The Martial Heart Festival is being carried out at the same time.

The royal capital, in the sewers.

The princess who used to be high in Roz Oliana, but because of the enemy’s frame, was chased and killed, and had to flee to such a place.

Rhodes then went through a long period of high-intensity fighting and escape. He is now seriously injured. Physical strength is almost ~ exhausted.

She sat on the ground dejectedly.

“What if you continue to escape? The knights who hurt the Motherland and make a big deal out of it. What exactly can I do after that-? ”

“Simply surrender and forget it, at least avoid war .. -……”

She stood up.

At this moment, a vaguely elegant piano sound came from a distance.

“In the sewers…….. And the sound of the piano? ”

Rhodes was stunned. She listened carefully, it was the piano music that was very popular recently, moonlight.

Following the sound of the piano, she walked step by step into the distance.

The sound became louder and louder, and countless pure white feathers were flying in the air.

Obviously underground. However, everything at this time seems to be as holy as heaven!

Rhodes saw it, a man. A man in a pitch-black robe was sitting in front of the piano, playing gracefully.

Rhodes’ eyes widened.

“Are you . . . Shadows……..”

That’s right, it’s Minoru Kageno!

Minoru Kageno slowly stopped playing.

Rhodes was stunned and couldn’t help but applaud.

“It’s undoubtedly the most perfect performance of moonlight I’ve ever heard.”

And Minoru Kageno didn’t seem to hear his praise. Standing up, he looked down at Rhodes: “What are you doing?” ”

Hearing such a question, Rhodes was stunned.

“I just wanted to protect everyone, but I couldn’t do anything.”

Minoru Kageno’s voice was low: “Does it end here?” Are you going to let the battle end here? ”

“I don’t want to end it again, I also want to master the best!” Rhodes said very unwillingly.

Minoru Kageno’s hand ignited a powerful purple flame.

“If you still have the will to keep fighting, I will give you strength!”

Rhodes looked intently at the immense power. Excitedly, he said, “Can that force change the future?” ”

“I have something I have to do as a princess of the kingdom. I have someone who must be protected as Rhodes! Therefore, I need strength! ”

Listening to her words, Minoru Kageno’s fingers moved slightly.

The powerful self-magic instantly covered Rhodes’ whole body!

In an instant, the damage on Rhodes’s body, as well as the mutation of the possessor, all disappeared!

She felt the powerful power surging out of her body, and couldn’t help but exclaim in admiration.

“It’s so awesome…….. That’s the magic of Shadows! ”

Minoru Kageno’s voice is majestic.

“Resist, prove that you have the will to fight!”

“Don’t forget that true strength is not about power, but about the way of being.”

Before the words fell, Minoru Kageno’s voice had completely disappeared.

Only a gorgeous piano in the basement remains. Tell Rhodes that everything just now is true, not fiction.

[Dragon Palace Courtyard Shengya: “Wonderful, so wonderful. “】

[Rudius: “Play the piano in the basement, you are the first person I have ever met!”] “】

[Blue dyeing: “Elegance. I appreciate this elegance, Minoru Kageno! “】

[Issei Hyoto: “In terms of pretending, I really obeyed. Minoru Kageno is indeed a master! “】

[Bube Zhengren: “Pretending to be forced at the same time, he also accepted a subordinate. Is there anything more elegant than that? “】

[Cai Yueang: “The same crosser, how can people be so handsome? “】


Takeshin Festival, a major competition.

After round after round of comparison. At this point, it’s already the final rounds!

Jimina, played by Minoru Kageno, successfully made the cut.

The opponent this time is really an acquaintance.

Anne Loje.

Above the stands, Alice, the First Princess of the Empire, and the others were talking about Jimina.

“I was watching him play for the first time and I couldn’t tell he was strong.”

Alice expressed her opinion.

“So, Anne Loje won?”

Duem asked.

Alice shook her head in denial and said, “No…….. Jimmy, something is wrong with this man, he doesn’t look strong, but he has a characteristic that weak people don’t have. ”

“Absolute confidence.”

“There is no confusion in his eyes, his eyes are the eyes when he sees the undoubted victory!”

“To what extent his absolute confidence can be, let’s wait and see!”

The competition officially begins.

Jimina and Anne Loge, drawing their swords at the same time.

Anne Luojie thought very cautiously in her heart.

“His strength comes from that overwhelming agility. And bottomless. ”

“However, his sword skills are similar to those outside the door, and his posture is also very chaotic.”

“Then, you won’t lose by dragging his feet!”

Anne Luojie instantly rushed to Minoru Kageno’s leg the moment the game began!

Just attack Minoru Kageno’s leg and you can win…..

Is it?

However. There is no doubt that Anne Loje’s attack was directly blocked.

“Didn’t exceed my expectations! As long as he is not given the opportunity to use speed. Sooner or later, it will be able to ……..”

Anne Loje continues to attack!

Continuous attacks!

However, at the moment of attacking Minoru Kageno.

What Anne Loje felt was not the feeling of a real attack.

It’s as if it’s empty!

At the same time, Minoru Kageno’s figure flashed behind her.

“That is, afterimage……..”

Annelotte turned around suddenly, and Minoru Kageno had come behind her again!

Continuous attacks!

Anne Luojie didn’t fight back at all, and was even directly shot into the sky!


“Even faster than I thought!”

“This situation must be turned around!”

Anne Luojie fell to the ground, a large amount of cold sweat had broken out on her face, and the whole person looked very embarrassed.

“If it were for his attack and magic power, I would have lost by now.”

She knew very well in her heart that there was a huge gap between herself and the speed of the other side!

Anne Loje opened her mouth to Minoru Kageno; “I have to admit that you are indeed very strong. Overwhelmingly strong! ”

“Both strength and speed are above me.”

“All I have left is . . .”


Take advantage of the attack of Minoru Kageno, fight back yourself, this is the only way to win!

Minoru Kageno attacks!

Anne Loje was already ready and immediately fought back.


The moment the blade waved, Anne Luojie was pleasantly surprised.


The blade of the sword, just like that, grazed Minoru Kageno’s body, and did not hit at all!

“I have calculated accurately, but I have also been calculated!”

“He perfectly calculated my attack range!”

In Anne Luojie’s heart, the last thought was this.

Then, Minoru Kageno’s attack fell.

Anne Loje, fall to the ground!

Minoru Kageno, win!

In the stands, countless spectators made surprised sounds. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Alice couldn’t help but be surprised: “So strong……..”

“I didn’t expect this, it’s unbelievable that a demon swordsman like him is still unknown.”

“It’s a technique I’ve never seen before, and it’s incredibly sharp and beautiful.”

The next game is Alice vs. Jimmy!

Duem asked, “Lord Alice, do you have confidence in defeating such a strong enemy?” ”

Alice said confidently: “I admit that his technique is very beautiful, but the victory of the game is not determined by beauty or not. If that was already his full strength, it would be nowhere near mine! ”

“But he seems to be hiding something, so he used the technique of camouflage to win all the way here.”

“No matter how strong he is, I will defeat him!”

[Kirishima Dongka: “Start telling jokes. Minoru Kageno didn’t even play out 1% of his strength. How could Alice be his opponent? “】

[An Yilun: “Laughed, are people in this world too confident?” The enemy is obviously an unfathomable existence, and he still fantasizes about being able to defeat him? “】

[Alan. Jaeger: “The battle just now was really exciting! Kageno was really able to crush his opponent without exerting his true strength. It’s beautiful! “】

[Kayar: “The only pity is that there is no defeat animation. “】

[Ken Kaneki: “The defeated anime mentioned above won’t be tortured after being captured, right?”] “】

[Sakata Gintoki: “I think it’s something else. Forget it, this is a topic for adults, if you don’t understand, don’t tell you. “】


Below, there’s the long-awaited powerful battle!

Jimmy, Alice!

Alice’s popularity is very high. Even as soon as you stand here, there is a continuous cheer.

“Jimina is undoubtedly a strong enemy, facing him like this, but he can’t feel his power at all.”

“But I can feel something unfathomable in him.”

Alice stood opposite Minoru Kageno, looking at each other and thinking.

“Even so, there is nothing difficult about him, as long as I give it my all from the beginning, no matter what he tries to hide, I will clean him up in one move!” Won’t give him any chance! ”

0 ask for flowers

Alice poses like she has been through a hundred battles.

The competition has officially begun!

The moment it starts.

Alice felt her head fly.

She didn’t even pull out the blade of her sword, and she was directly killed in seconds.

Consciousness plunges into nothingness!

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and a thunder sounded!


After the thunder sounded. Alice woke up suddenly!

Her body retreated as fast as she could, and even rolled on the ground!

She was covered in extreme cold sweat.

She understood that at that moment just now, she felt the murderous aura of the other party!

That murderous aura even made her experience the same feeling of being killed.


Alice’s hand involuntarily touched her neck. The moment I felt just now, I was decapitated from here.

“That’s right…….. Just now it was……..”

“Why is it so far?”

She didn’t realize that because she was too frightened, she was already very far away from the other party.

“Aren’t you going to make a move?”

Minoru Kageno said calmly.

He stood motionless in place, but in front of his opponent Alice, he had a feeling of great terror.

“I actually stepped back so far……..”

Alice thought in shock.

“I instinctively felt the fear of death…”

“Don’t be afraid! Fear will make enemies appear stronger! Step in bravely! ”

Alice comforted herself and pulled out her weapon and stepped forward.

Step into range of your opponent’s attack!

The moment you lift your foot.

Alice could feel the feeling of her leg being cut off directly!

Blood is pouring out!

“I was cut?”

Alice thought in shock.

“How could it be…….. Is this an illusion? ”

“But I do feel it.”

“That is to say… The entire venue was within his attack range! ”

Alice was shocked in her heart.

Next. No matter what movement she made, she could feel the other party’s blade on her, adding a huge wound to herself!

“The other side…….. Just the slightest movement of my eyes and muscles made me mistakenly think that I was being cut! ”

“This is not some kind of trick, it is definitely his own technology!”

“To be able to do this magnitably…….. It is the strongest in the world! ”

“Don’t be afraid! Don’t get confused! ”

“Whether it’s an illusion or a real sword, I will cut it off together!”

Alice roared, and powerful red magic erupted from the human body! Rush to Minoru Kageno!


The next moment, she was extremely surprised to find out.

Opponent Jimina didn’t even unsheath his sword.

“Just now everything was gaze inducing…….. He even moved his body slightly, making me think that he was about to attack! ”

Alice forcibly attacked!

Minoru Kageno didn’t even need a weapon, and directly shot Alice’s weapon into the air with his empty hand!

Then, press Alice to the ground!

One move, second kill.

“What’s wrong, the show has just begun.”

“Alice Midgar.”

Became the strongest magic swordsman in the entire kingdom, Alice Midgar.

And just like that, it was directly defeated.

The other party, even unharmed.

Countless spectators erupted in amazement. Everyone looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief!

“How is it possible…….. Alice Midgar was defeated so easily that the other party was even unharmed! ”

“Who the hell is this? There turned out to be such a technique. ”

“Even the strongest demon swordsman I know can’t do such a thing!”

[Uchiha: “Awesome…….. The technique just now is completely okay, it can be said to be an illusion! Even if you use the illusion sent out by the Sharingan, you can only do this, right? “】

[Uchiha Itachi: “Is there an illusion brought about by murderous qi………] What an amazing intensity! “】

[Dunyong Iwatani Shangfumi: “Can you do this without even making a move?] In this way, my kind of defensive person really seems too passive! “】

[Conan: “What kind of technology is this…. In my world, maybe only drugs can do such a thing! “】

[Night God Moon: “What a wonderful strategy…….. Terrible! “】

[Oni King Oni Mai Tsuji No Misery: “This feeling of fear…….. Reminds me of that man back then! How powerful it is! “】

Genos: “That’s how I felt when I was fighting my teacher! Awesome, Minoru Kageno! “Knife].

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