Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 376

"Next, Haruhi Suzumiya, the first freshman, will come to the stage to speak."


At this time, the words of the host on the stage caused Lin Yi's sleepiness to fly to the horizon...

"Haruhi Suzumiya?"

"What the hell? Isn't it Sakura Sou's pet girl?"

"Why are other cartoon characters chaotically entering? Is it just a coincidence of names?"

At this moment, Lin Yi's mind is full of doubts, obviously some can't figure it out...

Lin Yi, who originally thought it was a coincidence, saw a girl who was very familiar with her dress and had an orange tie on her hair, and suddenly realized that it was not a coincidence that her name was the same...

Especially her next speech made Lin Yi confirm her own thoughts.

"I have no interest in ordinary humans. If there are aliens, future people, people from other worlds, or superpowers among you, just come to me!"


The serious speech of the girl on the stage immediately caused a commotion among all of you...

"The future life will not be boring!"

Lin Yi looked at the smiling face of the girl on the stage, and couldn't help but mutter to himself with a bit of helplessness covering her face.

"Never let her know that I came here, otherwise there will be no peaceful days."

After Lin Yi muttered to herself, Haruhi Suzumiya glanced at it with a vigilant look...


Haruhi Suzumiya, who was receiving attention on the stage at the moment, suddenly felt a strange look...

"Are there really aliens, people from the future, people from another world, people with superpowers, etc.?"

Haruhi Suzumiya couldn't help feeling a little excited after he noticed Lin Yi's somewhat wary eyes...

The reason why she made such a bold statement at the entrance ceremony for freshmen today is mainly because she wants to find out those special guys hidden in the crowd...

Unexpectedly, Huang Tian paid off the caring people and finally let her run into it... So Haruhi Suzumiya took Lin Yi's appearance in mind and walked off the stage.

"You can't startle the snake, lest this guy escape."

"It seems I have to make a plan..."

Haruhi Suzumiya left the speechless class guide, principal and director full of thoughts, and walked off the stage muttering self-consciously.


"Boy, what do you think?"

"Could it be that which girl do you like?"

"Do you need help from senior sister?"

After the rough end of the freshman entrance ceremony, everyone slowly left the gym under the guidance of the staff...

And when Chihiro Chihiro was planning to find Lin Yi to familiarize him with the campus, he suddenly found out that he was in a daze there alone. Chihiro Chihiro couldn't help but become curious...

"Huh! Senior sister, you startled me."

"Where are there any girls I like, I'm just thinking about the next teaching."

"Besides, if I have a senior sister, do I need to find someone else?"

When Lin Yi was thinking about how to deal with Haruhi Suzumiya's affairs, Chihiro Chihiro's voice suddenly frightened him...If he hadn't reacted quickly to transfer his daze, I'm afraid his senior sister would be reluctant... …

"I'm still very happy to hear what my younger brother said."

"Let's go! Let you get familiar with the campus."

"You should start your first class in the afternoon!"

For Lin Yi's somewhat teasing remarks, Chihiro Chihiro was not only not angry and shy, but instead patted Lin Yi on the shoulder with a very discerning look of you...

At this moment, the people in the gymnasium had almost left, Chihiro Chihiro no longer hesitated and took Lin Yi directly to the door, preparing to take him around the campus to get familiar.


Time flies...

Lin Yi, accompanied by Chihiro Chihiro, learned about the environment and architecture of the campus, and then returned to school to prepare for him at the office desk to prepare the course content to be taught in the afternoon.


"Fortunately, what I teach is mathematics... It would be terrible if I were to teach Japanese!"

After sitting at the desk and taking a look at his class schedule, he was relieved immediately.

Although there are Japanese in math books, at least he can still understand...then the problem of teaching mathematics is not big.

"Brother, go to class when you get ready!"

"After all, the first class in the afternoon is yours..."

Not long after Lin Yi sat down and sorted out the lessons he was going to teach, Chihiro Chihiro's voice came from the side...

As Lin Yi's senior sister, Chihiro Chihiro certainly didn't worry about him, so he specially arranged Lin Yi's desk next to her to help him unexpectedly.

"Okay, senior sister."

Lin Yi didn't hesitate, after taking his own textbook, he stood up and walked outside the door.

"School brother, this..."

Lin Yi, who had not stepped outside, was suddenly stopped by Chihiro Chihiro, and at the same time handed over the student list in her hand...

"Uh! Forgot!"

Lin Yi immediately understood the list passed by Chihiro Chihiro, and couldn't help scratching his head in embarrassment.

If you don’t have this, don’t be too embarrassed if you don’t know a person’s name in the class...

"Then I will go first!"

After Lin Yi said to Chihiro Chihiro, he took the list and left...

"Brother, come on!"

Seeing Lin Yi leaving behind, Chihiro Chihiro said silently behind him.

Chapter 3 Gold Finger Start

With the end of the roll call, Lin Yi remembered the names of the students in his class and started the class like normal teachers.

Although Lin Yi looks a little handsome and caused some girls to whisper when he entered the classroom, the discipline of the whole class was still followed during class.

"Jingle Bell!"

Soon the get out of class bell rang outside the classroom...

As a teacher who did not drag the class, Lin Yi immediately stopped the topic he planned to explain.

"This question will serve as today's homework!"

"Students go back and think about it and leave it to the teacher to correct it tomorrow."

For the question left on the blackboard at this moment, Lin Yi directly left it as homework for the students.

Although this is Lin Yi's first class, it is the last math class of today...

"goodbye teacher!"

Following the words of the students in the class standing up to salute, Lin Yi opened the classroom door and went out.


"Wow! Handsome guy!"

Lin Yi, who originally sorted out the books in his hand, was suddenly startled by the call...


"What the hell?"

"I have obviously walked out of the classroom?"

Lin Yi looked at the strange student sitting in front of him and couldn't help thinking in a daze.

"Could it be that I came to the next classroom?"

When Lin Yi didn't understand, he planned to open the classroom door and take a look...

Who knew that his hand went straight through that door...

"Meet a ghost?"

Just when Lin Yi's heart was cold, there was a warm current from the textbook in his hand...

"The textbook has also changed? This world is so terrible?"

Lin Yi looked at the dazzling textbook like a divine weapon in his hand at this moment, a thought flashed through his mind...

"Open it and see..."

Regarding the situation in front of him, he obviously didn't care about the dazzling textbook like this divine tool, and then Lin Yi opened the textbook in his hand without hesitation...

Concept manifestation: textbook (existence as one with the host)


1. Automatically display the current teaching course (no matter what kind of knowledge)

2. The Gate of the Plane: When an important person in other worlds invites the host, the Gate of the Plane will appear on a page of the textbook

3. Show the list of students, detailed information, learning talents, and current world value

4. The host can unlock other maps of the current plane when invited by important characters in the current world

5. Bring your own student positioning (As a teacher, you naturally have to maintain the safety of students' lives and property)

6, not unlocked

The first thing that should enter Lin Yi’s eyes is the first page of the catalog, which has become a very powerful information display at this moment...


"It's hanging up..."

"Unexpectedly, I also have gold fingers..."

After reading the introduction on the first page, Lin Yi can be regarded as having a certain understanding of this artifact with full marks, and he even couldn't help but babble...

"Look at what's next?"

After reading the introduction on the first page of the textbook, Lin Yi couldn't help being curious about the following content.


Lin Yi turned the page without saying anything...

Host: Lin Yi (Senior Houseman)

Faction: Order·Evil

Strength: E- (lowest class)

Constitution: E

Agility: E- (lowest class)


Skills: None

Treasures: None

The content of the second page was almost the same as Lin Yi had imagined, and such a shabby introduction did not exceed his expectations.

"What about the third page?"

Lin Yi couldn't help but turn his attention to the back pages of the textbook after reading his crude attributes.

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