Inverse Sword God

Chapter 3356: Kun Peng method!

[Book Title: Inverse Sword God 3357. Chapter 3355 Xun Peng method! Author: fresh sword]

The latest chapter of "Inverse Sword God" pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The strongest fellow in the history of the alien army, the thief, the throne, the domineering, invincible, Wu Zun, the martial arts world doctor, covering Tiantong Tianxian Road, Lin Xuan took a breath, he was shocked!

Kun Peng, a **** of the earth and the earth, is very strong and not weaker than the dragon and unicorns.

Is it possible that this skeleton was a strong man of the Kunpeng clan before his death? And what is carved on the wall are the magical powers of the Xunpeng people?

Lin Xuan, I don't know, he can only open the heavenly **** pupil now.

In front of his eyes, that Peng Peng began to soar for nine days. The speed was very fast, reaching the extreme.

This is a set! Lin Xuan was surprised. He firmly remembered the vision of Kun Peng in his mind,

He closed his eyes and carefully realized, and when he opened his eyes, the phantom of Kun Peng on the wall was gone, and even those rules and patterns were gone.

He was surprised, and the other three walls, the same came, Yan Ruyu their exclamation,


Obviously, the three of them should also understand the magical power on the wall, and it seems that this magical power can only be understood by one person.

After one person became enlightened, he disappeared.

What did you realize? Asked the Dark Red Dragon.

Lin Xuan said, I saw a Peng Peng, which should be Peng Peng's body style.


The dark red screaming dragon screamed. The North Demon and Yan Ruyu also sucked their breath. They are all related to the demon. What the natural way Kunpeng represents in the demon.

That is not as powerful as the Dragons, and now, Kun Peng is very rare, far less than the Dragons.

However, Kun Peng's toughness, no one doubts.

So when they heard Lin Xuan saw a Peng Peng, they were shocked.

Aren't you seeing Peng Peng's magical power? Lin Xuan was also surprised. Originally, he thought that the saints here were saints of the Xunpeng family, but now it may not be.

The North Demon shook his head, and what I saw was a wood-based knife method called a Changsheng knife.

What I saw was a palm that fell from the sky, just like the palm of the **** of God.

It's both palms.

Yan Ruyu said.

The Dark Red Divine Dragon is talking. What I see is the Tianlong Divine Claw. However, it was cast by a strong human race. The transfigured dragon shape must be displayed by the emperor, and must be stronger than him.

It seems that what the 4 people saw were different, and it was not coincidental or other reasons. All 4 people saw were very suitable for their own magical powers.

Looking at this power, it should be a magical rule, even if it is not, it is too difficult to comprehend.

Cried the Dark Red Dragon,

Others nodded likewise. They were ecstatic. Are the four laws supernatural? It ’s really an unexpected surprise,

The magical powers of rules are much stronger than the general magical powers.

Now that we have the magical powers of the rules here, let's still, thank you.

After all, it is the magical powers left by this senior.

Lin Xuan proposed that the four nodded, and then they came to the colorful skull and bowed deeply, thanking their predecessors and gifting the magical powers of the rules, and the younger generations must carry forward.


Suddenly, a sound sounded, and the ground of Lin Xuan or the colorful skull crystal suddenly rose to a stone platform.

There were actually 4 spar crystals on it, which shone incomparably.

This is God Crystal!

Everyone wondered that they were not surprised by Shenjing. They all had a lot in their hands, but Yan Ruyu exclaimed,

This is the law of the gods, you see, there are many rules of the road carved on it.

Indeed, they could see at a glance that this was no ordinary **** crystal.

The Tao pattern contained on it is too complicated. Although it is not as good as the real Tao stone, it is much more precious than Shenjing!

There were four pieces in total, one for each, and everyone was rude. They took each one separately. They also wanted to investigate again when there were no babies around.

Suddenly there was a loud roar outside.

The sky shook, and the whole cave shook, but it was not broken. The saint's cave was actually so easy to break. But it is clear that people have come outside.

Let ’s go and take a look. Lin Xuan said, the others nodded, and they opened the bronze door with the key.

Then they went out. When they first went out, they found these figures in front of them. The breath on their bodies was very strong, even the saint's breath.

At this time, the cave in the back made a rumbling sound, completely sank into the ocean floor and disappeared.

This scene surprised Lin Xuan and others. It seems that this cave can only be entered once.

Those outside were originally ecstatic when they saw the people inside, but when they saw the cave, they sank into the ocean floor and disappeared, and they couldn't see it anymore.

Damn, this time they came to the cave to get the treasure, but the cave is gone, which makes them good.

For a while, countless eyes stared at Lin Xuan. They went into the cave and the treasure was on them. Be sure to catch them!

Lin Wudi, if you can't escape, hurry up and give you the treasure, maybe give you a happy death.

At this time, the figure in front of him giggled.

It turned out to be you. Lin Xuan waited for a moment, then sneered, you ant, dare to come back.

The arrogant person in front is Long Zhaotian, and there are several strong men in Dragon Valley beside him.

There is a real saint ~ ~ The saint is an old man with a dragon head and a human body, with a pair of dark golden wings behind him.

The breath that belongs to the saint pervades the Quartet.

The pressure between heaven and earth became very heavy.

Dragon Valley, originally a dragon clan, has strong blood and terrible blood, and originally surpassed other races in the same rank.

And at this moment, the saints of the Dragon tribe are naturally more powerful.

Next to him, there were several dragons, each of whom was extremely powerful. At this time, a person said coldly, can you get the treasures inside the cave?

That's right, got it. Lin Xuan nodded, not concealing.

The strong man in front of the keel suddenly exulted, it's great, now that you have got it, then quickly hand it over, otherwise you will have no place to die.

Long Zhaotian jumped out again.

This time, in addition to the saint of their dragon clan, there are several sage avatars.

Their dragon saints are not comparable to ordinary human saints, so even if this forest is invincible, how can it be?

I can't beat them this time.

Therefore, Long Zhaotian continues to be arrogant. Boy, I know you are very good, you can beat Yan Nantian, and you have a great spear in your hand.

However, the saints in our Dragon Valley are not ordinary saints. You can't resist them. Hurry up and kneel down, handing over the treasures and spears you got, and the two great traditions.

We are in a good mood and can give you a whole body.

If you dare to resist ,,,

Long Zhaotian was still arrogant there. Suddenly, he was photographed directly by a golden palm.

Lin Xuan started, and the golden palms were overwhelming. Even in this void sea, it was extremely powerful.

A slap was drawn on Long Zhaotian's face, and he immediately flew Long Zhaotian. 166 novel reading network

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