Inverse Sword God

Chapter 3355: Bronze door

[Title: God mad sword against the body of Chapter 3356. of the bronze door of 3354: fresh sword]

The latest chapter of "Inverse Sword God" pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: the strongest brother in history, the thief of the alien army, the throne, the wild and ancient stars, and the legend of Wu Zun's hands, covering his fists, and turning them into a golden black look.

Damn human, what dare you, dare to evolve the magical power of my Jinwu tribe!

Jin Wulie was immediately angry, he had Jin Wu's blood, so the phantom on his body took on Jin Wu's breath.

The other party dared to show their magical power of the Jinwu tribe.

The fire was so overwhelming that I was rushing forward, let me die.

He was going to burn each other with fire,

Although he is the genius of Suzaku Palace, he has the blood of Jinjinwu tribe, so the flame on him is extremely terrible.

He is confident that he won't lose to Yan Nantian simply than the magical power of the fire system.

However, his luck was over, and he met Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan's nine-yang fist turned into a golden streamer and rushed directly into the sea of ​​fire.

Bomb the Quartet.

The fire raged around and was punched into a hole. A golden fist came to Jin Wulie.

how is this possible? Jin Wulie changed his face, how could the strength of the other party be so powerful?

He tried to escape, but he was punched in the head with a punch.

He wants the soul to escape,

Jiuyang Shenhuo ignited his soul in an instant. A miserable cry sounded, just for a moment,

His soul was destroyed, the headless corpse fell, and blood poured wildly.

The strong men around were all stunned and drooling.

Jin Wulie, are you dead? Did you get killed with a punch?

Who is this person in the end!

Jin Wulie's strength, if not the most powerful among them, is also the top three.

But now, he couldn't stop the punch.

Who the **** are you? The other strong men asked trembling.

Wu Nai Lin is invincible, you all deserve to die!

What, Lin Invincible, you are Lin Invincible! All those around were stunned, full of panic,

This man turned out to be Lin Wudi? Force the existence of Yan Nantian.

They finally knew now, why did Long Zhaotian escape the first time? It turned out that the other party had long been recognized.

Damn, do you guys in Suzaku not know him? People in the Darkmoon Temple, roaring wildly,

People from other families around are also ugly.

People at Suzaku Palace regretted their death. How did we know each other and we did not participate in that battle? We just knew his name.

Complain, run away. They fled madly in all directions.

This method of escape is the most powerful, because someone can always escape.

Want to run away? Lin Xuan's soles slumped, the ground trembled, and the endless waves rolled around turned into a sea dragon and rushed out.

The rule of water, Lin Xuan will also, so in this sea, his strength is equally terrible.

Boom boom!

How could these people be Lin Xuan's opponents, so in an instant, they were smashed by Hailong, and even their souls were swallowed.

The screams rang, and finally disappeared.

Blood stained the bottom of the sea, and the water spread in all directions.

Lin Xuan turned his head and looked at Liu Mu's body. Your enemy, I've killed you. There is still a long trick, but I won't let him go.

As for the safety of your teacher and sister, I ,,, Lin Xuan shrank her pupils before she finished.

Those around me also exclaimed,

The woman in green was holding Liu Mu's body, her face was full of tears, and suddenly she pulled out a dagger with a flash of light and stabbed her heart fiercely.


Blood burst out, and the woman in green fell into Liu Mu's arms. Brother, I will accompany you on Huangquan Road. You will not be lonely.

No, how could this be? Yan Ruyu, squatting down quickly, striving to save people.

The woman in green said, "It's useless. The poison on the dagger is very poisonous. It will undoubtedly die under the saint. You don't need to leave me.

Whoa, how could it look like this? The dark red Shenlong also made a strange noise, Lin Xuan frowned and took a deep breath.

The law of wood rushed out, at the same time, the power of the Great Dragon Soul was pouring into the body of the woman in green, killing all those poisons.

Miraculously, the original green woman's breath was falling, but soon, he recovered,

how is this possible? I am not dead! Woman in green screams.

She couldn't believe it. She couldn't even die now?

Lin Xuan said, I promised you that I would not let you die. And you should not die,

I think Liu Mu doesn't want you to die!

With a wave of Lin Xuan's hand, the green-haired woman was lethargic for a while, and then sent to the spirit boat. At the same time, there was the willow's body to let the black soil take care.

Then he flipped his hand and took out the quaint key.

This was given to me by Liu Mu, and he stayed here. If he wants to come here, there should be a treasure.

Just behind, I saw the hole. The dark red dragon pointed at the back and said,

OK, let's go in and have a look. Lin Xuan and his party took a deep breath and walked forward.

In front, there really is a cave house, and after going deep inside, you will find a bronze gate.

The bronze door was covered with road patterns, flashing incomparable strength, and it was clear that this was the cave of the saints,

Moreover, it is difficult to open by external force. No wonder these people want to grab this key ~ ~ Lin Xuan put the key in his hand into the bronze door, and then turned it hard, and the snapping sound suddenly sounded, and the bronze door slowly opened.

Let's go in. Be careful, Lin Xuan said, there are layers of halo on his body.

The others also opened up their defenses. After entering, the bronze door healed again, Lin Xuan and others looked around.

This cave is not complicated. There is only one main hall. In the middle, there is a skull, which is a colorful skull.

There is no flesh, but the bones still sit there, seemingly to have died during cultivation.

The Dark Red Dragon stepped forward and observed it carefully, then said that it should have reached its end of life and died naturally.

On hearing that, several people nodded.

At this time, Bei Yao exclaimed, look, there is something on the wall.

They looked towards the wall, and sure enough, a pattern was painted on the wall.

There are many patterns on each of the four walls. Lin Xuan glanced at them and found that this should be a supernatural martial art.

Moreover, it is an extremely advanced miraculous martial arts, and even the Dark Red Divine Dragon said excitedly that it might be a magical rule.

We quickly find an enlightenment.

One person stood on a wall, and began to fully understand.

Lin Xuan came to the wall on the north side, looking at the lines on the wall, he was gradually shocked, but at the beginning he could not see anything.

Gradually, however, Lin Xuan discovered that all the surrounding lines were flowing.

Then, he seemed to see the endless dark sea, and a huge object rushed out.

It was a fish, a black fish, terribly terrifying, like a black magic mountain. He rose into the air and began to change.

The wings grew golden, as if turning into a golden bird, soaring for nine days.

this is? Kun Peng! 166 novel reading network

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