Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 53

For Lin Yi's so-called small request, Alice dare not agree to it casually.

He just looked at Lin Yi with a vigilant gaze, and at the same time motioned to him,'Talk about it'.

"As the so-called love of beauty is common to everyone, the moment I see you again, I will find that I have been fascinated by you."

"Since I separated that day, I have been thinking about it day and night!"

"As long as you can give me a kiss of love, then only God knows, earth knows, you know, I know, or hum!"

Lin Yi, who was originally a rascal, rogue and other hybrid to Alice, instantly turned into her admirer in her somewhat cute eyes.

If it hadn't been for Lin Yi's threatening words at the end, Alice, who was originally a bit cute, might have been really bewildered by Lin Yi, who was possessed by the magic stick.

"If I don't agree, what does your... Hum mean?"

The strange character Alice was not interested in Lin Yi's threat, but hummed enigmatically at the end of Lin Yi.

"Does such a simple matter still need to be guessed?"

Lin Yi asked directly.

"Could it be that you want to expose my photos?"

Alice asked in horror when she noticed Lin Yi's constantly swaying mobile phone, she immediately freed her hand to cover her lips.


"You think too much, like I can't bear to share such good things."

"As the saying goes, everyone is not as good as I am alone. Why do I take the risk to get the benefits to make others cheaper."

"Don't worry about this!"

Lin Yi talked and finally patted his chest and said to Alice.

"Huh... that's good"

Alice breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately reacted.

After all, it's not that I suffer!What a ball.

"It's hard to make a decision after you think about it for so long."

"Then I will force my method!"

Lin Yi felt that the time was late, and other girls would come over as soon as they waited, so he should hurry up to avoid missing this opportunity.

Then Lin Yi directly pulled Alice up in the confused eyes, pushed it onto the bamboo rack with clothes on the side, bowed his head and kissed it.

Chapter 83


"My virginity is gone"

At this moment, Alice, who was kissed by Lin Yiqiang, was squatting on the ground and making a kitten-like sob, which made people feel distressed.


After Lin Yi forcibly kissed Alice and left, Erina was quiet for a long time before opening the door of the inner bathroom.

"It's you"

"It's you"

Erina and Alice were stunned for the moment above, and then both screamed.

"Lin Yi just now... did the big devil do something to you"

Erina looked at Alice, who had no traces of her body and exposed her white skin to the air. Naturally, she would not think that Lin Yi would go out without enthusiasm when facing this kind of scene, and she would definitely be angry. Things come.

The tears on Alice's face at this time made her believe this even more.

"Well, that bastard Lin Yi seems to have come out of the bathroom, so that means!"

Alice looked at Erina, who had not yet wiped the water stains on her body at this time, and couldn't help thinking that Lin Yi had just walked out of it. It was impossible for such a big person to not see it.

"Could it be that I have suffered a disaster from Wuwang. In fact, he was taking a mandarin duck bath with Erina inside, and my presence disturbed them?"

Alice couldn't help but think of a broken heart.


"I seem to have overlooked an important issue."

Alice, who had a crying expression, suddenly closed her face, and looked at Erina with a surprised look.

"Erina is trying to meet a man here! If this kind of thing spreads, the sensation it will cause is absolutely amazing."

Thinking about it, Alice couldn't help but look at Erina who was puzzled at the moment.

"You...what do you want to do?"

Erina, who was a little hairy with Alice's gaze, couldn't help but asked with a trembling voice.

"Hey hey!"

"It's really big news! Since you will try to interim students in the women's bathroom, this kind of thing is simply super subject!"

It's a pity that Alice's words have not yet been published, and Erina's words made her a little bit painful.

"Oh! Now it's not... I am the only one in the same bathroom with him, and you are also one of the goals."

"Today's affairs should be kept secret!"

"I have no objection to revenge him in private, but if you dare to expose me casually, I will kill you."

Erina, who didn't care about Alice's words, instantly recovered her queen status, and said with a warning lightly at Alice.


Alice pursed her mouth again, trying to kill Erina's expression with an air cannon.

"Yeah! You are all here!"

After Lin Yi left the women's bathroom, he naturally went to the men's bathroom next door for a comfortable bath.

But when I was in the bath, I fell asleep too comfortable.

If it wasn't for Xingping Chuangzhen to call Lin Yi when they left in the end, I don't know when he will be soaking!When he returned to the room, he found that Ryoko, Yuuhime, Minezaki, and Miyoko were all on the bed in his room, not knowing what they were discussing.

"Yijun, you are back!"

It was Tian Suohui who spoke first.

"Why are you the first to complete the task so late?"

It was Yoshino Yuuhime who expressed her dissatisfaction, and her frank character naturally made her ask her doubts.

"I knew at a glance that he didn't do a good job."

Ryoko Sakura pointedly pointed out the problem.


"You guys are playing here, I still have some personal matters to solve."

Lin Yi coughed awkwardly after being spotted by Ryoko Sakura, said to the girls, and then started walking outside the room.


After Lin Yi walked out of the room, Ryoko Sakura suddenly made a noise and chased it out.

"Are you going to find Mito Yumei"

Sakura Ryoko looked at Lin Yi who was a little eager, and combined with the conversation with Mito Yumei this morning, she didn't know what Lin Yi was thinking.


"Our wise girl is jealous!"

Lin Yi looked at the Ryoko Sakura in front of him, turning over and pressing it against the wall next to the door, and asked with a smirk.

"The beauty you think, if I get jealous like this, sooner or later I will be drowned in jealousy."

"I just came to remind you that now it's the training period in hell, if you manage her, what will you let her do in the next few days"

It turned out that Ryoko Sakura considered that if Lin Yi rushed to Mito Yumei's room and forced her to do something like this, then how could she pass the remaining days of training test when she was a little weak?

"It seems that our wise girl still cares about people!"

"But I agreed to your request."

"Same as compensation for not being allowed to lock the door to sleep tonight, then I will talk to you."

Lin Yi instantly calmed down after hearing Sakura Ryoko's warning.

However, it was still very interesting for Lin Yi to think about the night attack.

So, after he kissed Ryoko Sakura, a smirk flashed across his mouth.

"Bad, look at my mood!"

As for Lin Yi's thoughts, Sakura Ryoko is very clear!So, she pushed away Lin Yi who was directly pressing on her, hummed softly, and walked into the room.

"Ryoko, what's the matter"

Everyone was still very curious about Sakura Ryoko who went out to call Lin Yi.

"It's nothing, this guy went to Mito Yumi with the idea that the maid who would be a good maid is a good maid."

"I just reminded him that it is still a hell training cycle, so that he should not mess around."

After Yoshino Yuuhime and Tian Sorie turned their eyes together, Sakura Ryoko smiled and introduced them to the crowd.

"Speaking of this issue, I will discuss it with Xiaohui."

Sakura Ryoko then suddenly changed the subject and pointed the finger at Tian Suohui.

"um, I?"

Tian Suohui pointed to her little face with some doubts and asked curiously.

"Yes, I have already felt that Lin Yi basically loves you very much. You have to talk to him about this maid."

"After all, as long as the maid falls into his hands, that basically cuts off the question of innocence."

"This wind cannot help the rise, for us, um... it's good for you."

Then in the eyes of Tian Suohui's unknown, Sakura Ryoko slowly told her about Lin Yi's recruitment of maids.

"You shouldn't worry about this. I asked Yi Jun last time."

"He said that the maid is not...anyone can be, and he wouldn't find me a sister casually.

After Sakura Ryoko's problem came out, Tian Suohui did not hide what Lin Yi said to him.

"You believe what he said"

Ryoko Sakura was puzzled, apparently stunned by Tian Suohui's reasonableness.

Chapter 84

"The guy over there, stop."

A girl's voice suddenly came from behind Lin Yi, who hadn't walked far out of the room.

At first, Lin Yi thought it was not because he had no intention of stopping.

However, the people behind him spoke again.

"Lin Yi, stop."

After hearing these words, Lin Yi realized that he was calling himself, so he stopped and looked behind him.

Not far behind him, Gan Hyugako looked at Lin Yi with an unhappy expression.


"Isn't this my Hyugako"

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