Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 44

Facing the scene in front of him, Jun Itake would naturally not think that he had traveled to another world like the protagonist in the novel. After confirming what he thought in his heart, he couldn't help being frightened by Lin Yi.


"Isn't I watching that... the halberd that was born in the class"

"How come back here"

"It's impossible to pass through."

For the scenes that suddenly popped up in front of them, some viewers who were addicted to novels couldn't help but think of this possibility.

Then they were disappointed.

Because they couldn't move at all, the only place they could see was this small pigpen.

Compared with the passive audience, the three judges who are eating Lin Yi's cuisine at this time and Mito Yumei are somewhat different.


Among the three judges, Isshiki Hui, who knows Lin Yi cuisine best, had already prepared before eating, but was surprised by the sudden switch scene.

With a burst of dizziness like a climax, one appeared in a small pigsty.

But unlike the audience who fell into the God mode, the four of them cooked for one of the little piglets this time. Lin Yi was not creating a world, but based on the true spirit remaining in that piece of meat. Reproduced its original fate again.

Although the four were transformed into piglets at the same time, the world was not connected.

It can be said that their fate is different depending on their choices.

"My name is pork chop rice"

"This name was already destined when I was picked up by the little master."

Suddenly a secret voice sounded in the hearts of everyone, that was not the charm of language.

It is a message directly conveyed through consciousness.

Following the narration of the mysterious voice, only a'crunch', the door to the only exit of the pigpen was opened.

I saw a middle-aged man walk in with a little girl.

"so cute!"

After the little girl came in, her eyes directly locked on the piglet who was leaning against the old sow at this time.

"Dad, can I raise one"

The little girl looked at the little piglet quite heartily for a while, then asked the middle-aged man.

"Xiaoxiao, pigs grow very fast."

"Although it is cute now, it will grow bigger than you in a month, and he will not be cute then."

Although the middle-aged man persuaded his daughter, the little Lolita, who was only a few years old, knew so much. She was just instinctively seeking the most beautiful and cute things.

"I do not care"

As the little girl was acting like a baby, the middle-aged man had no choice but to agree to the little girl's request and let her take a piglet away.

"Unexpectedly, I will still be a pet one day."

At this time, Isshihui turned into a piglet with a wry smile in her heart.

After the encounter between Pork Chop Rice and his owner, he was forcibly taken away, knowing that he was forced to do anything, such as wearing a flowered skirt, eating meat, etc., falling in love. This is impossible. It is too exaggerated to cross races.

After experiencing all of this, everyone was gradually affected by the joyful emotion of "pork chop rice" in their minds, and the whole person could not help but become more cheerful.

Those memories of "Pork Chop Rice", happiness gradually melted into everyone’s hearts "Is it just that simple?"

As the scenery in front of her became confused, Isshiki couldn't help but feel a little strange. If it was just a pig's perception of a piglet, then this dish would be too ordinary, on the contrary, it could not be compared to the birth of a soup.


"It really isn't that simple."

After seeing the darkness, when Isshihui heard a sharpening sound, she couldn't help but sigh in excitement.

Even the body that was originally unable to move, Isshiki realized that she could control it.

"Dad, do you really want to kill'Pork Chop Rice'"

It didn't take long for Issehui to be attracted by the cute voice coming from her ear.

"'Pork Chop Rice' has grown up, it's time to go to its home."

The cute voice of the little girl directly stopped the middle-aged man's sharpening action, and then said comfortingly.


Time passed quickly, and the slaughter time came in the blink of an eye.


The three judges and Mito Yumi who hadn't paid much attention to all this, the moment the white knives went in and the red knives came out, the four of them were terrified.

They smelled the breath of death, and they yelled desperately, but it was useless. Death was like a shadow.

The audience who had originally realized the happy pig life in the first half of the "Pork Chop Meal" has been separated, and only four people who tasted the food were left to experience the struggle of the pig in the second half of the "Pork Chop Meal".

Death is not an end, but a beginning.

Just as they retreated in time and once again suffered the fear of death, they struggled.

After hard work, they escaped.

But everything is just the beginning. This is a thrilling journey. Faced with the pursuit of mankind and the test of nature, they kept fighting.

Regardless of

Is it their own volition, or the force of fate, they found the meaning of living, not to wait to die, this is also the last thought of "pork chop rice".

As the saying goes, a moment in the world, a thousand years in a dream.

The four people who have experienced the first life of pork chop rice shed their own tears after opening their eyes. It is the joy of regaining freedom and the sadness of fate.

"Is this the supreme state of cooking in the legend"

"Creating a whole new world with our own carefully cooked dishes"

"Unexpectedly, I would be able to taste such delicious dishes in my lifetime."

"This is not only a gratification in the mouth, but also an insight from the soul."

The only mature woman among the three judges came from the president of the Japanese restaurant "Kuraji", Zangmu Shino, looking sentimentally at the food that was wiped out in front of her and only left empty dishes.

Chapter 70-Reaping a Maid

After eating Lin Yi's food, Mito Yumei knew that he had lost completely.

This level of cooking is not what the world has.

"After the unanimous selection of the three judges, Lin Yi won."

Lin Yi was not surprised by this result.

"You will be my maid from today. Now I will mark you."

When Lin Yiyi finished talking about Mito Yumei, she couldn't help but admit her fate. He was still a little confused about Lin Yi's words Mito Yumei, but the next scene exceeded her imagination (╯▽╰).


Lin Yi stepped forward and hugged Mito Yumei's waistline, then kissed directly in his surprised eyes.

Not to mention Mito Yumei himself, you must know that they are now in the Shiji venue, where there are many students.

Even the photographer enthusiastically shifted the lens to the two of them. The students who were not very clear at the distance of the venue were instantly stunned by the picture on the screen.

"Xiaohui, did you just let your family mess up like this?"

The people in Jixingliao who came to cheer at this moment were even more surprised, knowing that they understand that Lin Yi is a family member.

So after this scene, everyone turned their eyes directly on Tian Suohui.But looking at Tian Suohui's indifferent (╯╰) expression, Yoshino Yuuhime couldn't help but worry about her. There were already enough women. If Tian Suohui didn't restrain her, it would be fine.

"Isn't she Yijun's maid?"

"This kind of thing should be normal!"

Tian Suohui's answer caused everyone to shake their heads.

"It's over, my Xiaohui was brainwashed by Lin Yi."

Yoshino Yuuhime was crying from the side.

Yoshino Yuuhime couldn't think that Tian Suohui's heart was so big, but she also breathed a sigh of relief in this way, at least after the relationship between her and Lin Yi is known by Tian Suohui, there will be no big problems.

By the way, Mito Yumei's eyes widened after being kissed by Lin Yiqiang, and she was surprised that she forgot to resist.


After Lin Yi let go of Mito Yumei, she hurriedly backed up two steps and began to flush with a little at a loss, stuttering not knowing what to say.

"Why (⊙⊙?) Is this surprised?"

"You don't seem to know much about the responsibilities of maids."

Lin Yi looked at Mito Yumei's expression and said with a smile.

It's a pity that Lin Yi's smile is simply a smile from the devil to Mito Yumei.

"Oh! Can you think that being my maid just does the housework for me?"

After Lin Yi looked at Mito Yumei's incredulous eyes, he deliberately called out to tease her.

"Is not it?"

Mito Yumei, who was nervous for a while, finally said aloud the doubts and anger in her heart at this moment.

"You have to know that a maid who doesn't want to wait on the bed is not a qualified maid."

"Isn't it right to make your master happy?"

Not to mention that Lin Yi's fallacies were Mito Yumei himself, even the other students in the meeting felt angry.

"This guy is too shameless, and I really envy it."

"It was extremely enviable to accept Mito Yumei as a maid, but I didn't expect to need her to wait for the bed."

"It's so enviable... It's so damnable."

"Scum, return our goddess."

"Don't go too far."

At this time, the audience is full of excitement, of course, people are different from each other. Naturally, Lin Yishou's maidservant's thoughts are different.

Some were envious of Lin Yi, while others gritted his teeth and wanted to beat him up.

"I'm here for the time being today. As my maid, I remember to come to Jixingliao to report."

Now that the matter was settled, Lin Yi didn't plan to stay longer, so he directly asked Mito Yumei to leave the venue.

"Please wait..."

Just as Lin Yi was about to walk out of the hallway, an anxious voice suddenly came from behind him.

Lin Yi looked back curiously and found that the person was a middle-aged man he didn't know.

"What's the matter with you?"

Looking at the flattering face of the middle-aged man, Lin Yi couldn't help guessing something, it's just that his cooking is too good and wants to flatter himself.

"Mr. Lin Yi, next..."

Just when the middle-aged man was about to introduce himself, Lin Yi interrupted his words directly: "If you have anything, just say it!"

"Mr. Lin Yi's cooking is amazing, but I wonder if I am interested in being a chef in a three-star restaurant!"

The middle-aged man who introduced himself to Lin Yi didn't pay attention to Lin Yi's interruption at the beginning, and then he spoke his thoughts unhurriedly.

Obviously, middle-aged men still have some confidence in their own conditions. Although most of the graduates of Tomotsu Academy have their own restaurants after graduation, most of them will go to other hotels to gain experience before that.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Lin Yi. Not everyone can be the chef of a three-star hotel. Of course, this is just a middle-aged man's self-righteous idea.

For Lin Yi, who has lofty ideals, all those who work are scum, but he is a man who wants to conquer the world.

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