Inverse Sword God

Chapter 2509: The Son of Heaven fell!

The people in Jiuxiao Holy Land were crazy, they could not imagine that a snake climbing body was so powerful!

The Dark Red Dragon grinned with pain.

Although it didn't crack, the pain was very obvious. He stared at Jiuxiao Holy Land with a pair of longan.

Damn it, for a while, I must bake you guys!

Humph! You do n’t have a formation anymore, dare you be arrogant? Son of Five Elements sneered, kill me!

Countless people killed.

However, although the defensive formation is broken, the horizon is not far away, but it has not yet been broken. This made everyone frown again.

Not afraid, we also have an array of mages, just on the way. People in the Five Elements Palace and Wanlei Shrine spoke up.

Hearing this, the people in Jiuxiao Holy Land shined, and they had an array of mages in their original team.

However, it takes time to crack the matrix.

But now, when the other two holy places return to the mage, and the three parties join forces, they will not believe it!

Moreover, they are too jealous of this formation. If they can master it, it will definitely be a defense against the sky!

Sure enough, after waiting for a long time, a figure appeared in the passage.

The array masters of the Five Elements Palace and Wanlei Holy Land came, and the four gray-haired old men came tremblingly.

They looked at the black quicksand in the sky, their eyes shining.

On the side of the Jiuxiao Holy Land, there was also a Master Master.

The masters of the five major formation methods came together to prepare to crack.

God, this is teleportation!

How did this snake do it? It's so subtle!

It must not have been made by him, I think, he should be the treasure obtained in this tomb.

Said these five array masters.

They did not think that the black quicksand was made by the other party.

Moreover, it doesn't matter if they do, they have to join forces to crack.

The five major mages started, and the five teamed up together, really powerful.

The three members of the Dark Red Dragon and Xiandian are in crisis again.

It is conceivable that once the horizon is broken, waiting for them will be the ruthless bombing of the three holy places!

Xiaoxuanzi, where are you special! Hurry up! The Dark Red Dragon took out the array again and passed on the message.

Black soil number.

Lin Xuan opened his eyes, a vast breath erupted from his body, erupting like a hundred thousand volcanoes

Raging energy bombarded the Quartet.

Fortunately, he is now in the training room of the Black Earth, so there is no impact on the interior of the Black Earth.

Mid Seven Stars!

Lin Xuan stood up and clenched his fists, his eyes had a sharp light.

He is so excited!

You broke! The black soil drifted in.

Well, Lin Xuan grinned. He asked, how many days?

Seven days.

Seven days! Lin Xuan took a deep breath and was excited again and again.

In seven days, he broke through from the beginning of the Seven Stars to the middle of the Seven Stars.

If you say it, no one believes it!

You know, under normal circumstances, the next king, the early seven-star breakthrough to the middle of the seven-star, it will take a hundred or two hundred years.

And he only needs seven days!

It's finished!

This is definitely a bad move!

Of course, all this is due to the ancient elixir.

What made him even more surprised was that not only did his cultivation break through, but the Dragon Soul of the Dragon was also further awakened.

Now, his combat power is equivalent to the peerless power of the mid-eight star. If Dalong Soul of the Soul is fully fired and exerts the most extreme combat power, he can compete with the peerless power of the late eight stars.

This does not include his use of cards such as the Black Earth, Sage Hand Bones, etc. If he uses those cards to kill the power of the Eighth Star, it is all right.

This makes Lin Xuan full of confidence!

According to his estimation, only half of the sage's tomb was explored, and the latter half wanted to have even more heavenly treasures.

By the way, nothing has been done these days? Lin Xuan asked.

The black soil shook and said, Xun Zilong sent two distress signals, but I saw that you did not interrupt you when you cultivated.


Lin Xuan frowned, what happened?

Listen to it. Hei Tu took the array and Lin Xuan heard it. It was indeed from Xun Zilong.

He frowned.

The strength of the Dark Red Dragon, he knows, the level of the Holy Son.

Even the other saints are helpless.

But now, it even sends out a distress signal, which shows that the other party is absolutely in danger.

When he heard the second message, he understood. Wanlei Holy Land, Five Elements Palace and Jiuxiao Holy Land, I really do not know how to live or die!

The black soil, using the formation method to lock the position of the shuttlecock dragon, flew directly.

No problem, leave it to me. Black soil began to control, and soon, Black Soil flew in the same stream.

On the other side, inside the hall.

The end of the world array formation method has become dim, and under the cooperation of the five top array formation wizards, it is gradually suppressed.

I rely! It's been five or six days, why hasn't Lin Xuan come yet?

Is there any accident?

The dark red dragon looked at the scene around him, and his face was gloomy.

Because Lin Xuan was not here, he was in trouble. It is estimated that his horizons are close at hand, and he can only last for two or three days.

After two or three days, it may be cracked by the other party.

When the army comes to kill, I'm afraid he will have a hard time coping.

Even if he can escape, it is estimated that he must be seriously injured, which is not what he hopes.

After another day, the five major mages were excited again and again, because they felt that one day they could crack it!

The people of Jiuxiao Holy Land, Five Elements Palace and Wanlei Holy Land are also excited.

Their eyes are shining brightly, crawling snakes, ready to die! People in the Five Elements Palace sneered.

The people of Jiuxiao Holy Land are gritting their teeth.

However, at this time, there were seven or eight rays in the distance.

These seven or eight rays of light are fast, and there is a fairy palace rising and falling above it, and tens of thousands of lights hang down.

It's the people from Jiuxiao Holy Land!

Those immortal palaces are not Jiuxiao Shengzi?

Sure enough, this scene made Jiuxiao Holy Land all turn their heads.


There was a faint glow in their eyes, and they greeted each other.

How's it going?

They asked eagerly.

However, the seven or eight people who came were ugly, and even a few elders were crying, ah!

We are guilty! The saint is killed!


Son, killed! how can that be!

Didn't you say he was taken away by Xiangong after Li split?

The news was like a thunderstorm on a sunny day, so that the strong men of the Jiuxiao Holy Land were all covered.

The Palace of Five Elements, the Holy Land of Wanlei, and the other strong men around it were stunned.

Especially the Son of the Five Elements and Son of the Thunder ~ ~ is even more ugly. They themselves are the Son, so they know how difficult it is to kill a Son! But now, Jiuxiao Shengzi has been killed!

What the **** is going on?

Jiuxiao Shengzi was really killed? By whom? Is it Lin Xuan?

In the distance, the five formation masters also stopped and frowned.

The dark red dragon laughed, ha ha ha ha! Killing me! Make you arrogant and trouble your emperor!

How's it going?

He was so happy that he was stuck here by the other party these days, making him very annoyed. Hearing the news now is really like eating a cold watermelon in the summer.

The warriors of the three immortal halls also leaped wildly. Wouldn't it be the master of the palace?

They also heard that the owner of their palace had split the opponent with a sword!

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