Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 375

"You will know soon..."

"But before that, you need to take precautions..."

Just as Lin Yi was answering what the people were, Lin Yi's expression suddenly stiffened, and he glanced at the girls with a weird expression and said.


"What do you mean?"

For Lin Yi's words, the women's eyes were full of doubts...


Without Lin Yi's answer, some dark cyan viscous liquid has been ejected on Rias and the others...

"Ah! What is this?"

Chapter 69


Just as Lin Yi was about to enjoy the next slime corruption drama, a breath of death rushed into Lin Yi's heart...

"System, what's the situation?"

Perceiving the unbreakable feeling of death, Lin Yi subconsciously asked the system elf...

"Host, it's over..."

"We shouldn't have such waves..."

"The heavens and worlds have begun to collapse, and we have no chance to surpass..."

Answer Lin Yi is no longer the giggling voice of the system elf, her voice is now full of despair...


After hearing the systematic explanation, Lin Yi only had time to utter two words...


Just like turning off the computer, all the worlds suddenly condensed into one point and then turned into a bubble... The boundless dimension space was only left with darkness...


There is only a light that does not know what it is, gleaming in this endless dimensional space...

(End of this book!)


Author's Quotations: Doing my own death caused this book to die. I am really sorry for the readers who have supported me for so long!

By the way, make an advertisement, my new book [Synopsis of I Love to Open the Treasure Box] is about to be uploaded!

It is also an unlimited animation tour, the old driver drives again!

⑧Fanwai--A casual love world

Chapter 1 Teachers

"Jingle Bell……"

A loud alarm sounded in this very small room...

"So annoying...Where is the alarm bell?"

In the room with only one single bed, a black-haired teenager who seemed to be in his early twenties made a voice of dissatisfaction...


With a crash, I enjoyed a strong blow from a precious object without ringing the alarm for five seconds...

"Hmm! It's okay to be accurate..."

At this moment, the black-haired boy on the bed murmured after throwing a valuable object beside the bed, and fell into a deep sleep again...


The small room fell into silence again without any sense of disobedience...

"Boom boom..."

"Yijun, have you gotten up yet?"

Just when the black-haired boy fell asleep again, an untimely knock on the door resounded again...


"My wife, let the little one sleep for another half an hour..."

As soon as the black-haired boy said this, the sound at the door fell silent...


The door was directly pushed open within three seconds...

"Huh...have started to molest the senior sister on the first day? The little girls will not suffer when they enter the school?"

"It seems that you want to advance on the path of a ghost teacher!"

In the blinding eyes of the black-haired boy, an imperial sister in professional attire came to his bed... and said something that made him a little bewildered.

"Ghost teacher?"

Just when the black-haired boy was a little confused and muttered, the sister Yu who was standing by the bed came forward and twisted the boy's ears.

"What time is this? Can't get up yet? Do you want to be late for work the first day?"

Regarding the black-haired boy's whisper, the professional attire Yu Jie chose to ignore the boy's ear and preach in front of her...

"It turned out to be a dream! What a sweet dream!"

"I didn't expect a beautiful woman to wake me up, if I was gentle and killed me, I would die..."

The young man who had not yet fully awakened closed his eyes again in Yu Jie's darkened face...

"Although there is no killing, but you can still enjoy it..."

After the young man muttered, he opened his eyes again, and at the same time put his hands on the full-bodied chest of Yu Jie by the bed, and raged...

"Um... so big, so soft, so comfortable..."



" hurts..."

"It's too cheating to go across without saying a word.

The black-haired boy sitting at the dinner table at the moment...No, it should be the boy named Lin Yi who was covering his red cheek with his right hand at the moment, looking at him with a sad face, and this one slapped himself. The royal sister...

"Although I am a senior otaku, I am not a single dog!"

"Passing through this kind of thing actually doesn't have to happen to me..."

Lin Yi was ignoring the girl who wanted to laugh but couldn't laugh, and couldn't help thinking of her being in another world in tears.

"Deserve it! Even the elder sister dare to molested, if it weren’t for your pitiful part of being my lovely younger brother and wandering around without a job, do you think I would leave you in Sakura Villa?

"Hurry up and eat, then go to work...Today I will take you to familiarize yourself with the school. I don't want the teacher I introduced to be late for work the first day."

Regarding Lin Yi's sad eyes, the Yu Jie on the opposite side glared at him directly and said in an angry tone.

"Sakura Village? What a familiar name?"

"Could it be related to the pet girl in the anime Sakura Sou?"

As soon as Lin Yi heard that he was living in Sakura Village, as a senior animation house, he immediately thought of anime related to Sakura Village.

When Lin Yi thought of this, his brain suddenly became clear...Some memories deep in his mind quickly emerged...

"So, I didn't expect that I would really travel into this world..."

After Lin Yi accepted the memory in his mind, he found that things were really as he imagined... Lin Yi, grew up in the orphanage, and recently graduated with the help of Chihiro Sister and worked at Shuming University of the Arts. Affiliated high school, age 23, single...

It's a coincidence that I ran into my senior sister from the same university at a sorority a few days ago, that is, Chihiro Chihiro who introduced herself to high school as a teacher...

When she learned that Lin Yi had no money to rent a house, Chihiro-senpai directly let him live in Sakura Village. Although this was the property of the school, she, as the administrator, naturally applied to the school easily...

"Hello! As a scumbag with a grade of academic scum, where can I teach others?"

"Speaking of the memory of these settings, give me back the knowledge anyway!"

After Lin Yi figured out his identity setting, he couldn't help but complain...


"I didn't expect Lin Yijun to be really bold!"

"Little Qianxun, let Lin Yijun marry you."

The girl who had been holding her laughter couldn't help laughing anymore... She looked at Lin Yi a little admiringly, and then said to Chihiro Chihiro's suggestion.

"Boom! Use honorifics for the teacher..."

Regarding the girl, Lin Yi, who had been in a state of lamentation, finally found a chance to vent...Without hesitation, Lin Yi directly reached out and knocked on the girl's forehead...


Regarding Lin Yi's actions, the girl drew back in horror...

"Wow! The ghost animal teacher is going to do it to me!"

The girl's movements directly caused Lin Yi's right hand to stay in the air a little embarrassingly...

"Misaki, if you know, stay away from him. I'm not sure when I will push you there!"

This more mischievous girl is the genius Misaki Ui Kusaki from Sakura Sou, active, lively, and spoof is her character, so the frightened look just now was just pretended...

"Hey... I will attack Lin Yijun tonight... Let him go the way of an adult..."

"In other words, should Lin Yijun still behave?"

Regarding the words of Yujie teacher Chihiro Chihiro, the originally frightened girl Uei Kusaki immediately recovered her previous look, and said to Lin Yi very ambiguously.

"Well! If you dare to come to my room tonight, then I can get out of that title."

Lin Yi said indifferently to the girl's question.

"You can't be a ghost teacher! Otherwise, you will be expelled from the school..."

Qianshi Chihiro gave him an angry look after hearing Lin Yi's words...

Chapter 2 Chaotic Anime Characters

"Our high school affiliated with Shuming University of the Arts is divided into general subjects and art subjects, and the art subjects inside are also divided into music subjects and fine arts subjects..."


Lin Yi sat in a place specially prepared for the teacher and couldn't help yawning as he listened to the principal on the stage...

Fortunately, as a new teacher, Lin Yi was placed behind many teachers, so it did not attract too many people's attention.


Just when Lin Yi was about to fall asleep, there was a burst of applause in the gym, which directly interrupted Lin Yi's sleepiness.

"Huh! Is it finally over?"

Amidst the rounds of applause, Lin Yi immediately understood that the principal's speech was over, and it was time for the freshmen to speak.

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