Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 94

After saying this, Xi Jianrun suddenly became energetic.I even forgot the most important support...

"Huh! That's right!"

"I'm Yuanyue's professor! It should be fine to expel a disobedient student! Why should I be afraid of him?"

Chapter 148

"I warn you, I'm Yuanyue's professor..."

"If you dare to do anything to me, then you will be fired..."

Xi Jianrun couldn't help but threatened Lin Yi, who was confident because of his identity.


"It's really scary."

After Xi Jianrun threatened, Lin Yi nodded in agreement.

"Hmph, now you know you're scared! Then don't you leave soon."

After Xi Jianrun felt that he had grasped Lin Yi's weakness, his tone couldn't help but become angry.

"Run sauce, I have a very important question for you now."

Lin Yi didn't have the slightest worry on his face, but said calmly to Xi Jianrun.

"Don't ask me to run sauce, you have to respect me"

After hearing Lin Yi's intimate address, Xi Jianrun couldn't help but have an opinion.

"If you have any questions, just ask! Professor Xi Jian will tell you generously."

Xi Jianjun, who seemed to be holding the winning ticket, couldn't help but said in a majestic manner...If he didn't keep squatting, he would be full of majesty.

"Nothing, just a small problem."

"Run-chan, do you know me?"

Lin Yi asked with a smile.

"Aren't you just... who are you?"

Halfway through, Xi Jian Run was stunned, she didn't seem to know who this was in front of her.


"I have been bullied for so long, I still don't know who he is"

"Then how do I threaten him?"

Xi Jianrun couldn't help sighing inwardly.


"Master, what are you playing here?"

"Is she the youngest Professor Xijianjun in Yuanyue?"

Following the dialogue between Lin Yi and Xijianjun, Fengzaki could not help but judge the identity of Xijianjun...

Originally, Xi Jianjun squatted on the ground, Fengzaki did not observe carefully, so he did not recognize it immediately, but through the dialogue between the two, Fengzaki understood very well that Xi Jianjun had fallen into Lin Yi's hands at this moment...

As for when to win?All the advantages that should be taken have been taken up, is it still far from falling?

"It's obviously that Runjiang's swimsuit is not suitable. I plan to buy her a swimsuit, but I didn't expect that she would not even give me the opportunity to be a good person... alas!"

After Lin Yi complained, he couldn't help but sighed sadly...

"Master, should I believe you?"

Feng Qi was a little speechless O_O"...looked at Lin Yi and asked.

Facing Lin Yi, who always refused to give up, Xi Jianrun couldn't help but choose to compromise...

In her extremely shy look, Lin Yi measured her own size...

At the end of the measurement, it is not shy, but shame...

How to measure without any tools?At that time, Lin Yi personally ignored Xi Jianrun's objection...yes, he used his two hands to measure her size on Xi Jianrun's body...

The current Xijianjun really feels completely defiled... he has properly lost the courage to live... Hmm!Before defeating the Great Demon King Lin Yi...

"You wait here, I'll come as soon as I go"

"It's so fragrant, you don't need to wash your hands today..."

After Lin Yi said hello to the two of them, he walked towards the door...

Even when he left, Lin Yi smirked after putting his hand between his nose in Xi Jianrun's shameful and angry eyes.

"go to hell!"

It's already been taken advantage of, Xi Jianrun can still take care of the happy body without clothes at this time, grabbing the swimsuit beside him and throwing it at Lin Yi...

"The rest of my life will be a dark abyss... Why do you feel that this is more harmful than Seiichiro Saiha"

The former Shijianjun was also a member of Pakusungliao. After joining Pakusungliao, Seiichiro, who was also a member of Pakusungliao and was one year older than himself, was also the father of Xingping Chuangzhen... The current Seiichiro Kohei takes care of...

All kinds of dark dishes are emerging in endlessly, and I have been taking Shiomijun to try...This made Shiomijun who tasted it left a very serious trauma...

At this moment, Xi Jianjun, who was secretly squatting in the corner, recalled the indelible trauma he had left in his student career, and then compared with Lin Yiyi, it seemed like nothing...

"Ningning, what's the matter with you?"

At this time, Xiaolin Gentian, who was walking around the swimming pool with Ji Zhiguo Ningning, suddenly realized that she was a little absent-minded, and couldn't help but ask.

"I seem to see Lin Yi."

Ji Zhiguo Ningning said with some uncertainty.

"Where? Where?"

After hearing what Ji Zhiguo Ningning said, Xiaolin Longdan couldn't help but ask with interest.


Looking forward along the fingers of Ji Zhiguo Ningning, she found that she was referring to a lingerie shop...

"Ningning, you don't think he is crazy, do you?"

"He should be a man! Would he be embarrassed to enter a lingerie shop?"

Kobayashi Gentiana was a little skeptical looked at Ji Zhiguo Ningning and asked.


"Don't even talk about entering a ladies' underwear shop with his cheeky, even if you enter the ladies' locker room..."

Ji Zhiguo Ningning groaned inwardly and replied affirmatively.

"In that case, let's go take a look!"

"I have never seen such a cheeky man!"

Hearing Ji Zhiguo Ningning say this, Kobayashi's Gentiana could not help but raise his interest again.

"Aren't you interested in eating? Why are you interested in men now?"

"Know that when you are curious about a man, that is the beginning of fall"

Ji Zhiguo Ningning solemnly persuaded Xiaolin Longdan.

"Don't worry about this..."

"As long as he can cook dishes that conquer my stomach, it will be nothing to fall into."

Kobayashi Gentiana replied nonchalantly.

"Okay, he will disappear in the future."

When Ji Zhiguo Ningning wanted to say something, the hurried Kobayashi Gentiana directly pulled her to the lingerie shop for girls...

Chapter 149

When the two arrived, Lin Yi was no longer in the lingerie shop...

"Why does this guy slip so fast?"

After losing the target he was interested in, Longdan Xiaolin couldn't help feeling a little unhappy, complaining all over his face...

"Since you haven't seen it, wait for the next time!"

"He can't run away anyway."

Compared to Kobayashi Gentiana, Ningning of Ji Zhiguo seemed a lot more laid-back, and didn't care...

"Forget it, you are right."

"Let's go eat first!"

Since even the hostess Ningning is not in a hurry, let alone Lin Yi staying at Jixingliao and want to see him at any time!

So Kobayashi Gentiana immediately turned his attention to snacks...

On the other hand, after Lin Yi bought a sexy pink suspender swimsuit for Xi Jianrun, he personally put it on her in the spirit of sending the Buddha to the west...

Lin Yi's hands and feet are indispensable, and Xi Jianjun's resistance is indispensable. The original two or three minutes of things were played by the two for nearly half an hour...

Afterwards, Shiomi Junichi found out that he was losing even more...The advantage that had only been taken for a few minutes would end, but as he resisted, the time of being taken advantage of was instantly extended many times...

Today is a refreshing day...

This is just for Lin Yi...

Compared to Lin Yi, who was happily returning to Ji Xingliao, Xi Jianjun at this moment was completely broken...

Today is a disaster day for Shiomi Jun...

It was the most painful memory outside the locker room, who ever thought that the disaster has just begun...

Similar to teaching her to swim, Lin Yi would consciously place his hands where it shouldn’t be at this time. Once Xi Jianrun complains, Lin Yi will challenge the next forbidden area...

These are all trivial things. What frightened him the most was that once Lin Yi almost couldn't bear to stay in the water and do it himself...

In the end, if it hadn’t been for Lin Yi to see the face she was about to cry, I’m afraid she would really have to succeed in the swimming pool from a girl to a woman...

"Runjiang, did you have fun today?"

"Will you continue tomorrow?"

Lin Yi stretched out his hand to pick up Xi Jianrun, who had been crippled by Lin Yi at this time, and asked softly in his ear.

"There is an inexplicable sadness lingering in my heart, I just want to stay away from you now."

Xi Jianrun lay in Lin Yi's arms and said with a blank face.

"In this case, I will let you go tomorrow."

As soon as Lin Yi said this, Xi Jianrun became energetic.But as for Lin Yi's understanding of character, he still can't fully believe what he said...


Xi Jianjun asked with eyes full of expression.

"That's natural, but"

Lin Yi nodded with certainty, and his painting style suddenly changed after saying the previous sentence...

"But I have booked your time for today"

"Minezaki, let's go back!"

Lin Yi didn't let Xi Jianrun go, he hugged her without changing her clothes, and greeted her little maid, Fengzaki, as if walking outside a swimming pool...


At this moment, Professor Shiomi's research room...

"It's just a little bit before my special spice blend can be studied successfully..."

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