Inverse Sword God

Chapter 3577: Tai Chi!

[Book Title: Inverse Sword Mad God Text 3578. Chapter 3576 Tai Chi! Author: fresh sword]

The latest chapter of "Inverse Sword God" pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: the legend of the eternal heart, the sacred market, the dragon king, the peak of martial arts, the ancient stars, the true martial arts, and the world of martial arts. Who, Montenegro turned back, found no, and then sent a weird weird smile. It was because of the evil door that I came to see it.

What a ghost. Bones screamed,

Heishan floated over, this guy is sick, how can he be a little saint, how can he be so courageous?

Lin Xuan rolled his eyes, and when you saw the human skin outside, you didn't think he was sick. This place is really too evil.

Xiaosheng was slaughtered at will. It is estimated that this guy was already very bold without being scared to death. He kicked his bones and put your bones up. This is his own.

After deciding again and again, after Montenegro did not attack him, the bones carefully spliced ​​the bones scattered all over the place, and then looked at the square in surprise.

Why are we here?

Lin Xuan said, the secret of death and fog I was looking for, you use your forehead, carefully sense the stone, and see if it has any effect?

The bone nodded, the power perfused on that bone, and then the black pattern on that bone flashed,

The bones were frightening, and Lin Xuan was also stunned. It really worked.

At this moment, a blue light suddenly turned on around, there were 81 full, around the whole hall.

The original dark hall was illuminated, but the light was very dim, but it was much better than before!

It seems that this bone is indeed related to this place. Lin Xuan's eyes are around the square,

Montenegro is also floating around, suddenly he said, boy, this place is really not easy, do you know what these lights are made of?

Lin Xuan, the golden light flickered in his eyes, and he took a closer look. This was blood. He found that it was hanging on the wall. It was not oil but blood!

This is sage blood,

Lighting the lights with sage blood is really a big deal. Lin Xuan was surprised that this is definitely not an ordinary saint.

And this blood, it should be essence blood, has been refined.

Don't know who owns this place?

Suddenly, Montenegro screamed again, and his body floated upwards, and came to the sky above the hall, looking down.

Then said, this thing turned out to be here?

What do you see? Lin Xuan was surprised. He also came to the sky.

The next moment, he was also a moment,

Under the 81 blue ghost fires, the main hall below can already be seen clearly. On the ground floor of this hall, there is a huge pattern left.

What kind of pattern is that? It is two fish, a black fish and a white fish, which surround each other to form a circle. This is a yin and yang fish.

Lin Xuan was surprised,

Montenegro said that this is not an ordinary yin-yang fish. It also has another name, which is called Tai Chi.

Tai Chi! Lin Xuan froze.

It is very similar to the Yin-Yang diagram of Yin-Yang religion. Indeed, Yin and Yang taught that he had dealt with more than once, and the counterpart's Yin and Yang pictures were half black and white, extremely mysterious.

That should be passed down from Tai Chi. Both are essentially the same thing, but this Tai Chi is more mysterious.

Did you see it? The two yin and yang fish circled, but the eyes of the two fishes were completely different.

Lin Xuan was surprised that he found that the black overcast fish had white eyes, and the white sunfish had black eyes.

This is indeed different from the Yin-Yang diagram of Yin-Yangism.

The yin and yang diagram of the yin and yang religion is half black and white, and there is no such phenomenon.

Is that Tai Chi?

That's right, Taiji Yin Yang picture.

Could it be a kind of existence, which built all this here, but what is his purpose, is it for the fog of death? Montenegro kept guessing.

Lin Xuan wondered, what do you know, who is that person? Don't you know someone who is with you at the same time?

He asked a lot of questions,

Montenegro took a deep breath, not at the same time as me, much longer than my existence,

In the ancient times, there was such a legend.

The sun is overcast, the coward is stubborn, and the world is called emperor.

There is yin and yang in the heavens and the earth. Some people cultivate yang, some people cultivate yin.

But no one has ever tried to combine these two forces,

Until someone appeared, he tried to combine the two powers, but he failed,

In the following years, more than once, some people wanted to combine the power of the Taiyin with the sun, but all failed.

In the end, until one person appeared, that person succeeded, and Tai Chi was formed.

However, his inheritance did not pass down, it has been lost, only a pair of Taiji Yin Yang pictures, passed down,

The yin and yang religion you said should be one of them!

Everyone has different perceptions of yin and yang, and now the master of this palace should also be awakening to yin and yang.

One yin and one yang, that is the heaven and earth road.

This man has a lot of conspiracy!

I just do n’t know if it was successful?

I think he should have failed. If he succeeds, his name will be passed to all realms, but there is no news of him at all, and Montenegro muttered there.


Lin Xuan was surprised. He felt that these words contained Tiandi Avenue ~ ~, so he landed on the ground and felt the Taiji carefully.

He walked slowly along the Taiji diagram, and then sat here on his knees, trying to comprehend,

The following days were very bitter, with bones crouched aside, and the atmosphere did not dare to pant. Montenegro was floating around, studying the Quartet.

Lin Xuan has been enlightening Taiji.

Don't say, Tai Chi, indeed, Xuan Ao is extremely incomparable, Lin Xuan is enlightened, and he has a deeper understanding of his own world.

But he still didn't understand the cause of the fog of death,

Montenegro said, boy, how long do you intend to come here to enlighten, ten years or one hundred years, it is better to leave here and wait for a chance to come here again later.

Or to take away this huge Tai Chi map directly.

He also felt weird around him. He didn't know who the master was, which made him feel evil.

Lin Xuan also stood up, he said, see if there is a way to take this Taiji map directly, this is a good thing.

He didn't want to let this kind of good thing be here for nothing, waste.

With a wave of his hand, Suzaku Shenyu flew out, blooming incomparable light, and then inserted into the ground, trying to pry this Taiji map completely away.

However, when he moved, the Tai Chi chart turned up.

At first it was very slow, but in the end the speed was getting faster and faster, and the Yin and Yang pictures were completely integrated into one.

Not good, Lin Xuan felt an extremely terrifying power that enveloped him.

His Jiuyang deity broke instantly.

With a cold drink, Jiuyang's body bloomed and quickly repaired.

So at the same time, sword-like qi spread all over him, forming a dragon-shaped sword world battle armor to resist.

But I still can't stop this power, it is really too strong.

The bone was torn and shredded in an instant. 166 novel reading network

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