Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 41


For Yoshino Yuuhime’s reminder, Sakura Ryoko subconsciously looked down her body, and saw that Lin Yi’s head, which was firmly fixed by Sakura Ryoko’s hands, was not moving, but his two hands were flying in the air. Now, that intense!


Sakura Ryoko was surprised to let go of his Opie's head, and said apologetically.

"Huh... come alive."

"Almost thought that he would be the first man to die among a woman Opie. Now it is a blessing!"

After Lin Yi was liberated, he panted and then sighed silently.

"Yes, I don't know how Ryoko grew up."

Behind Sakura Ryoko, Yoshino Yuuhime heard Lin Yi's sigh. Suddenly, she wrapped her arms around Sakura in front of Ryoko, and she consciously placed her two hands on the huge oppa and said with envy and hatred.


"Yuhime, you're the culprit, don't hesitate to send it home."

Sakura Ryoko, who was suddenly attacked, made a cute cry, but knowing that Yoshino Yuuhime was weak, she directly reached out and scratched the itch of Yoshino Yuuhime behind her. When she let go, Sakura Ryoko turned and pushed her out, directly Flopped on Lin Yi's body.

"Lamb delivered to the door."

Lin Yi looked at Yoshino Yuuki who was throwing in his arms and chuckled, and then a princess hugged him in his surprised eyes.

"Quick...Quick...let me down."

At this time, the towel on Yoshino Yuuki who was picked up by Lin Yi instantly fell off, exposing the seductive scenery to Lin Yi's eyes without any concealment.

After being sluggish for a while, Yoshino Yuuki responded quickly to cover the most important place with her hands, and said to Lin Yi with a blushing face.

"What are you afraid of, you will be mine later."

"Now we have a good time in the bath."

Ignoring Yoshino's resistance, Lin Yi directly entered the bath with her as a princess.

"Don't hesitate, you two, come in quickly!"

Lin Yi, who was lying in the comfortable bath, looked at Sakura Ryoko and Hojo Miyoko who were still indifferent, and immediately ordered.

"As a maid, it is unqualified to serve the master in the bath."

Compared with Sakura Ryoko, who had already let go a little bit, Miyoko Hojo was still waiting outside the door at this time, and apparently hadn't accepted what Lin Yi said to the bath.

"If you don't want to, just forget it, you go back!"

Lin Yi said directly to her without looking at the shadow standing at the door.

In fact, what Lin Yi meant was that there were already two women in front of her, and she could wait until later to slowly attack.It is a pity that Miyoko Hojo heard that he wanted to expel this unqualified maid.


Miyoko Hojo sighed softly and opened the bathroom door.Took my first step towards a woman...

Chapter 65

"The Food and Halberd Administration said it recognized this matchup as an official [Food Halberd]"

"The emcee is me... Kawashima Rei, a freshman in high school."


In the speech of a lovely girl, the halberd was just the beginning.

As the emcee, Rei Kawashima looks like a cute and soft girl, but Lin Yi, who has seen the original animation, knows that

She is a pretty dark-bellied girl, but she who likes to be cute has a large group of male fans. At the moment, there are shouts of'super cute Xiaoli' in the venue.

"Today's battle of halberd must be expected for a long time."

"Whether it is the meat aggressor who dominates the freshman cooking, or the arrogant interim student who became famous at the freshman welcome party."

"All can be said to be a famous mover"

"Then who will have the last laugh in this confrontation? Let us wait and see!"

"Not much gossip, now first I invite both parties to enter the arena from their respective entrances."

As the opening remarks of Rei Kawashima ended, Lin Yi and Mito Yu Meicai slowly appeared from the background.

"The first entry is"

"The meat invader... Mito Yumei"

With the words of Rei Kawashima and the enthusiastic cheers of the audience, the name of Mito Yumei directly appeared on the huge display in the center of the venue, with bursts of red flame special effects.


At the same time Mito Yumei appeared, her trembling Opai made the cheers on the scene even stronger.

"Don't show your big breasts, you Dutch cow."

"I only need to be the one who fascinates men."

In order to live up to Kawashima Rei's dark-bellied character, while facing a smile, he could not help secretly contempt after seeing most of the boys turn their attention to him.

"The next entry is"

Although Kawashima Rei was cursing inwardly, she still returned to her normal mood on the surface, and she continued to speak with a smile on her face.


Lin Yi's name hadn't been spoken from Kawashima Rei, but there were curses all over the scene.

"go to hell!"

"Don't underestimate people"

"Asshole transfer student"


"Next is the legendary first transfer student Lin Yijun who is super-watched...Hahaha"

Amid the boos from the audience, Kawashima Rei calmly introduced the next person.

Lin Yi has nothing to do with the boos all over the room for the time being, otherwise he will directly threaten them with a spirit of deterrence...'This can have'

Such a thought just flashed through Lin Yi's mind.

"In fact, if you give up, I will consider reducing your training time."

After seeing Lin Yi, Mito Yumei couldn't help but smile at him and said that he admitted to be compassionate.

It's a pity that Lin Yi didn't listen to a word of her words. It's no wonder that Lin Yi was mainly Mito Yumei. When she spoke, her well-developed breasts kept shaking, and inadvertently caught Lin Yi's attention. Attracted the past.


Mito Yumei, who was waiting for Lin Yi's answer, only got an answer that made her confused.

"What does he mean by giving me a thumbs up? What the hell is it?"

"Did he admit defeat?"

At this time, Mito Yumei's mind was full of Lin Yi's admiring eyes and inexplicable thumbs up.

Just as Mito Yumei was thinking, there were bursts of screams from the venue, which directly interrupted her thinking.

"What's the matter (⊙⊙?)?"

Mito Yumei raised her head in surprise.

"Dear viewers, who did we see?"


With Kawashima Rei's words, the audience screamed, of course, mainly girls.

"That's right, the person here is one of the top ten outstanding senior Isshiki Hui"

"Although I am also very curious that Senior Isshiki will come to serve as a judge, let's cheer at this moment!"

Lin Yi and Mito Yumei, who had originally acted as the protagonists, instantly became supporting roles after the appearance of Issehui.

"With a subtle upset, it seems that people who are more aggressive than me are enemies."

Lin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and all kinds of malice flashed in his heart.

When everyone cheered at the meeting, Yi Sehui responded with a smiling face, suddenly felt a cold sweat on her back, as if she was being targeted by some sort of hunter.

The five senses raised by Lin Yi's cooking last time made him keenly catch the place where malice came from.


After clearly paying attention to Lin Yi's unhappy eyes, Isshiki couldn't help but feel like she was about to finish.


"Everyone, be quiet, let us turn our attention to the two players!"

"After all, they are the protagonists today."

After avoiding Lin Yi's eyes with a cough, Isshiki took the microphone from Kawashima Rei and interrupted the audience's loud voices.

"Now invite judges to sit here"

Now that Isshiki Hui himself spoke, the audience naturally calmed down, and Kawashima Rei was not talking nonsense and directly welcomed the three judges into a special seat.

Regarding Isshiki's appearance, no one expected it. As for the identities of the other two judges, who would be interested, even Kawashima Reido subconsciously skipped their introduction.

The reason Isshiki Hui came to serve as a judge was entirely temporary. After experiencing the benefits twice, he naturally did not want to give up Lin Yi's third dish.

It was more than enough to serve as the jury for the two new students as Isshi Huiyuanyue Shijie, and naturally no one opposed it.

"At the request of Mito Yumei, the theme of this halberd will be meat."

"Does the opposing player have objections?"

After the judges were seated and the two auditors were in place, Kawashima Rei first raised questions to Lin Yi.


Lin Yi doesn't care (╯╰) (shrugged and said.

In fact, Lin Yi had already been notified about this issue before Shiji applied, but at this time, I was asked to confirm it once.

"Bring your own ingredients for this halberd"

"Two hours cooking time"

"Winning is recognized by two judges or more"

"If there is no objection, start eating the halberd."

As Rei Kawashima finished speaking, several large screens facing the audience began to count down.

Chapter 66-God of Cooking Set

"Senior Isshiki is so shameless that he secretly became a judge."

In the audience, Yoshino Yuuhime among the group of Pole Stars Liao pouted and said while watching Isshiki who was sitting still in the venue.

Two days have passed since the bathing incident of one man and three women. No one knows how happy they happened in it. The only news is that all three of them slept in bed in the surprise of other members of Ji Xing Liao the next day. .

Fortunately, Lin Yi's physical condition has strengthened to a metamorphosis level after his culinary breakthrough reached the god level.Otherwise, I am afraid that it will not be three people lying in bed but four people.

Although the others in Pakusungryo suspected that Lin Yi had acted on Miyoko Hojo yesterday, they did not expect that even Yuuhime Yoshino and Ryoko Sakura would be killed.

Due to the agreement, Sakura Ryoko and Yoshino Yuuhime did not show too close to Lin Yi.The others in Jixingliao found nothing.

But sometimes in hidden places, Lin Yi doesn't mind flirting with them to increase feelings.

"I agree with this sentence"

As Yuuhime Yoshino finished speaking, Shuimaa Kopei responded immediately.

"You are so fussy. Senior Isshiki is shameless. It's no longer a day or two."

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