[The screen continues to play.] 】

The Martial Arts Sacred Association “Wuxin Festival” began to be held.

Of course, Minoru Kageno also has to participate. This time, he assumed the name “Jimina”, disguised himself as a different person, and participated in the Martial Heart Festival.

Walking on the road, he clashes with others, pretending not to be the opponent’s opponent.

After everyone left, the blue-haired beautiful girl Anne Luojie came over.

“With the irreparable damage it suffered in the Martial Heart Festival. Take this opportunity to make you taste a little bitter, I think this is also for your own good. ”

“Anyway, hurry up and treat the wound.”

Anne Loje said worriedly.

She is not a bad person by nature, but she is still very kind.

Listening to Anne Lojie’s words, Kageno just said lightly: “It’s not necessary. ”

“I haven’t tasted blood in a long time.”

Annelote was stunned for a moment, and suddenly discovered something.

The other person’s body.


She was very surprised and said, “You were injured in battle…….. But where are the wounds? ”

Wrong! Something is very wrong!

Counterpart…….. Definitely not the kind of person who looks weak!

Perhaps, his real strength is very strong!

Thinking of this, Anne Luojie couldn’t help but be stunned.

Minoru Kageno didn’t speak, just turned around.

“It’s been a long time, there is no smell of blood.”

Saying that, he was ready to leave directly.

Soon after!

At the qualifier match of the Takeshin Festival.

Minoru Kageno, disguised as Jimina, participates in the battle.

His opponent is a big man with very developed meat.

The audience did not look favorably on Jimmy, they all felt that this guy looked sick and not a big opponent!

At this time, a man covered in golden armor walked in the crowd.

He had a very bright smile.

The fame is also very amazing, known as the “undefeated myth” Goethe!

Goethe himself preferred to call himself “the golden dragon of constant victory”.

Chang Sheng Jinlong narrated his theory while watching the game.

“It’s very important to collect battle data, and with my theory, you can probably see the strength before the battle.”

Looking at the big man first, his eyes and unruly expression can show that he is a fighter who has experienced hundreds of battles. 607″

“Just by looking at the male god’s balanced and toned muscles, I understand that he has very strong physical strength.”

“His combat stats…….. 1364”

“In comparison, Jimina’s combat stats are…….. 33! ”

“It’s a surprisingly small character.”

“I can’t see how he made it to the third game?”

“It looks like the winner will be determined in an instant. This game, there is nothing more to say. ”

The game begins!

Sure enough, as he expected, this battle was really won in an instant.

But the winner wasn’t the big guy he predicted.

Instead, it’s Minoru Kageno!

No, now Mr. Jimina in disguise.

Jimmy still looked listless, but his opponent was already lying on the ground and getting a baby-like sleep.

Everyone in the audience exclaimed in surprise.

No one could have imagined that Jimmy’s would triumph.

They didn’t see it at all. How did Jimmy overcome his opponent?


In the audience, Anne Luojie saw everything just now.

“A punch in the jaw …….. And the battle is over! ”

“What a fast speed…….. The high speed that the average person can’t see at all! ”

Anne Luojie thought in her heart.

It seems that this previous conjecture was completely correct.

Jimina, really a hidden master!

At this time, Changsheng Jinlong was still smug.

“Will my opponent be this Jimmy Na in the next game?”

“Although it is not known how he won this battle. However, I guess I won the next game! ”

[Ken Kaneki: “The fantasy of the weak…….. It’s really pathetic! In the next battle, he will undoubtedly be beaten badly! “】

[Kiyotaka Ayakoji: “How did this Goethe maintain his undefeated record?” He can’t even understand the battle of Minoru Kageno, and he can only say that he is destined to become cannon fodder. ”

[Ando Shōrai: “I can’t wait to see this guy get punched in the face!”] “】

[Sakita Azusagawa: “This Goethe will pay for his arrogance. He will fail miserably! “】

[Yurisuna: “Perhaps, this is the difference between the weak and the brave. “】


Soon after, the next game!

Once again, it’s Jimina’s turn to appear!

His opponent is Goethe!

In the stands, both Anne Lojie and Quinton followed Minoru Kageno’s battle.

Quinton: “Jimmy that guy . What do you think? ”

Annelo said resolutely: “I don’t think he won by the good luck of his opponent falling.” ”

“But I can’t understand at all how he defeated his opponent.”

“He was moving so fast that even my eyes couldn’t catch up.”

“But what I can be sure of is. He’s surprisingly fast! ”

Quinton crossed his hands: “Whatever it is, a game in a moment will allow us to see the truth.” ”

Annelotte nodded: “His opponent, Goethe, is known as the myth of invincibility. Never lost a game! ”

“However, he is the kind of opponent who may defeat him, and he will definitely not fight.”

“If you encounter it, you will abstain immediately. That’s why it’s called the myth of invincibility. ”

“If we talk about strength, his real strength is not weak, and this guy’s strength lies in being able to see through the strength of the opponent with certainty.”

Quinton listened and nodded.

“I see. Whether it’s the Goethe guy who looks away, or Jimmy’s scumbag who relies on antiquities, we’ll see in a moment. ”

When the two spoke, the battle officially began!

Goethe immediately used his full strength, swung his great sword, and attacked Minoru Kageno!

His blade was about to attack Minoru Kageno’s neck.

But the next moment.

Minoru Kageno didn’t even move his body.

Just twisted his neck slightly. Just dodged the opponent’s killer attack!

Then, Kageno placed his hand on the hilt of his sword.

That moment!

Goethe seemed to see the scene of himself being hit in the body and blood splattered out!

“Oops!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He thought in horror!

The opponent is far stronger than he expected!

However, it was completely different from what he expected.

Minoru Kageno did not take this opportunity to attack his flaws.

And just slowly pulled out his weapon.

Goethe immediately used all his strength and quickly retreated!

After retreating to what he thought was safe, he finally dared to speak.

“Are you looking down on me!”

At this moment, the two people in the stands are also exchanging their own experiences.

Quinton: “Do you see clearly?” ”

Anne Loje said: “I only saw a little. ”

Quinton said with pleasure and sincerity: “It’s so powerful, I don’t even understand it.” ”

“I thought Goethe’s blade was indeed aimed at Jimina’s neck and swung…”

Anne Lother said what she had just seen.

“That’s right, if you change to an ordinary person, you will definitely not be able to dodge such an attack.”

But the moment the blade touched his skin, Jimmy twisted his neck. Just dodged such a killer attack! ”

That sounds bizarre.

Make people more curious. How strong is Jimmy’s true strength?

To be able to do such a thing. It’s unimaginable!

Anne Loje continued: “The speed with which he twisted his neck was so fast that I could only see it if I looked closely. Is this something that the average person can do? ”

Both Anne Loje and Quinton fell into extreme shock.

Anyway. Jimmy’s action just now is not something that ordinary people can do!

[An Yirenya: “Minoru Kageno didn’t have a choice, and directly killed his opponent in seconds. It seems that I still want to have fun. “】

[Alan. Jaeger: “Is Kageno enjoying his battle?” However, such an opponent has no need to continue fighting, right? “】

[Forced King version: “You don’t understand this.”] Kageno is honing his pretending skills! Face the opponent with full force attack, just twist the neck and dodge. Can ordinary people do such a pretending technique? “】

[Shigeo Kageyama: “Well……… It seems to make sense! That’s awesome, Minoru Kageno! “】

[Nanxio Saiki: “Indeed! This pretense technique can be called fresh and vulgar. “】

[Moe King Limulu: “Is that so?”] It seems that I can do a similar operation in the future. “】


On the field at this time.

Goethe looked at his opponent very cautiously.

“It’s really unpleasant, you just missed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Why did he still have a calm look? ”

He said to Minoru Kageno, very hard-mouthed: “You missed your life, the only chance you can defeat me!” ”

“Sigh for me! Give me regret, give me a painful struggle, crawl on the ground, otherwise it is blasphemy against me! ”

However, in the face of his opponent’s words, Kageno Minoru simply did not react, and even twisted his neck a little impatiently.

What the other party said seemed to be a fart to him, and there was no value in listening to it at all.

“Didn’t you realize that it was a good opportunity?”

Goethe said very unwillingly.

“You, a small character with 17 combat effectiveness, dare to embarrass me!”

“I’m going to slaughter you with all my strength!”

Saying that, Goethe’s body burst out a large amount of golden magic!

A large amount of mana burned like flames, and even rushed into the sky to form a dragon!

Such magic surrounds his body. It’s extraordinarily gorgeous.

Illuminating the surrounding field, everyone’s faces were shining with gold.

The audience was amazed.

“I’ll tell you in particular, as a souvenir to send you on your way!”

“My combat power ability value is 4330!”

“Evil God, second kill!”

“Golden Dragon Sword!”

Goethe rushed to his opponent with the magic of a storm!

However, the reaction given by Minoru Kageno …..

Just sneezed.

Then, the magic power of Goethe’s body like a storm dissipated in an instant!

His whole person flew out like a spiral!

Lightning Deal!

There was silence.

After a long while, Quinton finally spoke.

“Goethe, this guy can’t be considered a small character, can he? It was actually killed in seconds! ”

Anne Luojie also looked incredulous.

“Goethe’s ability to make magic manifest is indeed stronger than expected…”

“But, Jimmy, he just sneezed and killed him in seconds…”

“He swung his sword while sneezing and hit the opponent directly.”


It’s just ridiculous!

This is the way it is, although Goethe said he missed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. But Jimmy’s didn’t need to specifically target the other side’s flaws. ”

“For him, all moments are flaws!”

Anne Luojie said in shock.

She finally understood why Jimmy was unharmed at the time.

Because, he is strong enough!

Battle backstage.

Anne Lojie stopped Minoru Kageno.

“Let me give you a piece of advice, I have seen through all your movements, so when fighting me, don’t think that you can defeat me with those moves!”

Kageno listened and just smiled slightly.

He took off the protective gear on his arm. Threw it on the ground.

Directly smashed the solid ground out of a big hole!

Obviously, this equipment is extremely heavy.

“These equipment are all shackles that bind me, and the game is over.”

Look at the equipment that falls to the ground. Anne Lojie was shocked!

[Goku: “To be honest, I seem to have seen this operation of Minoru Kageno somewhere.] “】

[Li Locke: “It’s true! I did the same thing. Sure enough, the strong always have the same commonalities! “】

[Metkay; “I didn’t expect that Minoru Kageno was so young! Burn, youth! “】

[Nanxio Saiki: “Why does the above statement smell of muscular stupidity? Reminds me of a classmate……..”]

[Shigeo Kageyama: “Isn’t it bad?] Physical transformation is a very blood-burning thing! “】

[Anzurgong: “Minoru Kageno, I underestimated you…….. He even has such a powerful attainment in the body! Unfortunately, my skeleton rack is not destined to do such a thing. “】。

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