma found that his strength had doubled several times after the contract...

After seeing the power of Lin Yi through the devil chess pieces, Amano Yuma had to become well-behaved. Sometimes it is as simple as the weak surrender to the strong...

"Master, I didn't buy a place to save trouble, but a hypnotized couple lived in their home as their daughter..."

After hearing Lin Yi's question, Amano Xima, who was still in a trance about what happened today, instantly woke up and replied to Lin Yi without any concealment.


"It seems I still need to find a place to live by myself!"

Lin Yi originally planned to live in Amano Yuma's residence directly, but she didn't think she was so capable of'diligence and thrifty housekeeping'...


For Lin Yi's helpless sigh, Amano Xima didn't know how to persuade him, so she was silent behind him...

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