Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 40

"Yuhime, are you there?"

After dinner, Sakura Ryoko, who was about to take a hot bath, passed by Yoshino Yuuhime's room, but suddenly found that the light in her room was still on, and knocked on the door.


When I was still thinking about what Lin Yi told me today in the room, I was suddenly startled by the knock on the door.


"It's Ryoko! What's the matter?"

When Yuuhime Yoshino opened the door and saw Ryoko at the door, he was relieved and asked curiously.

"Yuhime, it's time for girls to take a bath, why aren't you ready?"

Although Sakura Ryoko thought Yoshino Yuuhime's look was strange, she didn't think too much, just raised the washbasin in her hands and asked Yoshino Yuuhime.


"Ryoko, why don't you go wash it first! I'll go later."

After hearing Sakura Ryoko's invitation to take a bath, Yoshino's expression became a little embarrassed.

"What's wrong with you?"

Sakura Ryoko was puzzled by Yoshino Yuuhime's hesitant expression.

"Is it uncomfortable?"

Then he put his hand on Yoshino's forehead and felt it.

"No problem!"

After comparing with the temperature on her forehead, Sakura Ryoko did not notice anything abnormal.

"What can I do, if you sincerely invite Ryoko, let's get together!"

For Sakura Ryoko, who can incarnate as Ryoko Sherlock Holmes once there is a problem, Yoshino Yuuhime dared not show too many flaws, so she agreed to her request.

"Ryoko, don't blame me, it's all destiny."

For Sakura Ryoko who came automatically, Yoshino Yuuhime had no choice but to comfort her inwardly.



"Xiaohui shouldn't be able to get up today. It seems that there are only two of us today."

After Sakura Ryoko walked into the bathroom with Yoshino Yuuhime, she couldn't help but sigh when she looked at the empty bathroom at this time.

"I don't think so!"

Naturally, this sentence of Yoshino Yuuhime did not dare to say it clearly.

After taking off their clothes, the two walked into the bathroom for a towel.

Although the bathroom in Jixingliao is shared by men and women, some rooms have their own bath heater, but there is no bath in the bathroom.

Think about how comfortable it is to take a hot bath in the bath after a tiring day.

Taking into account the conservation of water resources, Ji Xing Liao only built one such bathroom, while staggering the time for men and women to bathe.It can be regarded as a contribution to saving resources.

Of course, the hot water that men and women need to bathe must be prepared again.

"Yuhime, let me rush for you first!"

Sakura Ryoko looked at the heat in the bathroom at this time, and couldn't help but want to go into the bath for a dip. Finally, she held back and pulled Yoshino Yuuhime to the Yuba next to the bath.

Before entering the bath, you must rinse your body before you can enter the bath.


As the water stains slide down Yoshino's white and delicate skin, the original nervous mood also relaxes, and there is only a sense of comfort in my mind.


Suddenly the door outside the bathroom was opened.

The door to the bathroom and the bathing area are separated by a layer of space for clothes, so people inside cannot see outside.

"Did Xiaohui get up?"

Ryoko Sakura couldn't help being surprised after hearing the sound.It's a pity that she didn't notice that Yoshino Yuuhime's look was very nervous at this time.

"Is Xiaohui you?"

I couldn't guess so much, Sakura Ryoko asked directly.

"it's me."

Some familiar voices soon came from outside the door.

"Huh... So it's Miyoko!"

Not only Sakura Ryoko, but also Yoshino Yuuhime breathed a sigh of relief for some reason.

Unfortunately, they soon became nervous again.

"Of course there is me."

"This voice...this it Lin Yijun??"

As soon as Lin Yi's voice came out, Ryoko Sakura quickly became alert.Then she realized that the voice was very familiar, and she screamed directly.

"Bingo! That's right."


As soon as Lin Yi's excited words were spoken, Lin Yi appeared in front of them at this moment.


"Lin...Lin Yi...Lin Yijun, it's still girls' bath time at this time!"

Sakura Ryoko screamed, and quickly covered her body and said nervously to Lin Yi.

"Of course I know this."

"That's why I will come here now!"

Lin Yi answered naturally.

"Could it be that Lin Yijun, you are no longer willing to be an ordinary ghost animal, and want to move towards the great demon king of ghost animal?"

So not for Lin Yi

To admit it face-to-face, Ryoko Sakura really didn't know what to say.But she knew she would definitely lose her virginity if she stayed like this.

"Yuhime, I will hold him later, you go out first."

Sakura Ryoko turned her head and suggested directly to Yuuhime Yoshino behind her.

"Don't think about running away, the door has been blocked by me, no one will come in temporarily."

"By the way, you delivered it to your door today."

Facing such doubtful words, Sakura Ryoko's eyes flashed into the state of Sherlock Ryoko.

"Yuhime, I was just joking with you today."

"You really want to give him an embrace."

Sakura Ryoko, who quickly understood the situation, asked in surprise to the silent Yuuhime Yoshino behind her.

"But he has done those things to me, even if I don't give in, I can't get back the loss."

"Besides, it is a blessing to be able to eat his food in the future!"

Yoshino Yuuhime, who was whispering, suddenly explained righteously.

"The world of foodies, I don't understand."

"It turns out that it's really feasible to conquer women's hearts first to conquer their stomachs."

"I've been cheated by your foodie."

After hearing Yoshino Yuuhime's words, Sakura Ryoko relaxed a lot in her heart for some reason, obviously not planning to struggle too much.

At the same time, there is also a kind of enlightenment in the heart. In addition to the *dao, there is also the esophagus that directly connects to the woman's heart!

Chapter 64

"I just want you to promise me one condition."

After seeing Lin Yi's firm attitude, Sakura Ryoko stopped insisting, but it was conditional.

"What's the matter? Let's talk!"

Lin Yi just asked her to speak out first, but did not directly agree to her.Otherwise, wouldn't it be embarrassing to not be able to do it then.

"Even if you are a gentleman, you didn't directly agree, otherwise you would really be hypocritical."

Lin Yi didn't know that he hadn't agreed to her condition, and since she was praised, she suddenly felt a sense of bewilderment.

"My only condition is that I don't want Xiaohui to know about our relationship."

At this time, Ryoko Sakura said solemnly, regardless of Lin Yi's expression.

"Can you tell me the reason?"

Lin Yi didn't say anything carelessly that Xiaohui knew that it didn't matter. I could totally call the shots. According to the conversation with Sakura Ryoko just now, it would be much easier to get her favorability if he wasn't so pretending.

"We treat Xiaohui as a sister, who knew she brought you a bad guy to bully us."

"Even so, I haven't figured out how to face her."

"If you agree to my terms, and don't tell Xiaohui about our relationship and don't take the initiative to ask us to do these things, then now I will not only not resist, but...I will cooperate with you."

Sakura Ryoko has been speaking arrogantly, but it is a pity that the more shy and uncontrollable the tone becomes under Lin Yi's naked eyes.

"Of course, you can also refuse."

"Even if you insist on occupying me right now, I am afraid I can't resist it."

"But after this door, we are the enemy."

"Don't say it's touching me when that happens, it's difficult even for friends."

The more Ryoko Sakura said, the more determined her gaze became, even Lin Yi's compelling gaze didn't matter to her.

"If I can't take the initiative to find you, what if I want it?"

Lin Yi spoke about her worries after turning around her.

I can't touch my own woman yet, and I must be more and more tempted when I look at it!

"As for this, we can only take the initiative to find you without Xiaohui's knowledge."

Ryoko Sakaki thought a little, and came up with a compromise.

"This is a good idea, I agreed."

"However, one thing is that there must be at least once in a week."

Now the situation is better than others, and Lin Yi can't help but refuse.Compared to a one-time harvest, Lin Yi naturally wants sustainable development, but it is better to provide some comments after agreeing.

As the saying goes, you are asking prices all the time, I will pay back by sitting on the ground!But apparently this frequency was too frequent, and Lin Yi had to agree to the result twice a month under the pressure of Ryoko Sakura.

"Now that everything is settled, it is finally time to collect interest."

After Lin Yi received Sakura Ryoko's opinion and nodded, he hehe smiled and rushed towards her directly, burying his head in her overgrown oppa before he could react.

"Lin Yi, how old are you still wanting to drink milk?"

Sakura Ryoko, who was panting up and down by Lin Yi, deliberately said a joke that she wanted to draw her attention away.It's a pity that she seems to be combining body and mind at this time, and there is no way in her mind to shield the strange feeling from her body.

"You... you stop for a while, I can't."

Taking a deep breath, Sakura Ryoko directly pressed Lin Yi's head in the middle of Oupai with both hands, so that he would stop moving and give himself time to breathe.

"Ryoko, I feel you will be suffocated by you if you don't let Lin Yi go."

Just after Sakura Ryoko gasped for a long time and gradually calmed down, suddenly behind him came Yoshino's chuckle and joking voice.

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