Inverse Sword God

Chapter 2688: 36 days!

Want to kill me, do you have this ability? The breath on Lin Xuan's body was also getting more and more terrifying.

Boy, I admit that you are strong, you are the strongest opponent I have ever met.

But do you think you can really beat me?

I also have the most powerful hole card magical powers, which have not been shown. Now you show me!

If you die under my magic, you can be proud.

Xiaotianwang floated in the void, and **** runes appeared on him, densely covering his body.

The terrifying breath emanated from the little king. And Xiaotian Wang, his nerves became solemn and solemn.

His body flashed more and more, as if turning into a relentless Tianhe.

Beside him, the endless **** runes combined to form 36 **** swirls.

Inside each vortex, there seemed to be a figure sitting in a circle, like a god.

It exudes the mysterious breath of ancient and floodland.

This is 36 days!

Finally, some older characters screamed, panicking.

36 days? what is that? The other young warriors were puzzled.

One of the most powerful magical powers of the heavenly people! It is said that these 36 celestial beings are the celestial beings. They use their blood power to communicate with the heavens and the earth, and call out 36 powerful gods.

There are even legends that this is a fairy!

But no matter what, these 36 days are really terrifying, and it is definitely one of the most powerful magical powers.

What, there is such a magical power!

The people were shocked, communicating the power of heaven and earth with their own strength, summoning 36 gods to help themselves in battle.

This Nima is too bad!

Celestial beings have such terrible magical powers!

Everyone was stunned. Before they thought that it was small, it was impossible for King to win.

But where do I know now, Xiaotian Wang has such a terrible hole card.

As soon as this hole card comes out, who is in fear of fighting?

I'm afraid that even Ye Wudao can't fight it.

Sure enough, the Holy Son of Shaking Light, Ye Wudao, Yan Ruyu, Prince Daxia, and others, looked extremely solemn.

Lin Xuan frowned as well, from which 36 scarlet people's shadows, he felt a horror.

Even if he possesses the Jiuyang deity, the qi and blood in his body are trembling violently.

What a terrible magical power!

36 days, can you summon the Holy Spirit Fairy?

Terran is really terrifying this day! How could you have such a terrible magical power! Lin Xuan looked extremely dignified.

On the opposite side, Xiaotian Wang laughed, and he showed a cruel smile again.

Boy, did you see that? This is my hole card!

Do you think you can compete?

No one in the sky can be saved! Even if you kneel down and beg me now, I won't let you go.

With that said, Xiaotian Wang laughed. Around me, thirty-six days lingered, even more shining.

Extremely horrifying powers emerged, pressing everyone back and forth. The weak strength was directly stunned by this power.

Boom ~

The next moment, Xiaotian shot.

One palm shot, overwhelming, thirty-six **** figures vibrated, exuding a mysterious rhythm.

A terror of energy blessed in this palm.

Photographed with one palm, the sky is falling apart.

Lin Xuan dodged quickly, but in the end, he was swept by the wind.


He flew out, spit out, and the blood was red in the void.

Wounded, that kid is hurt!

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked. After 36 days, it was really terrible.

Lin Xuan was injured with one palm.

You must know how frightening Lin Xuan's physique was before, and Xiao Tianwang couldn't hurt the other party.

But now, under one palm, Lin Xuan vomited blood.

This shows that 36 days are really terrifying. I am afraid that this palm should also be able to hurt the Eucharist.

Sure enough, Ye Wudao was also gloomy. Obviously, he also received a thick threat.

In the sky, the little king laughed and saw, no, boy, this is my real strength!

You have no chance of resistance before me,

As he said, he waved his palm again, and his **** palm and the power of the thirty-six days of puppets kept flowing.

Lin Xuan stepped back step by step, vomiting blood in large mouths, blood stained his body, and his complexion became frightened

Kill ~

With a roar, Lin Xuan's body glowed with mysterious life.

Numerous runes and patterns appeared on him.

At this moment, the Jiuyang deity was displayed by him without reservation. He seemed to turn into an ancient **** of war.

Just that body collapsed the world,

Not only that, Lin Xuan also held a dragon-shaped sword in his hands. The sword spirit on his body was even more towering.

That breath cut off nine days and ten places.

Thirty-six days? I admit that it is really strong, but what about it, it is impossible to kill me!

I don't know if you live or die, do you think you can still live with it?

Now, let me die!

Xiaotian Wang sneered, printed his palm, and quickly killed him.

Boom ~

Cangtian Baquan!

Xiaotianwang burst into five punches.

Five **** fists, covering the world with the power of thirty-six days

Boy, let me die! Xiaotian Wang has unparalleled confidence.

Below, the people of Tianren tribe also laughed proudly.

The war clan, the yin and yang people, even showed a sloppy expression. They knew that under the invincible king, no one could block such power.

Unless, the true invincible king comes.

Brother Lin Xuan!

Brother Xuan!

Murong Qingcheng and Shen Jingqiu were so nervous that even the dark red Shenlong frowned,

Boy, do your best.

Sure enough, facing five terrible **** fists. Lin Xuan is also tense, and the Jiuyang deity is blooming.

With both hands, he held the dragon-shaped sword shadow.

Dragon Soul Slash.

With a roar, the dragon-shaped sword shadow cut out.

Heaven and earth shattered, and a sword air crossed the void. Wherever it passed, the entire sky was cut in half.

Nothing can resist.

Ah ~

The crowd screamed because this sword was terrible.

Although it was not cut to them, the breath of light had already cracked their bodies.

Many people vomit blood in large mouths and cannot bear it at all.

Hurry up!

These young warriors ~ ~ fled madly into the distance.

In the distance, among the temples, the elders of the major holy places, the strong, also dispatched.

They came into the sky and looked forward, terrified.

what happened?

what happened?

Still those two men are fighting!

What kind of sword spirit is this?

What is that **** swirl?

These people are crazy. Before they knew, Lin Xuan and Tianjiao were fighting, but where did they think it was too scary?

Far more than their older strong. Even those invincible kings are leaping wildly.

These people, at such a young age, have reached such a combat power. If they become invincible kings, how horrible will they be? They dare not imagine.

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