Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 46

"Huh! I seem to see my maid."

But suddenly he seemed to have discovered something, so he walked towards the familiar figure.

The maid mentioned by Lin Yi is naturally not Minezaki and Miyoko, but Mito Yumei, who won from Shiji last time.

"It's a coincidence!"

Lin Yi put his hand on Mito Yumei's shoulder and said softly.


When Lin Yi's voice reached Mito Yumei's ears, she shuddered subconsciously as if something terrible was behind her.

"As a maid, you are very rude! Don't you know how to say hello when you see the master"

After Mito Yumei turned around and came to Lin Yi, before waiting for her to speak, Lin Yi unceremoniously condemned.


Mito Yumei looked at Lin Yi in front of him as if he was thinking of something embarrassing, and his pretty face was blushing.

"Which room do you live in"

"I have some knowledge about meat and I want to discuss it with you carefully. Don't lock the door at night."

Just when Mito Yumei was very uncomfortable with Lin Yi's active greeting, she was suddenly shocked by the quiet words Lin Yi said near her ear.

It's not that Mito Yumei is prone to crookedness. If you just ask about it, you know that Lin Yi is a supernatural evil spirit. Although he did not do anything excessive, there are still many things that happen to girls who like to molest them.

Even the self at the time was not spared, and in the end, he even got in.

It is strange that she is not nervous about the discussion that Lin Yi said at this moment!Maybe after introducing the hungry wolf into her room, she might not even have any scum left.

"Relax, I am an upright master."

"Never actively ask my maid to warm the bed. As for forcing the maid to warm the bed, I am very happy... Oh no, I am extremely annoying, so don't worry!"

If it wasn't for Lin Yi just to say something wrong, maybe Mito Yumei really believed in Lin Yi!But obviously asking Lin Yi to give up the meat that was just torturing him.

"be quiet!"

Just as Lin Yi was about to continue teasing, he saw a figure walking out of the high platform in the middle of the hall.

"Good morning everyone."

With that plain tone, Lin Yi knew that it was Professor Chapel even if he didn't look up.

I saw him walk to the front of the stage unhurriedly, took the microphone and started speaking.

"Next, I will briefly introduce the content of this training camp."

"The schedule totals six days and five nights"

"You will be divided into many groups and have cooking classes for several days."

"Students who are below the pass line evaluated by the instructor will be deemed disqualified."

"Should be forcibly repatriated and dropped out of the school."

When Professor Shaper said this seriously, Lin Yi even felt the sound of Tian Suohui who was beside him swallowing nervously.

"Regarding the review of the subject, we have invited a special guest."

"The graduates of Totsuki Gakuen gathered here for us in our busy schedule."

As soon as Professor Chapel’s words fell, the students in the audience exclaimed.


"That is to say, the geniuses who stand out from the single-digit graduation rate."

As people walked out from behind the scenes, the students screamed.

No reason, they just felt Alexander at this time, after all, the lecturer who reviewed them was too good.

"The one over there..., the young man with scars on his eyebrows on the ninth column from the front.

As in the original drama, the chef Shimiya with glasses sniffed gently in front of the stage, as if he could smell something and pointed straight forward.


Xingping Chuangzhen, who was pointed out by him, pointed to himself with some doubts.

"This scar turns out to serve as a reference!"

Not far away, Lin Yi looked at the directly targeted Xingping Chuangzhen and couldn't help but complain.

Following Kojiro Shinomiya's words, all the students looked at it like Mr. Koping.

Many freshmen are already dissatisfied with him, who ranted at the freshmen welcome party.

At this time, seeing Kojiro Shinomiya's actions, they thought it was trouble finding the transfer student!Can not help but gloat.

Even the people around him were not surprised.

"Sorry, sorry, it's next to you."

Following Kojiro Shinomiya's apologetic words, the boy who was next pointed out suddenly became confused and couldn't help pointing his finger at himself.

"Yes, it's you."

"Drop out, you can go back."

In his hopeful eyes, Kojiro Shinomiya directly uttered the words that made him fall into hell.

Chapter 73

As Kojiro Shinomiya's words fell, the students in the audience were in an uproar.

They really didn't understand the reason, so they all turned their gazes on Kojiro Shinomiya.


The teenager who was designated to drop out naturally asked somewhat unwillingly.

As for the boy's question, Kojiro Shinomiya stepped down and answered the doubts of him or the students in the audience.

"The hair wax you use contains a citrus flavor, which will overwhelm the aroma of the cooking."

"It is necessary to dress up, after all, if the cook is too earthy, the cooking will be overshadowed."

"But from now on you remember to choose fragrance-free wax."

Kojiro Shinomiya walked in front of the boy, smiled and explained a warning to him, then turned and waved his hand and walked towards the high platform.

"Although I don't have any conflict with him now, I am a little upset after he finishes saying those things for Mao!"

Lin Yi glanced at Kojiro Sinomiya with a faint look, and cast an uncomfortable expression directly at him.


When Kojiro Shinomiya was about to walk back to the stage with a smile, suddenly his keen senses sensed the malice after coming to him, but when he turned around, he couldn't find who it was.

But also because of this, his sharp gaze when he turned around directly interrupted the student who wanted to speak for himself.

"Who the hell is showing malice to me."

Kojiro Shinomiya, who couldn't understand it, returned directly to the stage, planning to make a condescending tour.

On the other side, after Lin Yi cast an uncomfortable look at Shinomiya Kojiro, it was not because of fear of trouble that Lin Yi looked back.

Instead, a graduate who had just stood on the stage calmly came to Lin Yi and the others, Lin Yi had to look back.


The students who were still immersed in the storm of being suddenly dropped out were directly attracted by this crisp sound.


Tian Suohui didn't react at all to what happened to him.

I saw that she was full of doubts looking at Lin Yi who was protecting herself behind her and couldn't understand what had happened.

"Do you want to be beaten?"

Lin Yi looked at Chef Huang Mao who suddenly came to Tian Suohui and wanted to hold her hands. He slapped his hand away mercilessly, and said with a cold face.

"what's the situation"

"Well... why did the transfer student have a conflict with Chef Wutong Tian"

"Sure enough, Lin Yi can't live anywhere."

"If you have a conflict with Chef Wutongtian, won't you let him drop out of school?"

Regarding what happened to Lin Yi, other students except those from Ji Xingliao inevitably discussed again with gloat.

"Being a man must understand the rules, and don't do anything without the woman's consent."

While everyone was still wondering what it was, a paragraph of Lin Yi's words immediately made those who knew him understand.

Although it is undeniable that Lin Yi is a man with a heart, it is simply offensive to a woman who dared to act on him, and now it seems to be far more serious than this.

The people in Jixingliao were a little worried while admiring them.

Yuanyue’s graduates, the review lecturers at this moment, they have the right to let people drop out!


"Unexpectedly, the chef Wutongtian, who is talking to herself as the girl's dream lover, would also be slumped!"

Just as Donato Wutongtian said to Lin Yi, a soft laughter came from behind him.


To the ridicule of those behind him, Donato Wutongtian glared back in embarrassment.

"This boy, what is the relationship between this cute girl and you"

Donato Wutongtian's stare couldn't help but not arouse Gan Hyugako's anger, but instead made her directly skip Donato Wutongtian, looking at Lin Yi who was protecting Tian Suohui behind her.

"Don't you see this yet"

"The person I care about so much is of course my woman!"

When Lin Yi's somewhat surprised words fell, one stone stirred up waves.

Ok!It was fake, and there was not much reaction except for a few people with surprised eyes.

Just imagine, are the students of Yuanyue Academy short of money?No shortage.

Even for ordinary teenagers, once their grades rise to high school, there are naturally many consortia to invest.

After all, this is a world where culinary skills are paramount.

Will they lack women? There is no lack of women, so what is so strange about Lin Yi!Besides, the school did not prohibit love, but the students themselves felt that they could not be distracted on the road of pursuing cooking skills.

"Your little girlfriend is so cute!"

"It looks good."

Then Gan Hyugako, who turned his gaze on the cute face of Tian Suohui, said to Lin Yi with some envy and jealousy.

"Although I agree with you very much, I think you should also leave."

Then, in the eyes of Gan Hyugako who wanted to say something, Lin Yi pointed to the two chefs directly after agreeing to say something.

"Hyugako, Mr. Chapel is staring at us! Let's go back!"

For Lin Yi's reminder, Donato Wutongtian said directly in Gan Hyugako's ear after looking up.

"Ah pull!"

Kanhyugako was surprised, and raised his head just to see Professor Chapel's ferocious gaze.

"I have to take her to my store if I have a chance!"

After giving Lin Yi an exhortation, Ganri Xiangzi walked towards the high platform.

Just when Lin Yi thought he could be quiet, Marui Zenji on the side began his chattering words of worship.

"that person!!!"

"First in the graduation exam and broke the record for the highest score ever"

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