Inverse Sword God

Chapter 2689: He's crazy!

This is really a genius with the attitude of an emperor.

Celestials are the little kings of Celestials!

What magic power is that?

It is one of the supreme supernatural powers of the heavenly human race. This little heavenly king is so amazing, can he perform this kind of supreme supernatural power at a young age?

That young man, is the Lord of the Immortal Hall!

Cangtian, he was able to fight 36 days of crickets, what sword did he use?

The elders of the Holy Land, the strong, exclaimed.

At this moment, the people of the Celestial People also frowned.

Unexpectedly, their little heavenly king had even performed a superb magical power and could not help the other side.

On the side of the fairy temple, Da Hufa and others blinked their eyes.

They also know about the thirty-six days of the heavenly people. To be honest, they are really worried about Lin Xuan.

However, they were relieved when they saw the amazing sword sentiment from Lin Xuan.

They knew that Lin Xuan would not lose.

In the sky, two terrible forces collided and erupted, completely covering the sky and the earth.

All of them retreated and the elders of Yaochi Holy Land shot wildly, opening up a large array of formations and directing energy to the sky.

This collision lasted for a long, long time before it gradually weakened.

All of them retreated to a safe distance, looked at the sky, and were shocked.

Are these two young Tianjiao? How do I feel like two invincible kings are at war?

Yeah, it ’s terrible. Are they really the same age as us?

I do n’t know, what happened? No flower said.

The ancient three links on the side also sighed. No, the light was too strong to detect.

Are you coming out?

In front of it, an endless storm of energy suddenly turned around, and the light was quickly dim.

Seeing this scene, all of them widened their eyes, stretched their necks, and looked forward.

The light gradually faded, and finally, they could see the scene ahead.

Then all of them grew mouths and stunned.

Because I saw the front, Xiaotianwang's body was split in half, but it didn't break, but the horrible crack made them see each other's organs.

Lin Xuan's body was also scarred, with several palm prints, and several cracks on her body.

However, the light on him is still extremely bright, and his breath is also very sharp. It seems that he is not as bad as Xiao Tianwang.

The blood of Xiaotian Wang was red, and 36 days around, he was gone.

He was extremely weak at the moment,

impossible! I can't lose!

You can break my 36 days!

Xiaotianwang screamed madly. He wanted to heal his broken body, but in the rift, countless crickets of qi were stopping him.

This is the breath of the Great Dragon Soul, and it is not so easy to wear away, not to mention that Xiao Tianwang is still seriously injured.

Lin Xuan ’s Jiuyang deity blooms, and Changshengjue runs quickly to repair the injury.

He held the Longyuan Ancient Sword again and walked forward.

Celestial beings? Little King? Still want to kill me?

Today, I will send you to **** first!

Lin Xuan stepped out step by step, stepping on each step.

He basically walked in the void and blood, seeing this scene, the people of the heavenly people screamed madly.

Do not!

Damn kid! How dare you do to Xiaotianwang!

They are crazy. Xiaotian Wang has something to say and died here. It is estimated that their entire celestial people would have rioted.

The others were shocked. What does this guy want to do? Is it true that he really wants to kill Xiaotian Wang?

Xiaotianwang also screamed in horror, you dare to kill me, you kill me, the heavenly people will not let you go!


Lin Xuan snorted, rest assured, he won't kill you, but I will suppress you and take you back to a good lesson.

What, to suppress Xiao Tian Wang, but also to teach him well?

Hearing this scene, everyone's eyes leaped wildly, but it was more scared than death.

If this is really the case, Xiaotian Wang estimates that the younger generation can't afford to look up at all.

Damn it, you dare!

A few Tianjiao of the Tianren tribe rushed up and wanted to take a shot, but soon they were blown out.

Long sword waved, Lin Xuan split several people flying. These days the strong people of the human race vomit blood, others are shocked.

Damn, why is he so powerful?

In Lin Xuan's eyes, a radiant light broke out.

In the sky, accompanied by his sword spirit, a sky monument was formed again, and he wanted to suppress Xiao Tianwang.

Do not!

Xiaotian roared weakly, but his broken body had more blood flow because of strenuous exercise.

He couldn't escape at all.

Seeing Xiaotian Wang was about to be suppressed, the others were shocked, but at this moment, a cold voice sounded in the sky.

Enough, so far,

With relentless power in the voice, a big hand blocked the sky monument in the sky.

An old man appeared next to Xiao Tianwang, and with a wave of his palm, countless rays of light restored Xiao Tianwang's broken body.

That sharp sword qi was also worn away by the opponent.

Invincible King!

Is the invincible King of the Celestials!

When everyone saw this scene exclaimed, the king was dispatched without expecting the invincibility of the last human race.

The crowd was shocked.

In the sky, the invincible King of the Celestial People's face was gloomy. After he rescued Xiao Tianwang, he looked at Lin Xuan again.

Alright, let's stop. You won this battle.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan raised a smile, and he withdrew the ancient sword from Longyuan and accepted it.

Nodded slightly, he turned to the platform below, and then took out a few pills to swallow.

Brother Lin Xuan, Shen Jingqiu ran up quickly, Murong Qingcheng also quickly took out the elixir, Brother Xuan, quickly take this thing down.

Holy Water in Yaochi!

The surrounding sages and virgins, seeing this, suddenly lighted their eyes.

This is the holy medicine of the Holy Land of Yaochi. I did not expect that the Holy Lady of Yaochi took it out without hesitation.

After Lin Xuan took it, he swallowed it. Sure enough, he felt an extremely pure energy to repair his body.

Soon ~ ~ The cracks and internal injuries on him turned out to be instantaneous.

It ’s so amazing, it ’s the holy medicine of Yaochi Holy Land.

Lin Xuan was surprised.

Damn boy, you wait, this game is not over, and one day, I will take this hate back!

In the sky, Xiaotian Wang also healed himself. He paled and said with gritted teeth.

Anytime. However, if this is your full strength, I advise you not to take another shot.

Because you are not my opponent at all,

Hearing this, Xiaotian's **** vomiting, the warriors of the Celestial People, also gritted their teeth.

Arrogant, it's too arrogant!

However, they couldn't fight back at all. Because the real situation is that their little king is defeated by the other party, the other party has crazy capital.

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