Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 52


"La la la"

"So tired, I can finally take a good bath."

On the other hand, Erina Nagiri, who had completed the task, walked to the bathroom with a cheerful mood.

"After washing, I will play cards with Scarlet Sand in the room. It's a nice day."

"As long as you don't meet Lin Yi...the big devil."

As Erina was talking to herself, the clothes on her body began to fall off, and finally walked into the bathroom after covering her seductive body with a bath towel.


"So comfortable"

Erina lying down in the bath could not help but relax.


At this moment, a strange hand touched Erina's thigh, and when she subconsciously screamed, someone suddenly appeared in the water and covered her small mouth.

"My lovely and charming Lord Tongue, we meet again."

What suddenly appeared from the water was Lin Yi who had been waiting here for a long time.


For some reason, Erina's body began to tremble subconsciously after seeing Lin Yi.

"Oh! It seems that the results of the last cooking are good!"

Lin Yi looked at Erina whose body reaction was completely opposite to her expression, and could not help but let Lin Yi guess the changes brought to her by the previous dish. After all, only by surrendering to Lin Yi's lewd power could Erina escape that... phantom The possibility of the world, now Erina's body will change obviously as long as it encounters Lin Yi.

This is definitely not a good thing for Erina herself.

"Since your request is so enthusiastic, then I will satisfy you!"

Speaking of Lin Yi, he uncovered the claws of Anlu Mountain.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the second step of the strategy——"

"Nagiri Erina's goodness to the owner rises by 10."

"Congratulations to the host for gaining a thousand luck points, please continue to work hard."

Just when Lin Yi got the reminder to relax, Erina, who was startled by the sudden appearance of Lin Yi, put her hands on her chest and stepped back to Lin Yi with some horror: " can you At this"

"Am I weird here?"


Lin Yi's rhetorical question made Erina a little sluggish, "This is a girl's bathroom. It's not surprising that you are here, is it because I am not?" Urina snarled silently in response to Lin Yi's words.

She really didn't dare to say it, otherwise she didn't know what else she would do with Lin Yi's character of entering the girl's bathroom openly.

At this moment, Erina felt once again the true meaning of Lin Yi's cheeky, no... he was simply shameless.

"Lin Yi...Lin Yijun, this is a girl's bathroom."

Erina was squatting in the pool at this time, but did not dare to move. His hands protected as much as possible the spring light he was leaking at the moment, and he whispered to Lin Yi.

"I know!"

Lin Yi's blunt answer made Erina petrified.

"It's over... it's over... he had a purpose long ago."

As soon as Lin Yi's words were uttered, Erina had a bad feeling, as expected, "Actually, I came to you specially."

After Lin Yi finished speaking, he walked over to Erina who was still squatting in place at this time.

Erina was so scared that she would not go, nor did she go.

If you go, Chunguang can definitely feast your eyes on Lin Yi. If you don't go, it seems that you will pay more, but neither choice takes advantage of him.

"Don't come over, I will call when you come."

Facing Lin Yi, who was constantly approaching at this time, Erina crouched in place with a panic and threatening expression.

"A familiar sentence!"

"Should I respond to you like this"

"Scream! Even if you break your throat, no one will come to rescue you."


After Lin Yi heard Erina's threatening words, he was taken aback for a moment and then there was a look of interest in his eyes, as if possessed by a robber, he said a classic line after facing Erina with that aggressive gaze. .

"So regretful, so regretful"

"I knew that Scarlett would come here together."

"Come and save me someone!"

Erina looked at the great demon Lin Yi who kept approaching, her heart was broken.

I could only meditate in my heart, hoping that someone would show up at this time to bring this demon to the law.


Before Lin Yi came to Erina's side, the sound of opening and closing the door suddenly came from outside the bathroom.

After hearing the voice, Erina couldn't help feeling a little excited, as if he had found a rescuer.

But after seeing Lin Yi's smiling eyes, she suddenly shut up when she was about to call for help.

Lin Yi was still there at this time, if he was impulsive to do something crazy, it would be himself.

There is a special place for changing clothes at the entrance of the bathroom. Although the figure cannot be seen through the glass, her voice still comes in perfectly.

"Soak in a bath"

Lin Yi couldn't help feeling a little familiar when he heard this somewhat dull voice.

"You had good luck today"

"I have an acquaintance over there, I will let you go for the time being today."

Lin Yi stared at the vague figure outside the door for a long time. After comparing his voice with the female voice that appeared in his mind, Lin Yi suddenly realized who was outside the door.

For Erina at this time, he is not in a hurry for the strategy, but he can develop one again first.

In Erina's nervous eyes, Lin Yi chuckled lightly and left the sink and walked towards the bathroom door.


The sound of the bathroom door opening directly attracted the attention of the girl who had almost taken off her clothes at this time.

"Long time no see, Alice."

Chapter 82: The Little Lamb Delivered To The Door

"Are you the little lamb delivered to the door?"

Just when Alice Nagai was shocked by the appearance of Lin Yi, Lin Yi suddenly scanned Alice up and down in silence, and finally came to this conclusion.


" why are you here?"

When encountering this situation, girls usually scream in surprise and squat on the ground with a panic, just like Alice at this time.

"This is not your home, I'm normal here!"

"makes sense."

Alice subconsciously agreed with Lin Yi's rebuttal, and then felt wrong and said: "This is obviously a female bathroom, why did you come in?"

"Aren't you divided between men and women?"

"Why should we discuss these irrelevant things at this critical juncture? There are still important things to do now."

Although Alice looks stupid and cute, she is indeed a very smart person.

After hearing these words of Lin Yi, combined with the look he was looking at him at this time, he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"I warn you, if you dare to move me, I will kill you."

Alice's threatening words, coupled with the appearance of her squatting on the ground waving her small fist, were extra joyous.

"This is a public bathroom, I can't do anything to you naturally, but..."

Originally, Lin Yi's words had already made Alice's nervous heart relieved, but the hesitation that followed made her nervous again.

"But...but what?"

"Considering such a beautiful scenery, it is not a pity not to record it."

As soon as Lin Yi's words fell silent, Lin Yi took out the phone in Alice's eyes full of horror.

"Ka Ka Ka"

"If you can, can you ask the lovely Miss Alice to pose?"

Lin Yi couldn't help but asked a little greedily after photographing the image of squatting on the ground with his arms folded.

"Asshole you don't think about it."

Alice couldn't help but feel annoyed when she saw Lin Yi picked up the phone and took a picture of her current state.

The most important thing is that it is still his own mobile phone. It looks like Lin Yi wants to take it for himself.

"There is still a lot of privacy in there!"

Alice stared at the mobile phone held by Lin Yi, as if she was making a major decision.

"you want?"

"It seems that there are good things in it!"

Lin Yi immediately noticed the moment Alice's eyes shifted from her.

In order to judge the position of her guess, she found that her little head was constantly swinging and diverting her eyes to track the mobile phone in her hand.


"It's just an ordinary mobile phone. If you want to give you 10,000, it's fine."

At this moment, I didn't know that Lin Yi had seen it through and said pretentiously, of course, if her eyes didn't move, Lin Yi might still believe it.

"It's not important"

"Then I will give it back to you!"

The corner of Lin Yi's mouth flashed an evil smile, and after a sigh, he put the phone back to its original place pretending to be disappointed.


After seeing the phone back to its original position, Alice couldn't help but sighed softly.The joy on his face flashed by.

Unfortunately, she forgot one thing.

"Forget it, since it is not important, give it to me!"

"Just to collect such precious photos of you."

After Lin Yi picked up the phone and said these words again, Alice was instantly dumbfounded.

'This is not the same as saying that!Director, how can you change the script at will!'Alice was making complaints in her heart!"If that's the case, then I will give it up."

"Anyway, I've already watched it all, I'm not afraid he's watching it more."

Just after Alice was struggling in her heart, and when she was determined to take action, Lin Yi's words dispelled the confidence and courage she had finally accumulated.

"Want to grab it?"

"In fact, it doesn't have to be so troublesome. As long as you meet my small request, I can return the phone to you immediately."

Lin Yi directly guessed her purpose after seeing Alice's changing eyes.


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