Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 42

"After all, not everyone has a heart that is always naked without being shy."

Regarding the words that Yuuhime Yoshino and Sakuhei Suzaki sighed, Sakura Ryoko directly positioned it in a perverted position.

"To be honest, I still look forward to Lin Yi's cooking today."

"What kind of cuisine will he use to defeat his opponent?"

Xingping Chuangzhen looked at Lin Yi, who had always kept a faint smile on the court, and said with curiosity.

"Since I am facing a meat master, Lin Yi naturally uses meat."

For Yuping Chuang's real doubt, Yoshino Yuuhime answered him directly.

"Yu Ji was right. I happened to hear it when Lin Yi called someone to prepare the ingredients yesterday. It seemed to be pork."

When Yuuhime Yoshino finished speaking, Ryoko Sakura added.

At this moment, Isshiki Hui, arranged by the crowd in the audience, is also looking forward to Lin Yi's cooking.

After Kawashima Rei announced the start of the game, since opponents like Lin Yi can pass the assessment of Miss Erina, they are naturally not vulgar ones, so Mito Yumei decisively took out his trump card A5 beef.

"This is the legendary A5 beef?"

"With our current net worth, we can't afford a piece of meat on it."

Yoshino Yuuhime looked at the center of the venue being pushed out by Mito Yumei, and the whole cow who was still braving around could not help but sigh.

"When you reach the realm of Lin Yi, it can turn decay into magic, so let's see how Lin Yi defeats it!"

For the sigh of Yoshino Yuuhime, Sakuhiro Kohei on the side didn't really care.In the eyes of the chef, only the perfect ingredients are used. Sometimes even a few common ingredients are not comparable to the so-called precious ingredients.

"Interim students, let you see the top ingredients you have never seen in your life!"

To Lin Yi in front of him, Mito Yumei pointed to the beef that was spreading cold behind him and said lightly.

"Hmm! It seems that I have enough luck. It's time to redeem this thing."

Lin Yi ignored the Mito Yumei who was showing off in front of him, but instead opened his system interface to watch the remaining Qi Luck Points.

"Side Quest: Raiders Sakura Ryoko (Completed)"

"Task requirements: kiss, chest, and push it hard"

"Completion reward: 5550 luck points"

"Side Quest: Raiders Yoshino Yuuhime (Completed)"

"Task requirements: kiss, chest, and push it hard"

"Completion reward: 5550 luck points"

"Side Quest: Raiding Miyoko Hojo (Completed)"

"Task requirements: kiss, chest, and push it hard"

"Completion reward: 5550 luck points"

Lin Yi turned over the luck point after pushing to the third girl, and when he saw that he still had more than 10,000 luck, he couldn't help but set his eyes on the suit again.

"Cooking God Suit (Clothes): Equipment can enhance the comprehension of dishes and increase a certain charm. Exchange price: 10,000 luck points..."

"System, what are you waiting for? Exchange!"

After seeing the eyes, he directly ordered the system.

"Exchange the God of Kitchen Suit (Clothes)"

"The host's luck points are sufficient, the exchange begins"

"Exchange is complete."

After Lin Yi issued the command, the system interface instantly flashed a phrase.

"System, clothes..."

Seeing that the exchange was completed, Lin Yi, who didn't know where the clothes were, was about to question, and was suddenly stunned by the changes in her body.


A soft silver light kept flashing

"Ah! What's the situation?"

"What is that student doing?"

"Bring your own flash?"

There was a lot of discussion on the scene of the silver light that suddenly appeared on Lin Yi.

"What happened to Lin Yi?"

Everyone in Jixingliao is also full of doubts, not knowing why.

But there was no panic, after all, Lin Yi had used too many magical methods, and it would be fine to do it once or twice.

"What the hell is he doing?"

Mito Yumei couldn't help but feel very confused about Lin Yi, who was glowing with silver light at this time.

"Damn! Isn't it just changing clothes! So hanging?"

Even Lin Yi himself was equally surprised.

After about ten seconds, the silver light began to fade...

A set of white brocade robes gradually covered Lin Yi's original clothing, and silk and silver threads shuttled around the brocade robes to form special runes, and a tall aura instantly rushed toward his face.

And in the blank position on the chest of the white brocade robe, a series of golden threads were woven into an extraordinary dragon, giving people a feeling of domineering the world.

"Wow! So handsome!"

Everyone was shocked by the sudden change of Lin Yi and couldn't help being attracted by this suit.At this time, after Lin Yi put on the clothes, he fully displayed his god-level temperament.

"Now I believe that Lin Yi is the God of Cookery."

Like Tian Suohui, who was intoxicated with Lin Yi's face at this time, Yoshino Yuuhime also stared at Lin Yi and said idiotically.

Chapter 67 Come Out!Pork chop rice

"This this"

"What did we see?"

"The magical transfer student Lin Yijun has transformed, what kind of ability is this?"

"It's incredible."

When everyone was still immersed in the shock, Kawashima Rei, as the host, spoke, and saw the envy in her lofty words unabashedly.

"Lin Yijun, it really brings surprises to people all the time!"

At the moment, Isshiki Hui was also lost for a long time. The costume gave him the feeling that only god-level chefs deserve to have it. It is the ultimate goal of the chefs.

However, Isshiki soon woke up.He knew Lin Yi's strength very well, and it was not so easy to win this costume from him.

"Yes, I feel a lot more energetic."

Lin Yi nodded with satisfaction after taking a look.

"After the leisure activities are over, let us start a happy eating halberd!"

Lin Yi, who stretched his waist, began to look at Mito Yumei, and his eyes flicked over the A5 beef behind him.

"I don't know what attributes are A5 beef?"

The curiosity in Lin Yi's mind flashed past.

"Let's take a look at your own ingredients first!"

After declaring war on Mito Yumei, Lin Yi turned around and walked to his kitchen counter without waiting for her to reply.Started to open the ingredients that Konishi Kanichi prepared yesterday.


After Lin Yi reached out and accepted the half price of pork from a supermarket, he let out a sound of surprise.

"Pork: Tenderloin from pork chop rice."

"Effect: Unknown"

"Remarks: As the tenderest meat on pork chop rice, there is a bit of true spirit remaining in it."

It turned out that the pork bought at half price had strange properties, and even the hand of God couldn't sense what effect it would cause, which made Lin Yi surprised.

"Pork chop rice? Who gave it a name? It's so weird."

After Lin Yi was surprised at the attributes of pork, he was immediately attracted by the domineering name.

"Pork Chop Rice...Pork Chop Rice"

"Since you are called by this name, I will fulfill you!"

After Lin Yi decided on the central ingredients, he began to equip it with auxiliary materials...

Eggs: Nutritious native eggs.Effect: Fat +1

Compared with Lin Yi, who is slowly choosing the ingredients that he thinks is suitable, Mito Yumei at this moment, after being ignored by Lin Yi, with an annoyed look, he pulled out the meat that was tied to the side of his right leg and was specially used for cutting meat. Knife.


As Mito Yumei shouted, the A5 beef that was hung up in front of her was attacked by knives.

"Damn interim student... damn... damn..."

In Mito Yumei's grief and anger, he directly regarded the beef in front of him as Lin Yi and cut him off.


Scars began to appear on the beef in an orderly manner...

"With such a big kitchen knife, the meat can be cut accurately"

As a student master, Marui Zenji looked at Mito Yumei who was dancing in front of the beef with incredible eyes, and muttered to himself.

"The strength is too great!"

While everyone in Pole Star Liao was surprised by Mito Yumei's swordsman, Yoshino Yuuhime was completely frightened by Mito Yumei's power.

She is dissecting a whole cow to obtain the part of the ingredients she needs to serve as the ingredients for this cooking, which is not a joke in terms of physical strength and strength.

Although Yuuhime Yoshino is known as the Little Red Riding Hood of the forest, the animals she cooks are basically small and delicate. If you ask her to handle an adult wild boar, you are basically joking.

"I have never seen a frost with such a detailed texture!"

Just after Mito Yumei dissected and obtained the beef he wanted, Daigo Aoki in the audience directly exclaimed.

The so-called frost in Daigo Aoki's mouth has nothing to do with freezing. It refers to the frost-like distribution of beef fat.

At this moment, the beef praised by Ogo Aoki is blooming with white luster.Even if you haven't used it, you know this is not Fanpin.

"Good boy, this faint smell that makes the tip of the nose itchy."

Mito Yumei stood in front of the beef he dissected, stretched out a hand on the smooth and comfortable piece of meat, and after sniffing gently on his body, his eyes seemed to be filled with crystal water droplets. Muttered to himself in this A5 grade beef.

"Let me cook this excellent piece of meat with excellent craftsmanship!"

Mito Yumei, who had been addicted for a while, woke up, looked down at this fleshy piece of flesh, sticking out his tongue and licking his lips, said charmingly.

After the two sides officially started, the voice of the venue has disappeared.

In other words, I was completely attracted by the piece of meat that Mito Yumei cooked. Whoever Mito Yumei's frying piece of beef began to appear in the entire venue. It was completely sweeping. The trend.

The aroma that evokes roundworms in the belly of the audience really made them miserable.

"It's really hateful, how can it smell so good?"

"It made me hungry now."


In the face of this alluring fragrance, Yuuhime Yoshino in the audience couldn't help but complain, and finally her belly made a sound as if it cooperated.

Facing the fragrant beef, the pork chop rice cooked in Lin Yi's hands did not respond. Compared with the fragrant beef, it seemed to have entered the realm of returning to nature. With the help of Lin Yi, it was the most shocking aspect. Compressed tightly in the innermost waiting for the final outbreak.


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