Inverse Sword God

Chapter 2510: Crazy!

Damn, isn't that Lin Xuan! The elders of Jiuxiao Holy Land roared madly, their eyes were red, and their bodies were so aggressive that they turned into ghosts and demons.

Because of this news, it really made them unbearable.

impossible! This is impossible! Among them, an old man in a white cloud robe roared.


Damn it!

The other elder was crazy.

I! Do not! letter! Several elders cried, tears turned into blood rain, and the space was flowing.

not good!


The warriors around him changed their faces. Because, they felt that there was an amazing killing in front.


Many people who were slow running were directly bombarded, and many people were penetrated by murderous holes.

Defend fast!

Even the people next to the Five Elements Palace and the Wanlei Holy Land also propped up their fields, battle armors, and retreated.

They found that the people in Jiuxiao Holy Land were really crazy!

kill! kill! kill!

Those strong, murderous holes penetrate the sky!

How could it be killed when there was a fairy palace? Questioned by the elders.

This fairy palace is a treasure!

However, the seven or eight strong men who arrived came to grit their teeth. We don't know. By that time, all that was left was the imperial palace.

Jiuxiao Shengzi's storage ring is gone, all the treasures on him are ransacked and emptied.

The body was split in half, the soul was completely killed, and it was not alive at all.

As for the killer, we don't know.

These old people are also extremely ugly. The news is going to be sent back to the Holy Land, which is definitely a big shock.

You know, how much it costs the Holy Land to cultivate a Holy Son! But now, in this ancient tomb, it has fallen!

This is definitely a big earthquake!

find out!

Be sure to find the killer! Thousands of corpses!

Otherwise, we cannot explain to the Holy Land at all! These elders are really crazy.

Among them, many people turned to stare at the dark red dragon, it was them! It must be made by the people in their fairy hall!

Kill this creeper! Kill that Lin Xuan! Kill them all in Xiandian! Revenge for our Son!

My grass, what the **** are you messing around with! The dark red dragon was startled. What special eye did you see that we made?

Killing the saint is also a big thing, and the Dark Red Dragon is not willing to admit it.

It's you!

Whether or not, Lin Xuan must die!

If it were not for him, the Son would not be injured, and no one would dare to attack the Son.

Therefore, the culprit is still Lin Xuan!


These people roared madly and attacked madly.

However, because of the closeness of the horizon, all those attacks were teleported away.

However, these people are really irritated and mad, dozens of strong men in the Jiuxiao Holy Land, do not attack.

Some people even went straight into the horizon.

At this time, two attacks were teleported to the Dark Red Dragon, and one of them was teleported in.

Hahahaha! Great! This is a random teleportation!

As long as we try many times, we can come in! The elder roared madly, his eyes burst into killing, and his palm was sent out relentlessly.

Damn snake creep, let me die!

They were crazy, the Son was killed, and they couldn't bear it. Therefore, they vented all their anger and murderous intentions to the Dark Red Dragon!

This scene stunned all those warriors around.

Even the Dark Red Dragon did not expect that the opponent could be able to teleport to him randomly. This probability is too small.

Teleported by an elder, a peerless power, at this moment, he was murderous, running through nine days and ten places.

The breath of Ling Ling seems to be able to destroy the entire world.

Feeling this murderous horror, the warriors' scalp was numb. Sure enough, those in Jiuxiao Holy Land were crazy.

How can ordinary ordinary peerless power kill such terrible murderous power?

The boundless light is surging, and the violent power will engulf the dark red dragon and the warriors of the three fairy halls.

The three celestial warriors had scalp scalp. They thought they were also young and arrogant, but now under such terrible killings, they have no power to fight back.

They felt the void around them was frozen, the energy in their bodies was frozen, and they couldn't resist.


The dark red **** dragon roared, and the dragon's groan sounded, turned into a sound wave, and rushed forward to compete with it.

The sky was falling apart. At the same time, his dragon tail swung, and a red Tianhe, like a sky knife, chopped out.

Peng Peng Peng!

The earth-shattering sound sounded, two energy dissipated in the sky at the same time,

Seeing this scene, the surrounding people were uproar, the people in Jiuxiao Holy Land were even more amazed, and the people in the Five Elements Palace and Wanlei Holy Land were also shocked.

The elders of the Jiuxiao Holy Land hit a shock with madness, but they still couldn't help each other.

I have to say that the snake crawling on the other side is too powerful, and its strength is probably no better than these elder sons.

Damn, what kind of thing is this?

Is the world different?

Saint Wan Lei's face was gloomy, and the Son of Five Elements looked even more like a magic lamp. He said in a deep voice that it looked like a heaven and earth.

Come to think of it, you should have some kind of strong dragon blood, otherwise, his physique cannot be so strong.

Even if you have the blood of the dragon! Trouble us today, no doubt he will die!


Kill me!

As the two saints were talking, the elders in the front of the Jiuxiao Holy Land and the dark red dragon were still fighting each other for nearly a hundred strokes, and the surrounding area was broken.

There is no place in the whole hall that is intact.

Anyway, do you really think the emperor is a mess? The Dark Red Dragon was also angry. He waved his claws, played two formations, and overlapped to protect the three martial arts warriors.

At the same time, he fluttered into a dragon, growled and killed.

The great magic power of the Dragon race unfolds, and the countless red rays in the sky are like red swords, fighting against it.

After another 300 strokes, the elders of Jiuxiao Holy Land screamed, and half of his body was smashed by the paw of the dark red dragon.

The blood mist was filled with screams, and the elders of Jiuxiao Holy Land retreated madly.

He entered the black quicksand and was teleported out.

He didn't appear in the hall ~ ~ I don't know where it appeared.

But then, a roar came from afar.

The half-length old man was killed from a certain channel, and his bad half has recovered.

His face was pale.

Damn it!

The elder's crazy roar, he could not imagine, with his peerless power, coupled with the peerless study of Jiuxiao Holy Land, there was nothing he could do to help each other!

In the distance, the people of the Five Elements Palace and Wanlei Holy Land had their eyes brightened, and they finally found a way to kill each other.

Hurry up! Everyone, get me into the black quicksand!

Although it is transmitted randomly, there is still a certain probability that it will be transmitted to the other side. Just enter the other side and kill it immediately!

Show all your hole cards!

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