Inverse Sword God

Chapter 3576: Evil Gate!

[Book Title: Inverse Sword Mad God Text 3577. Chapter 3575 evil door! (4 more) Author: fresh sword]

The latest chapter of "Inverse Sword God" pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Zhen Wu World Wu Lian, the peak of Dragon King, the legendary martial arts, the eternal heart of the world ’s eternal heart, and the ancient star tactics. Lin Xuan glanced at each other and said coldly,

He has seen it with his soul for a long time, but these people have no vitality. How can the other party win?

However, the bones sent out a soul wave in pain, no, he took my soul, he wanted to kill me,

Please help me, and help me tore the skin off.

Lin Xuan sneered, unmoved, but waited for a while before he noticed that the breath of the bones was getting weaker and weaker, and his soul seemed to be out of lights.

He found that the situation was not right, a sword qi split out, and split on the human skin.

The bones made a terrible cry, and the man's skin did not leave.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xuan snorted, Suzaku Shenyu flew out, and an incomparable flame rushed over.

This is the power of the sun, with a breath of destruction,

That man's skin, then it floated up automatically, the bones inside appeared,

Thanks for helping, his soul was very weak, and he looked at the man's hide, terrified.

Damn, it's too evil, can these human skins be alive?

Lin Xuan was puzzled, grabbed one with his hand, and observed from a distance.

However, no matter how he looks, he doesn't find any signs of living,

He asked Montenegro, and Montenegro also shook his head and didn't know.

He said, boy, otherwise, leave these things alone and go inside.

inside? Lin Xuan froze, he naturally knew that the other person was talking about this black palace, was he really going in?

Taking a deep breath, Lin Xuan felt that it was necessary to enter, which might have the power to fight the fog of death.

He is trapped here now, it is inseparable at all, but the bone has a bone in his hand, which can resist the breath of death and mist.

This stone is likely to have something to do with this black temple, so if he enters, he will most likely get the secret of the fog of death.

This is a huge temptation and confusion.

So he decided to go in once,

He walked forward, and the bones in the back were still in doubt.

Looking at the man who had been making himself before, his scalp was numb. To be precise, it was not a person, but a human skin with fangs and purple scales on his body.

It should be a monster existence, but he has no interest in observing it now, because he found Lin Xuan's move and immediately followed the past.

I urge you to go quickly. This place is too evil. Do n’t go in.

Lin Xuan said, you can leave, I must go in this place.

After speaking, he pushed the two black stone doors with his hands.

Boom boom.

The black door was slowly opened, and a breath of dust greeted it. Obviously, I don't know how many thousands of years no one has been here.

There was a cold breath from inside, which made people feel creepy.


Suddenly, the bone next to him screamed, scaring Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan surrounded his sword with a few steps, and the black door was closed.

Lin Xuan frowned and looked at the bones. What are you calling?

The bones were horrified, and he affixed him again,

His soul waves have stuttered,

Lin Xuan frowned. He did see the previous human skin and affixed it behind the bones again, which made him feel evil for a while.

Can't you stay away from him? Lin Xuan said coldly,

The bones were almost crying, heroes, I really let him be thrown far away, and it floated over by himself.

Lin Xuan waved his hand, Jiuyang Shenhuo, and a large golden palm, tore the person directly and tossed it into the distance.

Then make a five-element seal, completely sealing it.

Then he looked again at the black door.

No matter what happens this time, you are not allowed to speak again. You have to dare to bother me again and teach your bones to be dismantled.

Before starting, Lin Xuan warned the bones first.

The bone bone quickly nodded, very well-behaved, and Lin Xuan turned his head and walked forward.

He pushed the black stone door open again, and the cold air inside flowed out again.

At the same time, it also had a disgusting taste, as if the body was rotten.

This breath made Lin Xuan very uncomfortable. He didn't, go in,

Instead, they shot two swords and stuck them directly to the black door, let the door open, and let the outside air circulate.

After waiting for three days and three nights, this breath weakened a little,

Lin Xuan was surrounded by the sword spirit, and walked forward,

When he walked in, he found that it was darker, and the whole building was completely made of black stones.

And it ’s very wicked, even Lin Xuan ’s soul ca n’t be explored too far, not even 20 meters.

There seemed to be a black mist surrounding the entire palace.

Isn't it the fog of death? Lin Xuan was shocked,

At this time, a gust of wind came suddenly, and the two sword gases that stuck the door were directly broken.

Two black doors slammed and closed.

At this moment, the light outside the door completely disappeared ~ ~ The whole hall reached out with five fingers.

Lin Xuan snorted, and the fire on his body bloomed, which could only illuminate a small area.

There was also a trace of cold sweat on his forehead. This place is too evil!

Suddenly at this time, the bones screamed, sitting directly on the ground in fright, and then his bones broke to the ground automatically.

The selection was also startled, and then angry, didn't he let you bark?

Seeing the bones scattered consciously, Lin Xuan felt funny, but he couldn't laugh now.

He asked, what are you calling?

The bones of the soul waved out, and the human skin just now floated over again, flashing in the vicinity.

What, is human skin coming over? how is this possible? Lin Xuan was surprised. Was the person sealed by the five elements?

How could it be possible to follow up?

Don't talk nonsense.

But I really saw it, Bone was wronged.

Suddenly this time, he screamed again, pointing behind Lin Xuan, there is a dark shadow behind you!

God, he came alive.

This scene also scared Lin Xuan, behind him?

Thinking of this, he snorted, turned abruptly, the golden light of his eyes penetrated through nine days and ten places.

He really saw a dark shadow floating in the air, with a ghostly ghostly body, like a peerless demon.

It scared him, he couldn't help it.

But at this time, when he came to Heiying, he said, "I depend, boy, you're scared, silly."


Lin Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Because it was the voice of Montenegro, he said darkly, **** it, this place is so gloomy, what trouble do you come out of?

Don't you feel scary enough?

Suddenly, Lin Xuan's pupils shrank, and he saw a shadow behind Montenegro! 166 novel reading network

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