Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 374


Lin Yi's words made Lias dumbfounded, and then a row of black lines appeared on her forehead...

Originally, Lias thought that Lin Yi would bravely play a friendly match in the activity room. After all, in Lias’s heart, Lin Yi was such a character with personality, and she didn’t know what shame was...

I never thought of him just to correct a title...


Lias whispered to herself as a black line appeared on her forehead...

"Allah Allah!"

"Is it possible that our Minister wants to have an in-depth exchange with her husband here?"

Although Rias's voice was small, it was natural that no ordinary people in the room could hear it clearly...Himeshima Juno even laughed out loud.

"The Minister is really bold!"

"However, I will be jealous if my husband always spoils the Minister!"

When Rias couldn't help but want to break out about Himejima Juno's words, Himejima Juno suddenly shifted the topic and put the blame on Lin Yi, and complained about it.

"Ahem! Let's talk about business!"

Lin Yi suddenly discovered that the carnivorous attributes of girls in this world are quite serious!On this topic, he couldn't do without a real sword...

However, when Lin Yi noticed the little cat on the side staring at him sadly, the healing expression immediately made him wake up from his desires, letting go of Li Yasi and coughing.


"Although I don't know Yi...husband...husband, this name is so strange..."

After explaining, after seeing Lin Yi's eyes, Lias couldn't help changing her name to Lin Yi, but this Chinese style appellation made Lias feel a little awkward, and she couldn't help but spit out...

"The role of the demon is very important to the devil, but I don't know whether you need it, dear, after all, you are not a demon, you may not need the demon."

"That's why I called you to ask about it. After all, the number of places to enter the Forest of the Demon is limited.

Lin Yi couldn't help thinking through what Lias said in a passage...

"This is our envoy..."

Just as Lin Yi was thinking, Rias and the others showed the little cuties in their hands to Lin Yi, especially the white cat in the hands of Baiyin in the kitten sauce tower city, Lin Yi couldn't help but want to tease...

"Don't think about it, such a cute little thing is naturally to be caught and played..."

After Lin Yi stretched out his fingers and scratched the belly of the little white cat in the cat sauce, he said with a playful heart.

In fact, Lin Yi is not just for herself, but also for Aisha and others...

Have a certain combat power, can take care of the master and help the master to share the worries, and can sell cute when nothing is wrong... Such a superb maid-shaped creature is a natural hand.

Lin Yi knows that these envoys can transform into human beings. After all, he is a man who has watched anime...

"Would you like to pack the entire Forest of the Demon?"

Lin Yi suddenly had the urge to pack up the envoys in the Forest of Enchantresses. After all, he had too many women. He gave a cute little cutie. At night or even in the daytime, Lin Yi would not allow Lin Yi to unlock...

Even in other worlds, it will increase girls’ favorability...

"Forget it, this world will be mine by then, I think too much..."

However, Lin Yi quickly dispelled the idea of ​​evacuating the Forest of the Demon. Although he has not yet finished the world, he is still confident that he can handle it. When the time comes, he will not have the final say...

"Honey? What are you thinking about?"

In Lin Yi's serious fantasies, Lias waved in front of him and interrupted her question.

After Li Yasi called Lin Yi for the first time, her nickname for Lin Yi no longer felt ashamed as before, as if she had become normal.

"It's nothing……"

"That's the case, when will we go?"

Lin Yi didn't think much anymore, and asked Lias directly.

"You can always..."

Li Yas answered Lin Yi's question like this.

"It's better to hit the sun instead of choosing a day, just today!"

"I'll tell Aisha and the others, you help us prepare the magic circle, and leave the other trivial matters to you."

Lin Yi knows the protection of the Demon World to the Forest of the Demon, so this matter is most suitable for Lias. After all, her brother is one of the four demon kings in the Demon World...

"Okay, gather in the activity room in one hour!"

Episode 68

"Now that everyone is here, let's go!"

After watching Lin Yi bring Aisha and the others, Lias went straight to the subject without talking nonsense.


After Rias's words fell silent, a huge red magic circle appeared on the ground...

Needless to say, everyone walked to the middle of the magic circle...

"What enlightenment will you find! I really look forward to it!"

Xenovia stood beside Lin Yi, who was not free, and muttered with excitement.

"Just cute!"

Aisha on the side couldn't help but say something in response to Genovia's mutter.



After a flash of red light, Lin Yi and the others appeared in a quiet and dark forest. Even if a sage suddenly appeared in the dark environment, everyone felt normal...

"This is the Forest of the Demon? It's so dark!"

After the red light of the magic circle gradually dissipated, Irina took out the holy sword in her hand and emitted a white light to illuminate the neighborhood, while looking around and speaking.

"It seems that it is not the time to come today!"

After Irina illuminated the neighborhood, Rias couldn't help but look up at the sky...

When she saw the red moon above her head being obscured by a dark cloud, she couldn't help but said with some disappointment.

"It's okay, even if it's not a full moon, there isn't that so-called ambassador..."

"I'm still capable of subduing such a trivial matter as the envoy."

After hearing Lias's disappointing words, Lin Yi spoke directly.

You know that in the original book, Rias and the others searched for Aisha at the time of the full moon, and at the same time, they sought help from the expert...

After all, the expert of the ambassador has far beyond ordinary people’s understanding of the forest of the ambassador, and he can save a lot of effort to find the ambassador of his choice. Originally, Lias wanted to wait until the full moon to bring Lin Yi and the others to find the ambassador. The magical, after all, the magician expert only undertakes once a month, but Lias then thought that Lin Yi had more dependents, maybe she could try her luck first...

That's why Lias asked Lin Yi if he needed a magician...

"Wander around first!"

"Maybe there will be a beast or something!"

With the light of Irina, the surrounding environment has become very clear, even if it is only a few tens of meters away, at least the road can be seen...

Although Irina shines with a holy sword, it is just ordinary white light. If it is holy light, I am afraid that the entire forest of the demon is in riot...

After all, this is the Demon Realm. Even if the Envoy of the Demon Forest has various attributes, more than half of the envoys of the dark attribute type are used. This is a geographical advantage...



Lin Yi walked ahead, while Aisha grabbed Lin Yi by the corner of his clothes and followed him with a bit of fear. At this moment, a cry of wings stirred the air, and she suddenly cried out in fright...

"be good!"

As for Aisha, who was holding herself tightly, Lin Yi directly used a big move to kill her. With Lin Yi's comfort, Aisha gradually calmed down...

"What the hell is it?"

Not only did Asia hear the sound of the wings...

Everyone present heard it, after all, no one here is weak...

I saw Rias looking around vigilantly, and at the same time said somewhat puzzled.

"Allah Allah! Suddenly a little excitement!"

After seeing everyone gradually becoming vigilant, Juno Himeshima covered her mouth and chuckled.


"Zhu Nai"

"You are not wearing underwear?"

Lin Yi, who had originally sensed what was causing the commotion just now, couldn't help but glanced at her subconsciously after hearing the speech of Shu Nai Jijima.

Lin Yi discovered an important thing...

After discovering the changes in the chest of Zhu Nai Jijima, Lin Yi couldn't help but subconsciously ask this question at this more serious juncture...

Lin Yi's words were not only one of Junai Himeshima who was stunned, but the others around him were stunned for a while...

"My dear, you are so careful to observe!"

Without waiting for Rias' face to turn black to speak, Himejima Juna's face was very surprised holding Lin Yi and said.

"You are so excited!"

Lin Yi said directly and silently, why he found that Junai Jijima didn't wear underwear...



"Talk about business!"

Just as Lin Yi looked at Rias's chest subconsciously, she couldn't help but coughing after being glared at her, shifting everyone's attention to the matter just now...

"My dear, do you think I wear fat times?"

When the topic became serious, Juno Himejima's words suddenly strayed everyone's attention, especially Lin Yi's attention...

"Zhu Nai!!!"

Rias's black air on her body immediately suppressed Himeshima Juno...

"We are exploring slowly at night..."

After seeing Rias's angry appearance, Juno Himejima no longer messed up, but tempted to say a word in Lin Yi's ear and stopped...

"It was a little guy who just caused the riot. He has a relationship with Asia!"

Since Jidao Zhu Nai was not making trouble, Lin Yi suppressed the lust in his heart and said directly.

"No... it won't be a bat or something?"

When Aisha heard that the creature that had just made the move had a relationship with herself, she couldn't help but stared at Lin Yi pitifully and asked.

"Do not worry!"

"You will definitely like it."

Lin Yi directly used the touch to kill Aisha and said.

"What the hell is that?"

Apart from Aisha herself, the others are also very curious...

After all, the moonlight of the red moon is now blocked by dark clouds, and the visible range of Irina’s light is limited. Everyone had to turn their eyes to Lin Yi...

Even Xenovia can't wait to know...

In fact, Lin Yi didn't expect that in the original book Aisha's envoy, the little elf dragon with the thunder attribute, would appear here, so Lin Yi said that this little guy has a relationship with Aisha...

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