Inverse Sword God

Chapter 3632: Inverse scale!

[Book Name: Chapter 3632 against the sword mad god! Author: fresh sword]

Inverse Sword God Welcomes You! The domain name of this site: \ "2k 小说 \" complete pinyin, it is easy to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: The Gate of Creation, Perfect World, Infinite True Immortals, Divine Confucianism, Taoism, and Holy Songs The road to heaven wakes up, Wu Zun Road, the invincible medicine Zun Lotus, what are you looking for? Could it be because of the Lotus report?

What, she still sued me? Shen Jingqiu ignored these people and rushed directly into the family.

Although she doesn't know where the lotus flower is, there are only three or four places where the other party often goes.

She checked them one by one. Sure enough, when she went to two places and didn't find each other, but in the third place, which was also called Xianshuitai, she found it.


In their spiritual tribe is a very famous place, because the water here contains the power of heaven and earth, it is very wonderful.

Some saints like to be here, and that spiritual lotus is also a saint, so naturally they also like to cultivate here.

Sure enough, she saw a lot of people surrounded by men and women next to the Spirit Lotus. She was talking and laughing at the moment, and she was very happy.


The sudden appearance of Shen Jingqiu suppressed the atmosphere of the void, and the warriors of the Ling clan looked up,

The next moment, as soon as they were stunned, even the Linghua was stunned, Shen Jingqiu returned, so fast?

This is incredible, even if the family is not moving so fast,

She laughed coquettishly. The younger sister is back. Why? Is there something you need to find me?

Shen Jingqiu landed from the sky. She looked at Ling Lotus and said coldly, you know what you do.

What I do, what do I do?

Oh, you mean something about you, no way, the ancestor asked, I can only tell the truth.

Moreover, even if I do n’t say this, I will send an elder to the family to inquire, and I will know.

You can't blame me on this matter, you can only blame you for being willing to be with that kid.


I'm not talking about it. Shen Jingqiu grunted coldly. Not this thing,

what is that?

The spirit lotus was stunned, and everyone else was stunned.

Shen Jingqiu said, I was talking about assassination,

What, assassination? Many people exclaimed with shock.

However, Ling Lotus did shrink her pupils, **** it. How could it be that she knew it, or that the assassination had failed.

impossible. How could the assassination fail with the means of the Master Yu?

She looked a little unnatural, but soon smiled, sister, how can I not understand what she said,

As soon as she finished speaking, she slap on her face and planted the whole person directly on the ground.

All those around were blinded and couldn't believe the scene in front of them,

Ling lotus blindfolded, the other party dared to hit her. Damn, she jumped up with a scream. Shen Jingqiu, you dare hit me.


Just after the words were spoken, she slapped her face again, slap her directly to the ground,

The original beautiful face was extremely red at the moment, and her face was smashed.

Damn, I fight with you!

Ling Lotus, is also the daughter of heaven in the family. When did she suffer such humiliation, she jumped up and killed Shen Jingqiu directly.


Shen Jingqiu grunted coldly, a terrible breath appeared on her body, and a cloud of purple clouds, permeating with the power of heaven and earth.

Between heaven and earth, the road is roaring, and the terrible breath is shaking in all directions,

Everyone was pale and frightened, and kept regretting it. Even the spirit lotus trembled with horror.

Damn it.

The other person ’s breath and strength have improved, which really made her jealous.

She knew she couldn't beat each other, so she could only stand there and tremble,

How dare you hit me! My dad could n’t bear to hit me,

Indeed, she is the most outstanding woman in their vein. No one had ever dared to hit her, but now she was beaten twice in public,

How can she stand it?

Who dares to bully my daughter! A cold voice sounded in the sky, and then a middle-aged man came down strongly,


When Linghua Lotus saw this man, he suddenly exclaimed, the others were scalp, and a sage strong came.

This is the father of the Spirit Lotus,

Sure enough, after the middle-aged man landed, he saw the lotus flower with red fingerprints on his face, and suddenly became angry.

Damn, you dare to do it!

He stared at Shen Jingqiu, and a burst of murderous intention broke out in his eyes.

Shen Jingqiu sneered without fear.

how? Do you dare to do it with me? You have the ability to try it on me. That middle-aged man is full of popularity, but he does n’t do it.

Shen Jingqiu is a sage, and her status in the family is extremely unusual. Even he can't do it at will.

However, he still said in a cold voice, although you are a saint, but you are too much to do with Lotus?

Are you really no one in our vein?

Am I overkill? Shen Jingqi sneered, you asked your daughter, what did you do?

Your daughter, secretly colluding with the rain clan, sending a killer to assassinate me, it's really brave!

Do you still think it's too much for me to slap her?

Should we go to the old ancestors, comment on the reason, and see what the old ancestors would do?

What, buy a killer assassination. The people around were completely shocked and couldn't believe it,

That middle-aged person also had a shrinking pupil, impossible!

Although Lotus is more willful, but knows the scale ~ ~ It is absolutely impossible to do so.

While talking, he also looked at Ling Lotus, hoping that the other party could stand up and justify,

But when he saw the spirit lotus, his face was pale and frightened, his heart fell,

Hardly, Lotus was really confused and did such a thing.

If this is the case, then things will probably be different.

Not to mention that the slain slaps two and killed Lotus directly, he can't say anything.

Because the maiden is not surprised, but it is important to take over the spiritual tribe in the future. How important is this?

Now that Lotus has done such an assassination, it has already committed a capital crime.

Do not!

I do not have!

Ling Lotus screamed in horror,

Shen Jingqiu sneered, why, did you let me present evidence?

No, the middle-aged man's face turned wild. He didn't expect that the other party even held the evidence.

If it really comes out, he probably won't be able to save his daughter.

So the next moment, he said, sir, this is a misunderstanding.

You calm down first, I'll help you to inquire.

misunderstanding? That's not what you said just now. Shen Jingqi sneered, she was completely angry now, but she didn't care what the other party thought.

These people dare to kill her brother Lin, who has dispatched her inverse scale.

No, I did n’t want to kill her, I really did n’t want to kill her, I just wanted to kill the little white face next to her,

When this word came out, everyone was uproar,

Middle-aged people also secretly screamed. Oops, I didn't expect Ling Lotus to be so frightened, so I just said it all.

But at the same time he was relieved, it seems that Ling Lotus still knows some of the measures, the goal is not directly directed at Shen Jingqiu.

In this way, there is still room for maneuver.

Shen Jingqiu said coldly, killing my brother Lin is equivalent to killing me. 2k novel reading network

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