Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 93

"What's the matter? Is there any problem? I didn't stop you from going out!"

Lin Yi looked at Xi Jianrun who hadn't moved for a long time and asked in doubt.

"I...I haven't worn my clothes yet! You shouldn't go out first!"

Xi Jianrun frowned and looked at Lin Yi with a little dissatisfaction.

"It doesn't matter, I don't mind."

Lin Yi said generously.

"But I mind..."

At this moment, Lin Yi's rogue level rose straight in Xi Jianjun's heart...had already reached the limit of almost bursting.

"I've seen it all, do you care about seeing it more?"

Lin Yi asked in surprise.

"What do you want!"

Shiomi Jun really has no choice but to open up the topic...

"In fact, it's nothing. It's just that you let me off the pigeon last time and I was a little bit unhappy.

After Xi Jianrun's showdown, Lin Yi was not angry, just quietly hugged her arms and looked at her and said.

"The so-called inadequate thoughts...that can easily cause demons."

"In order not to become the king of ghosts and animals in the future, so I have to sacrifice you..."

Regarding Lin Yi's serious words, Xi Jianjun couldn't help but want to worship after hearing it... What kind of face can withstand such a powerful language and pressure???

"You didn't follow me on purpose!"

Lin Yi's words made Xi Jianrun think of this possibility...

At this moment, Xi Jianrun's heart secretly regretted: "I only knew that I brought Ye Shanjun with me, so I won't be blocked by this guy."

Shiomi Jun was afraid of disturbing him when the selection competition was approaching this autumn, so he did not invite him to the swimming pool...

If she knew something like this would happen, she...well!She still doesn't want to disturb Ye Shanliang, after all his efforts Xi Jianjun has been watching...

"That's not it, because this is the arrangement of fate."

Lin Yi said pretentiously.

Just as Lin Yi and Xi Jianjun had a heated conversation in the room, Fengzaki, who had been waiting outside the door for a long time, asked, "Master, are you ready?"

"Minezaki, come in too!"

After hearing Fengzaki's words, Lin Yi remembered that he had left her outside the door.But now that it has been determined who the locker room is, it is natural to let Fengzaki come in.


After receiving Lin Yi's order, Fengzaki walked in from outside carrying a handbag...

"What's happening here?"

"Master, do you plan to play imprisonment?"

Fengzaki walked in and looked at the little girl-Shiomi Jun who was squatting on the ground at the moment, and asked curiously.

"But, is it too ghostly?"

"This is just a junior high school student!"

Although Feng Qi didn't want to raise too many objections to Lin Yi's matter, he couldn't let him follow this evil road to the end!


"Sister, help!"

After hearing Fengzaki's unbearable words, Xi Jianjun couldn't help but turn his eyes, and immediately cried at Fengzaki with tears.

"Master, this"


Looking at the scene of Fengzaki who couldn't bear to ask for affection, a black line appeared on Lin Yi's forehead...

But Lin Yi didn't say much, just came to Xi Jianrun...

She was so scared that she stopped her tears...

"What do you want to do?"

"You stand up now, I will let you go today. My character is still guaranteed."

"I do not believe."

Xi Jianrun doesn't believe that someone as shameless as Lin Yi still has such precious things as character...

Chapter 147 Ning Ning's Food Companion

Ten Jie Office Building...

Since Ningning of Ji Zhiguo was forcibly occupied by Lin Yi, her recent mood has been unsettling for some reason...

The shadow of Lin Yi that day is all in my mind...

This also led to Ji Zhiguo Ningning, who originally liked to read books, always flipping through the books in his hands...

But all this was seen in the heart by another girl...

"Ningning, why have you been so worried lately?"

Next to Ji Zhiguo Ningning, a red-haired girl who was really enjoying a cold drink at the moment couldn't help but asked Ji Zhiguo Ningning who was always turning the book unconsciously.

"Ah! What's the matter?"

Ji Zhiguo Ningning has been immersed in her own world, and has not noticed that someone is talking next to her...

It wasn't until the red-haired girl frowned and stopped the cold drink in her hand to sway in front of her, which attracted her attention...

"Your soul is lost. You're not thinking about men anymore?"

Ningning asked Ji Zhiguo in turn, and couldn't help making the girl look helpless...

"Sister Xiaolin, how did you see it?"

Ji Zhiguo Ningning was very surprised at the words of the girl beside her, and couldn't help but asked in confusion.

"It still needs research? As a foodie, I can tell at a glance. Who do you think you can hide?"

Regarding Ji Zhiguo Ningning's question, the girl raised her head and said with an air of expression.

"Let's talk about it! Who is it that makes my Ning Ningchun's heart move?"

When the topic changed, the red-haired girl called Kobayashi-senpai couldn't help but become interested in (^o^)/Ki no Kuni Ning Ning's object.

"Sister Xiaolin, do you know Lin Yi?"

After Ji Zhiguo Ningning pondered for a while, he asked the red-haired girl in a calm tone.

"What what? You actually treated Lin Yi"

When Ji Zhiguo Ningning said Lin Yi's name, the red-haired girl suddenly yelled, looking at Ji Zhiguo Ningning somewhat inconceivably.

"I advise you to give up! He is the existence of N boats. Following him, you will lose eight lives."

The red-haired girl quickly persuaded Ji Zhiguo Ningning after she was surprised.

"It's too late, I have fallen into the pit some time ago."

Regarding Xiao Lin-sen's kind advice, Ji Zhiguo Ningning said helplessly.

"Aren't you already?"

After hearing the words of Ji Zhiguo Ningning, the red-haired girl felt that she was “surprised” too much today...

Afterwards, she couldn't help but bit the cold drink in her mouth, and both hands gestured one by one in a circle, asking back and forth.

"Sister Xiao Lin, congratulations, you guessed right again."

Ji Zhiguo Ningning nodded honestly, and replied with a rather helpless tone.

"How come you die so easily!"

The red-haired girl couldn't help being a little angry when she heard this.

"Sister Kobayashi would not be different if she encountered the situation at the time!"

Ji Zhiguo Ningning was not angry at the red-haired girl's reproach, but directly replied.

"Nonsense, who can move me without my consent?"

"My Kobayashi Gentiana is not a vegetarian..."

Regarding the words of Ji Zhiguo Ningning, the red-haired should be Kobayashi's Gendan who said confidently.

"Senior Sister Xiaolin, even if you are the second seat of Yuanyue Ten Jie, sometimes you can't help it."

Regarding the words of Yuanyue Ten Jie's second Xi Xiaolin Gentiana, Ji Zhiguo Ningning obviously did not trust. She hadn't thought of what kind of person could escape in the palm of the rogue Lin Yi...

"Hmph! Then just wait and see then!"

As soon as Kobayashi Gentiana said this provocative remark, Ji Zhiguo Ningning attacked: "Actually, after you say this, you are not far from the fall."

"Cut, don't talk about this."

"I ask a more private question."

After finishing the previous topic, Gentiana Kobayashi suddenly rushed to Ning Ning Ji Zhiguo and looked at her with her beautiful and charming golden pupils...

"You still don't ask, since it's all private, what am I talking about?"

Before Kobayashi Gentiana could ask what was going on, Ji Zhiguo Ningning directly refused.


Regarding Ji Zhiguo Ningning's unhesitating refusal, Xiaolin Longdan couldn't help but look disappointed at Ji Zhiguo Ningning, who was calm at this time.

"Forget it, in order to cheer you up."

"Let's go to the swimming pool together! Have fun in the water and forget the things that bother you."

After only three seconds of silence, Gentian Kobayashi's interest came again.

"It should be the food in the swimming pool that attracted the attention of the seniors!"

Ningning, who knows Kobayashi's gentian very well, dismissed her without hesitation...

"How come you school girl is so unlovable, don't you know how to save me some face for school girl?"

After hearing Ji Zhiguo Ningning's words, Kobayashi Gentiana complained directly to her with his hands on his hips.

"Sister Kobayashi, are you still going?"

Ji Zhiguo Ningning interrupted her with a single sentence.

"go with……"

For foodies, eating always ranks second, as for anger and love, which ranks first, it doesn’t matter at all (╯╰)......

Yuanyue Swimming Pool...

In a locker room...

"It seems that I will not come up with some means, you don't know how good I am..."

Lin Yi looked at Xi Jianrun who was squatting on the ground at this time and couldn't help threatening.

"You die this heart! I won't follow you."

Xi Jianrun didn't care about Lin Yi's threat, and said hardly.

"If you don't even understand you little loli, how will I mix in women's groups in the future."

Lin Yi sneered while looking at Xi Jianrun who was not eating hard.

"Hate, I'm all said that I am not Loli."

"I'm Yuanyue's professor! You are like this and I will fire you..."

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