Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 47

"Reject more than 800 copies from high-end restaurants all over the world"

"The man who chose this job is Dojima Gin, chief chef and board member of Entsuki Resort."

"Really touching"

After Lin Yi ignored Marui Zenji who was still sighing behind him, Dojima Gin, whom he admired, began to speak.

"Welcome to Yuanyue Resort. All the graduates gathered here this time are owners and chefs with their own stores."

"During the six days of the training camp, we will treat you as clerk in our store."

"Do you understand this?"

"Those who do not satisfy us should be fired! That is, drop out of school."

I saw Dojima Gin's expression lightly and slightly smiling to explain to the crowd, but even the students under the stage of smiling face him did not dare to take any contempt, especially the last wipe of the throat made everyone's look tight. Swallowed.

"As you can see, it is also possible to rule out people based on the lecturer's personal considerations."

"Wish you guys good luck."

Dojima Gin's words made everyone subconsciously look at the boy who was being disheartened by Kojiro Shinomiya's dismissal and leaving school.

"Then each group starts to act"

Following Dojima Gin's final speech, all the students dispersed in a rush and proceeded to their respective venues according to the arrangement in the announcement just before entering the door.

"Then see you later, Xiaohui, let me go!"

Lin Yi took Tian Suohui's little hand and greeted everyone, and then began to move outside the door.

"Let’s hold a poker meeting in Marui’s room at night!"

After Xingping Chuangzhen, who was not nervous, said this, everyone in Jixingliao was speechless.

"You really don't feel any tension at all!"

Yoshino Yuuhime couldn't bear to make complaints and left the hall with Ryoko Sakura.

Chapter 74

"Everyone is here!"

"My class is a two-person group. It follows the grouping mode used in the first semester."

"Please take your place at the respective designated counter!"

It was Kan Hyugako who was very fond of Tian Suohui just now.

"It's great to be with Yijun."

Tian Suohui, who was still very worried, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after Kan Hyugako's words ended.

Lin Yi looked at Tian Suohui who had settled down next to him and was about to say something when suddenly a man with short blond hair came behind Lin Yi.

"Lin Yi, right!"

I saw him ask with one hand on his hips with a plain face.

After Lin Yi heard these words, he didn't know why there was a sense of sight that he had experienced.

"Is there a problem"

At this time, Lin Yi naturally turned around and asked.


After Lin Yi finished answering, his brows suddenly frowned, and the feet that had been stretched out instantly rose and fell quickly, stepping on the foot that wanted to trick him.

"How come I have a sense of sight"

After Lin Yi was attacked, he immediately understood why he had a sense of sight that had happened. In the original work, Xingping Chuangzhen was suddenly attacked by him and crushed his feet for a long time, but Lin Yi’s physical reaction was strong. There is no habit of being abused, so he decisively stepped Takmi's foot underneath.

"Oh oh"

"Sneak attack as soon as you come up is not... a good habit."

Coming and not going to be indecent, Lin Yi unceremoniously crushed his foot for ten seconds before letting go... said.

"Embarrassed dead, brother embarrassed dead, hahaha"

When Lin Yi had just finished speaking, before Takumi could speak, he suddenly heard a big fat man behind him laughing and crying.

"Shut up, Isami"

Takmi directly blushed and shouted at the big fat man behind him.

"Hi! Everyone."

"I'm just sitting here, and you can ask me if you don't understand."

At this moment, Hyugako, who was sitting in front of the crowd, opened a packet of snacks and said while eating.

"That... chef."

"You haven't explained anything yet!"

The students looked at Gan Hyugako who was enjoying snacks and asked with some doubts.

"is it"

"My subject is to use the materials available here to make a dish with the theme of Japanese cuisine."

Gan Hyugako stood up at this moment, pointed to the window next to him and said.


"There are no ingredients here"

Everyone looked at the table under the window with some doubts.

"Yes, the majestic nature surrounded by this stream is a treasure house of great ingredients."

"Seasoning, oil, cooking tools are all available here"

"The fishing rod and other tools here are also available"

"This area is a private land surrounded by fences. If you get out of the fence, you will be disqualified."

"If you find ingredients in a limited area and make a meal that satisfies me, it will be qualified."

"The time limit is 2 hours"

"So, everyone, start preparing!"

After hearing the people's doubts, Gan Hyugako said in a flat tone the answers they wanted to know.


"This is the beginning"

The people who were shocked by the words of Hyugako hadn't been done before, and when they saw Gan Hyugako continue to sit down to enjoy the snacks, he called out in surprise.

"You can't react at all without speaking loudly."

At this time, everyone began to hurriedly prepare to collect the ingredients, but it may be misled by the so-called fishing rod tool that Gan Hyugako can use freely. All the students basically chose to go fishing.

"Yijun, let's prepare too!"

Tian Suohui couldn't help but reminded Lin Yi, who was not moving at this time.

"Xiao Hui, this time the cooking is up to you."

Lin Yi hadn't explained this to Tian Suohui clearly after Lin Yi finished speaking.

"A showdown! Lin Yi."

"Let's compare and see which is stronger and weaker."

This guy who feels good about himself turned around without waiting for Lin Yitong to disagree, walked up to Gan Hyugako and said, "Chef, you are the judge of this victory or defeat."


Dry Hyugako, who was eating snacks, raised her head in confusion after hearing Takmi's words.

"Please just and rigorously select whose dishes are more delicious."

Takmi didn't notice the puzzled expression of Hyugako, and he bent down and stretched out his right hand and said invitingly.

"Why? It has nothing to do with my subject, I don't want it."

Unfortunately, a passage from Gan Hyugako directly dealt a fatal blow to Takumi.



"Ahem, whether you are a monkey or not, the atmosphere of jumping up and down here is embarrassing."

Just when Takumi was hit by Gan Hyugako, Lin Yi made up the knife behind him without hesitation.

"I'm embarrassed, and I'm embarrassed again, brother."

All this has happened to the side: watching the lively big fat Isami once again burst into tears and laugh.

"It's so noisy, don't you laugh with it"

At this time, Takumi was even more angry.

"It's rare for someone to perform a clown show and laugh cutely."

"Xiaohui, don't worry about him, just prepare the dishes you need to cook."


"Challenge Mission: Tacmi's Provocation"

"Task requirements: crush the opponent in cooking"

"Task Reward: 50 Luck Points"

Lin Yi had no mentality for him, so the system had to jump out and stir up trouble at this time.

"If I don't compare with him, there will be no loss"

Since only the requirements and rewards are displayed on the task, it never shows the punishment for the failure of the task, so Lin Yi asked the system to be safe.

"There is no punishment."

The systematic answer made Lin Yi calm down.

"Well, can Xiaohui play for me?"

Although Lin Yi doesn't want to compare, but there is still a good seed beside him!"With the relationship between the host and the female next to him, it is completely capable of this task."

"So be it! In fact, it doesn't matter whether you win or lose."

Lin Yi shrugged nonchalantly after getting a systematic answer.

"Xiaohui, I'm going to rely on you alone next."

"But but."

When Tian Suohui heard that Lin Yi had entrusted such an important trial task to herself, she suddenly began to panic.


Lin Yi looked at Tian Suohui, who was at a loss at this time, and kissed directly.

Slowly she began to calm down.

"Over there, don't do excessive things!"

Although the students have already gone out to find ingredients at this time, Gan Hyugako is still sitting here!She quickly interrupted after seeing the actions of Lin Yi and Tian Suohui.

"Remember, the first time I ate your food?"

"Can you make it for me once? I still want to eat."

Lin Yi saw Tian Suohui blushing, but his mood calmed down, so he lied in Tian Suohui's ear and said softly.

"I understand."

After nodding shyly, Tian Suohui picked up the vegetable basket placed aside and ran out.

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