Inverse Sword God

Chapter 3633: Come to revenge!

[Book Title: Chapter 3633 of the Inverse Sword Madness Text Revenge! (4 more) Author: fresh sword]

Inverse Sword God Welcomes You! The domain name of this site: \ "2k 小说 \" complete pinyin, it is easy to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: The Gate of Creation, Perfect World, Infinite True Immortals, Divine Confucianism, Taoism, and Holy Songs As soon as the words of Wu Zun Road invincible Yao Zun appeared on the road to awaken, those around him changed their faces, and it seemed that Shen Jingqiu was an iron heart to do spiritual lotus.

Spirit lotus, full of despair, looking at his father,

The middle-aged man also frowned. He said, sir, this matter may be a misunderstanding. I hope the sir will ignore the villain.

I just got a sacred instrument here, and some resources for cultivation, so I sent it to the maiden, hoping that the maiden will forget it.

I do n’t need any holy artifact, nor do I need to cultivate resources. Now, I just need to punish the Spirit Lotus.

Do n’t overdo it. The middle-aged man is also angry. Linghua Lotus is his daughter after all.

Shen Jingqi sneers, you can choose to block, but I will sue this to my ancestors,

At that time, there is law enforcement hall for law enforcement, and you will not be able to stop it.

In the end what you want?

Hearing the words "Enforcement Hall", the middle-aged person's face became completely ugly, but he didn't want the matter to be big.

Quite simply, she dared to assassinate my brother Lin, and I broke her arms! Then she made her swear that from now on, she can no longer be against my brother Lin.

Broke her arms!

Swear a poison?

After everyone listened, they took a sigh of coolness. They had never seen Shen Jingqiu before, and looked so dignified.

Linglian's face also became extremely pale. This matter is going to spread. It is estimated that she will never have a face again.

She wanted to resist, but the middle-aged man's eyes flickered. Although the punishment was equally severe, it was finally able to survive.

He nodded and said, OK.


What does Lotus Lotus want to say, but the middle-aged man roared and shut up!

After speaking, he waved his hand, the palm of his hand was like a sky knife, and cut off the two arms of Spirit Lotus.

A miserable voice sounded, and Ling Lotus lived in pain.

The middle-aged man said again, and swear quickly, he will never be against the saint again.

I swear, I am wrong, and I will never dare to be against the saint again. If I break my vow, I will strike five thunder and destroy my body.

After hearing this, Shen Jingqiu snorted coldly, hoping that you could do it yourself, and next time, I will definitely kill you with my own hands,

Talking, she turned to leave.

Only the middle-aged people who were gloomy, people and those who were shocked around them,

This matter spread quickly, and the entire spirit family knew it, and everyone was in an uproar. The maiden finally showed a strong side.

I do n’t know the spirit lotus, how to fight back?

However, as soon as this matter was discussed, it was suppressed. It turned out that the patriarch had spoken words and deeds reprimanded Ling Lotus, and she was not allowed to take a step out of the Ling family within ten years.

Obviously, the patriarch is on the side of Shen Jingqiu,

For a moment, everyone dared not say anything.

Shen Jingqiu punished Ling Lotus, went to the patriarch, talked about the situation, and then left.

Fei Yanxing, extraterritorial.

In the projection of Jiu Zhongtian, there are more and more people at this moment, and everyone is feeling the powerful breath brought by Jiu Zhongtian.

In order to respond to the final assessment,

There are several people at this moment, very eye-catching, one of them is Yu Qianye and others.

Yu Qianye and Yu Shiji also came to feel the projection of Jiu Zhongtian.

Many people gathered around them, most of them came to follow Yuqian Ye, after all, Yuqian Ye is also one of the eight Tianjiao,

Coupled with his sister, who is as beautiful as a flower, is an extremely famous beauty in the universe.

Yu Qianye smiled at the corners of her mouth, and Yu Shizhen's face was noble. The two really looked like gods, pointing to high spirits.

Master Qian Ye really has good strength. This time he became a disciple of Wushuang City, there is absolutely no problem.

That's for sure, Shao Yu is one of the eight Great Tianjiao, what suspense can he have when joining Wushuang City.

What Yu Shao has to do is to compete for the position of the chief disciple of the third generation.

This time, Wushuang City recruited the third generation of disciples. If anyone can win the championship, there will be the third generation of chief disciples.

If anyone can become the chief disciple of the third generation, it will be dazzling and countless people look up to,

It is even possible to become a disciple of the saint king.

Hearing the compliments of those around him, Yu Qianye smiled at the corners of his mouth.

This feeling of being noticed by people is really great.

Chief disciple?

He whispered, a flash of light burst into his eyes, and to be honest, as one of the Eight Great Tianjiao, he has a great chance of success.

And his goal this time is also the chief disciple. You know, he has big ambitions.

He must be a disciple of the Saint King!


Want to be a personal disciple? At this moment, a disdainful voice sounded,

Hearing this, everyone's scalp is numb. Who is it? Dare to laugh at Yu Qianye, don't want to live?

They turned their heads and looked, but at this moment they opened their eyes,

In the sky, a ray of light cooled down, like a peerless divine light, descending from the sky, with a strong breath,

Wow, run away,

Everyone was scared, who is this, who provoked Yu Qianye ~ ~ dare to shoot Yu Qianye, do you die?

Everyone backed away, Yu Qianye also changed his face.

He snorted, probed with the palm of his hand, and took the sun, moon, and stars, like a small universe, and shot out into the sky.

Boom boom!

A fierce roar sounded, the sky was falling apart, and a powerful law of heaven and earth swept in all directions.

The blood around them is tumbling, and the weak ones directly vomit blood,

They were scared, who was this?

Yu Qianye also sank his face,

get out.

He saw that a figure came over in the distance,

It's you,

When he saw the figure, he frowned, the rain next to him shivered, and the people around him were stunned.

Shen Jingqiu, the maiden of the spirit tribe,

They took a breath, and the other party was also one of the Eight Great Tianjiao, but how did the other party fight Yu Qianye?

Can there be any enmity between the two parties?

It turned out to be the maiden of the Ling clan. Yu Qianye frowned and asked, "Why, the maiden wants to study with me. There is no sneak attack behind it, so I have a share!

You also know that there is a sneak attack behind you, so when you sent a killer to assassinate my brother and Lin, did you think about it?


This remark was like a thunder, so that those around him were stunned,

Master of the Rain tribe, assassination of the maiden of the Spirit tribe,

God, this is really a big news. Is this a big thing?

If the assassination is successful, then the rain and spirit will endlessly die.

Yu Qianye also had a shrinking pupil, **** it, it seemed that the assassination had failed,

He was also discovered by others, but he would not admit it,

He sneered,

Assassination? I think sir, you have misunderstood me and I have no chance against you, why should you assassinate you? 2k novel reading network

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