Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 43


When they are focused, time flies quickly.

As if an hour had passed in the blink of an eye, the cooking of Lin Yi and Mito Yumei came to an end.


At this moment, Mito Yumei, who was in the final step, was suddenly attracted by Lin Yi's words. Lin Yi's words formed echoes in the originally quiet venue, even for the audience who did not want to watch his cooking. Was attracted by his voice.

"Come and let us witness the miracle together!"

Just when the atmosphere was suppressed to the extreme, the audience was about to complain about Lin Yi.Lin Yi stopped drinking and lifted the lid in his hand.

"Come out! Pork chop rice."

Lin Yi's second class seemed to be able to speak, and the audience fainted.

"Pork chop rice? What...what...what...ghost???"

The person who was about to complain about Lin Yi's words was suddenly shocked by the scene in front of him...

Chapter 68, please accept the magical powers!


A roar of howling sky spread throughout Yuanyue Academy.

"what happened?"

"what's the situation?"

"What the hell?"

"Where's the roar of the beast?"

To the inexplicable voice, Yuanyue's students and teachers were shocked by the roar, they all looked at each other and asked the question they most wanted to know.

The highest peak of the far moon

As the commander-in-chief of Totsuki, Nakiri Senzaemon was working on the documents, he was taken aback by the sudden roar.

"There should be no beasts on this mountain!"

"Could it be that who used the speakers to frighten people?"

"But it doesn't look like it! It makes me feel like being quiet at hand."

After putting down the pen in his hand, Nakiri Senzaemon kept thinking...

"Forget it, let Shijie know about this matter!"

It didn't take long for Nagiri Senzaemon to stop thinking as if he had a feeling of old age.

"Where is the sound?"

At this time, somewhere in the conference room, the nine people on the round table were startled by the roar.

"Today's meeting ends here."

The man with a burly figure and a knitted hat on his head left this sentence with an expression of interest on his face and left.

"Dongsuke ran away, then I'm leaving too."

A young girl with long blood-red hair left immediately.

"Forget it, that's it for today!"

"I don't know what the hell is Isshiki doing? He turned down the Ten Jie Meeting for the sake of the judges of Shiji."

"Could it be that he has something to do with this roar?"

When the others in the meeting room were not talking, a teenager with brown and golden hair couldn't help but mumble and guess.

"Lin Yi"

Erina Nagiri, who is also one of the top ten, was naturally in the conference room. She was sensitive to the roar and set the target on Lin Yi.

Compared with the vibrating roar of the entire Yuanyue, the audience at the scene of Lin Yi and Mito Yumei's halberd at this time can be described as dull, dumb, and stupid. Everything is a shocking scene.

It turned out that after Lin Yi lifted the lid of the pot in his hand, a huge monster figure appeared in the venue following his call of the middle two.

Monster?To be precise, it was a super-giant pig, as soon as it was born, it firmly occupied the sky of the entire venue.

The roar that shook the sky just now came from it.


Yuuhime Yoshino who was also sluggish slapped Marui Zenji's back on the side.

"You... why are you hitting me?"

Marui Zenji, who had recovered a little from the severe pain behind his back, looked at Yoshino Yuuhime who had beaten him for no reason, and asked.

"I'm just trying to see if I'm dreaming?"

Yoshino's answer made him even more painful.

"If you dream of hitting yourself, it's okay. Why hit me?"

Marui Zenji only dared to talk about this sentence in his heart. He was afraid that after he said it, Yoshino Yuuhime would be in vain regardless of the fact that three or seventy-one was given to him.

"Lin...Lin...Student Lin Yi, what...what is this?"

At this time, Kawashima Rei, who was standing in the center of the venue, looked at the giant fat pig above her head with the microphone in her hand, and stammered at Lin Yi.

"You can't recognize such a cute guy?"

Lin Yi couldn't help asking in surprise when asked by Kawashima Rei.

You must know that when the people on the stage speak, they can spread throughout the venue through the speaker equipment. Lin Yi's surprised words were naturally heard by the audience.

"This is called cute??"

"Are you a monster summoner?"

"Does the mysterious magic in the legend really exist?"


Regarding Lin Yi's words, all the audience frantically complained in their hearts, and some even suspected the existence of the world.

"Sure enough, the image I saw that night was not an illusion."

For the monster that appeared suddenly?Isshiki's heart was shocked at first, and she soon thought that the evil fish he and Xingping Chuangzhen saw that night when they were enjoying Lin Yi's fish dishes were not her own illusions.

"Lin Yijun, how capable do you still have?"

Isshihui looked at Lin Yi, who was smiling in the middle of the venue, and said with admiration and admiration in her eyes.

"Great God, please collect your magical powers!"

After sighing for a while, Issehui looked at the monster that Lin Yi had called out of the audience and dared not make a sound, she shouted directly at Lin Yi.

"Cut, you don't understand the beauty of ingredients!"

After Lin Yi looked at Issehui's glance, he couldn't help but spit out the approval of Issehui's words in the eyes of the people around him.

Then, in Lin Yi's beckoning hand, the giant pig shadow shrank in an instant, and finally turned into four into the four dishes in front of Lin Yi.

"Huh... scared me to death."

After seeing Lin Yi recalling the giant shadow, Kawashima Rei couldn't help but patted his plopping little heart and let out a sigh of relief.

"Presumably everyone has been taken aback by the giant creatures summoned by Lin Yijun."

"But...but...this is not the point."

"Let's focus on the cooking that is absorbed by that giant shadow!"

"What kind of surprises will it bring to our judges?"

"Now I'm so curious."

"It's a pity that I am not a judge without the honor to come and taste it."

With the disappearance of the giant pig shadow in the center of the venue, Rei Kawashima, as the host, quickly adjusted his emotions and awakened the curiosity of the originally frightened audience in a burst of surprise.

"Try it!"

While Kawashima Rei was speaking the guiding words, Lin Yi had already put his cooking on the table of the three judges.

After that, he brought the last meal to Mito Yumei and handed it to her.

At this time, the three people at the judges’ table would like to taste it now, but their duties as judges are not as simple as eating it. First of all, they must judge what kind of dish it is based on the appearance of the dish. It is necessary to comment on the advantages and disadvantages.

Otherwise, can you be a judge if you come to any foodie?In addition to understanding the ingredients, people who can be judges must also have a certain amount of cooking knowledge.

"Pork chop rice!?"

The only woman among the three judges said directly after looking at the food Lin Yi brought up.

Unlike the other two judges, Isshiki Hui started to move the chopsticks to check all the ingredients as soon as she saw the food in front of her.

I didn't know if I moved, I was shocked when I moved.

After Yisehui turned over the ordinary pork chop rice, it seemed to have been activated.In an instant, a soaring fragrance spread to all directions.

"Guru... Guru"

The audience in the whole venue was irritated by the fragrance, and they swallowed their saliva.

"I want to eat it!"

At this time, Kawashima Rei, after smelling the smell, swallowed and said expectantly without caring about others' eyes.

(PS: Writing while thinking, I feel hungry.)

Chapter 69

As the fragrance became more and more serious, there were neat shouts in the entire venue.

"Guru Guru"

That's right, it's the sound of everyone in the venue screaming.

As soon as they were tempted by the cooking Lin Yi made, their body's hunger system was directly activated.


This is the only thought in everyone's mind in the venue.

But before their thoughts came out for long, a mysterious scene happened again before their eyes.


The scent that originally permeated the entire venue turned into a cute little pink pig. At the same time, when everyone was not paying attention, these cute little pigs instantly merged into everyone's body.

"what's the situation"

"Is this pig going to eat people"

"As the audience provokes someone, I can't let us watch the fun!"

When the audience was ignorant and frightened at the piglet that disappeared in their bodies, suddenly a strange shock pulsed in their hearts.

"What the hell is Lin Yi going to do this time?"

Not to mention the audience who were not familiar with Lin Yi, even the people in Ji Xing Liao who had tasted Lin Yi's cuisine were confused by the scene that just happened.

"Something is going to happen"

Following the words of Itake Tsunami, the scenery in front of them began to change drastically.


After Itake Jun reminded everyone that it was over, he suddenly appeared in a fairly empty pigpen. At this time, there was no one here, only an old sow and a few piglets.

"Cooking World"

"Lin Yi's cooking has arrived, and everyone can be drawn in by just the aroma"

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