Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 39


"Boom boom boom"

A knock on the door sounded in Lin Yi's room.

"Who is it?"

Originally teasing... heh... Lin Yi, who was waiting for Tian Suohui and Fengzaki to drink soup, asked slightly unhappy after hearing the knock on the door outside.

"It's me! Lin Yi, open the door."

At this moment, Yoshino Yuuhime, who was a little worried outside the door, couldn't help but exclaimed after hearing Lin Yi's words that seemed impatient.

"Wait a minute."

When Lin Yi heard that it was Yoshino Yuuhime who came at the door, his tone of voice became much more relaxed.

Then Lin Yi glanced at the two women who would not wake up on the bed for a while, then took back his sinful hand and arranged the quilt for them by the way, so as to cover the spring light exposed to the air.


After getting up, Lin Yi slowly came to the door of the room. After opening the door, he found that Yuuhime Yoshino was standing in front of the door, entangled with her fingers and wondered what H was thinking.

Even when Lin Yi opened the door and came out, she didn't react.Slowly, under Lin Yi's gaze, her face suddenly turned red. Lin Yi had an illusion that a cloud of red burst out on her head after her blush reached the limit.

"What do you think?"

Lin Yi's sudden utterance immediately frightened Yoshino Yuuki, but she didn't expect that the scene she had just imagined would have been under Lin Yi's gaze, which made Yoshino Yuuki even more embarrassed.


Yoshino Yuuhime replied hesitantly, turning his attention away.

"Come and let me guess."

Lin Yi held his chin in both hands, and then after looking in the corridor and found that there was no one else, he looked at Yoshino Yuuhime thoughtfully and said, "Seeing me secretly during this time when no one else would choose to disturb me. ……Ok!"

After thinking for a while, Lin Yi went on to say: "And in front of my room, conjecture some... dirty things."

"Yuhime, wake up soon."

"The cute and naughty little Red Riding Hood in the forest is my big love!"

"Fuck girl or something... Hmm!... I have too much appetite for fear that I can't stand it."

After Lin Yi finished the plot with his own mind, he clasped Yoshino Yuuhime's shoulders with both hands and persuaded him with worry.


As Lin Yi continued to speak, even if he was in the lively and cheerful forest, Little Red Riding Hood couldn't help but see many'wells' on his forehead at this time.

"Okay, the joke ends here."

Just when Yoshino Yuuki felt that she was about to break out, Lin Yi chuckled and squeezed her Qiong nose to calm her down.


For Lin Yi who suddenly changed his attitude, many question marks appeared on the head of Yuuhime Yoshino, Little Red Riding Hood in the forest.

"do not understand?"

Lin Yi looked at Yoshino's unclear look in her own eyes, and then explained: "It's just that you were so nervous just now to relieve you."

Just after Lin Yi's words fell, Yoshino Yuuki couldn't help but start to see love. It was the first time she found Lin Yi's shining light!

Originally, I thought that Lin Yi was just a selfish, lustful and shameless fanatic. I didn't expect that he would have such a careful side. It seemed that he had misunderstood him before.

"Now you can say something is wrong!"

Lin Yi noticed the soft gaze in Yoshino Yuuhi's eyes, and couldn't help but smile in his heart and directly asked her purpose of coming.After all, she is not a god, nor a powerful psychologist or micro-expression expert, so naturally she can't know what she is thinking.

In fact, sometimes the less you know, the happier you are. This has always been the principle that Lin Yi believes in.As long as you don't be brain-damaged... the second thing... is fine, it doesn't matter if you are shameless and shameless, after all, it is worthless and rewarding.

"I have eaten your cooking today."

Yoshino Yuuki spit out a word slowly, Lin Yi didn't talk to him but waited for her to say the next words.

"I want to eat it later."

After saying this, Yoshino Yuki looked at Lin Yi with an expectant look.

"Oh oh"

Lin Yi did not directly answer Yoshino's words, but looked at her up and down with interest.

Just when Yuki Yoshino was seeing goose bumps all over, Lin Yi asked with a joke: "Did you say this because you have the idea of ​​dedication?"

"Yes, it depends on whether you dare to accept it?"

Now that Lin Yi is broken, Yoshino Yuuhime is no longer ashamed.After all, Lin Yi had taken advantage of himself, and it was nothing to dedicate himself.It would be even more perfect if there were such great dishes every day.

"I thought at first that if you don't need to be strong, it will take a while to attack her!"

"Unexpectedly, you can't wait to hug you so soon?"

"My charm hasn't increased either!"

Lin Yi, who was a little puzzled, opened the system interface and found that there was no prompt.

"Is it impossible"

Chapter 62

"Master, here I am."

While Yuuki Yoshino was waiting for Lin Yi to answer, the unexpected guest appeared.

It may be a conditioned reflex. Lin Yi's sight immediately locked the pair of oppas who were shaking. After recovering, he realized that the person had come not far away.

"Huh! Miyoko, who are you?"

Lin Yi looked at Miyoko Kitadai who was wearing a cheongsam with a big bag in her hand and asked curiously.

"Compared to the master's cooking, I am naturally willing to give in."

For Lin Yi's question, Miyoko Hojo admitted his failure without hesitation.Miyoko, who was slightly interested in Lin Yi's arrogant declaration, was full of enthusiasm at this time.

I originally thought that my cooking skills would be easy to reach Yuanyue Shijie, but I just stopped by Yuanyue Gilded to get the first seat of Yuanyue Shijie, and then returned to my restaurant to inherit the position of chef and at the same time prove that the woman is a girl Not worse than men.

But Lin Yi's dish directly pierced Hojo Miyoko's ideals.After experiencing the birth of life, Miyoko Hojo discovered how narrow her previous vision was, which also stimulated her desire to continuously climb to the top of cooking.

"As long as I'm by Lin Yi's side, my cooking skills will definitely make great progress in a short period of time, although I may give my precious first time to a man who doesn't know it yet.

"But this will be my apprenticeship!"

"Furthermore, if I resist, maybe nothing will happen, just a pure maid."

Although Miyoko Hojo easily became Lin Yi's maid automatically, she also considered a lot in her heart.But if the other people in Jixingliao knew her thoughts, they would say,'You are too simple.'

"You admit defeat, I understand, but your movements are too fast!"

"How long has it been? You packed everything up and brought it here!"

Although Lin Yi didn't care about Miyoko Hojo's surrender, he was frightened by the opponent's speed.Is she pretending to be Scud?

"Considering the possibility of failure, I prepared things early in the morning. I just drove down the mountain to get it."

Miyoko Hojo's precautions can be regarded as let Lin Yi convinced.

"Then you put your luggage in the next room first! Go to the hostel and ask for a room."

"It shouldn't be a problem if you want to pass the assessment of Aunt Su Guan Wenxu with your strength."

Lin Yi looked at Miyoko Hojo with a serious look and did not refuse her refuge. He pointed directly to Room 302 next to Miyoko and ordered Miyoko.

"Okay, I will go now."

Miyoko Hojo first glanced curiously at Yoshino Yuuhime, who was now a little ruddy, and then nodded to Lin Yi's words.

After Miyoko Hojo left, Lin Yi turned his attention to Yoshino Yuuhime again.

"Still watching?"

"what the hell do you want?"

At this time, the impatient Yoshino Yuuhime who had been seen by Lin Yi took the lead in speaking. The expression seemed to be like a mad cat after being known to be shy.

"I naturally have no habit of rejecting the food delivered to my door."

"Then I declare you belong to me now."

Lin Yi looked at the blown-up Yoshino Yuuhime and comforted him with his arms in her arms, and then gently kissed Yoshino Yuuhime's nervous eyes.

"Every girl's lips give people a different feeling"

At this moment, Lin Yi was in a deep kiss with Yoshino Yuuki, who was no one in the corridor. At this moment, the relationship between the two people has been fermenting through this kiss, waiting for the moment of explosion...


At this time, Lin Yi suddenly left Yoshino Yuuhime's lips, and the eyes of Yoshino Yuuhime who had been immersed in them could not help but appear confused.

"What are you in a hurry? It will be long in Japan"

Lin Yi's words made Yoshino Yuuhime sober, and she felt embarrassed about her own thoughts.

"Then I will go back first."

Now that it has been agreed, Yoshino Yuuhime does not plan to stay longer, after all, there are still two women in the room!


Lin Yi looked at Yuki Yoshino who was about to leave, and stopped her directly, then in her surprised eyes, Lin Yi quietly stretched her head over and didn't know what to say in her ear...

"I...I understand."

After Lin Yi finished speaking, Yoshino Yuuki replied with a little shame, stirring her fingers.

"What if... Ryoko is also doing?"

Suddenly, Yuuki Yoshino had a flash of light in her mind, thinking of a hint of possibility, and she couldn't help but feel worried about Lin Yi's previous proposal.

"What does that matter? I can still eat the two women."

Regarding Yoshino's concerns, Lin Yi answered without worry.

"I misunderstood you."

"You're still that selfish and shameless fanatic, huh!"

In response to Lin Yi's answer, Yoshino Yuuhime, who was originally a shy little woman, instantly transformed into a blunt air, and left after leaving a sentence.

"Whatever you say, as long as you remember the agreement."

Lin Yi looked at Yoshino Yuuhime, who deliberately left in a hurry, and didn't give much comfort, just exhorted.


Yoshino Yuuhime did not speak, but waved his hand to say goodbye to Lin Yi.


"It's over!"

Miyoko Hojo, who had been waiting behind the door for a long time, opened the door and asked after seeing Lin Yi alone.

"Okay, you solve the room's affairs first."

"It just so happened that Minezaki was resting today, and the important task of attending the bath fell on you, the new maid."

After Lin Yi asked her again, Miyoko Hojo was dumbfounded.

"Servant bath? What the hell is that?"

"Does the maid still have to do this?"

The image of a maid in Miyoko Hojo's heart has always been the appearance of a maid cafe. Miyoko Hojo, who is waiting for a bath, suddenly felt that she was playing, and she wanted to keep her innocence, but now she is completely hopeless.

Chapter 63-What Is The Way That Directs A Woman's Heart

As time passed slowly, night had arrived.

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