Inverse Sword God

Chapter 3659: Too cruel level 2!

[Book Title: Chapter 3659 of the Inverse Sword Madness Text is too cruel! Author: fresh sword]

Inverse Sword God Welcomes You! The domain name of this site: \ "2k 小说 \" complete pinyin, it is easy to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: The Gate of Creation, Perfect World, Infinite True Immortals, Divine Confucianism, Taoism, and Holy Songs The road to heaven wakes up, Wuzun Road Invincible Medicine Zun, this time the assessment of Wushuang City, gathered countless world strong Tianjiao, about hundreds of millions of people must participate.

And only 10,000 people can set foot on the first day.

Among these 10,000 people, only 72 are core disciples. The number of ordinary disciples remaining is not certain.

Moreover, core disciples can also be vacant. For example, if only 30 people arrive at the request, then there are only 30 core disciples, and the remaining positions are all vacated.

It's so cruel.

I do n’t know, what is the second test? Shi Fanfan asked. Everyone else is full of curiosity,

Having said so much, what do you care about the most?

We have no twin city apprentices, don't care what kind of cultivation you are now and why? What matters is your talent,

This includes innate talents, such as bloodlines and physical fitness.

There are also postnatal talents, such as a strong will, understanding of special rules, and the perception of the avenue.

As long as you are a Wizard of Heaven and Earth, we will accept it, so the second level is still to assess you.

We will take you to a place called Tongquetai. There is a very special place,

At Tongquetai, a world of its own is created by the King of Saints. In it, all of you will be suppressed and repaired,

Will be suppressed until the beginning of the sage ’s first day, everyone is the same, fairness is guaranteed,

And your own magical powers ca n’t be shown, you can only show them. The martial arts in Tongquetai,

In this way, it is to examine your talents and see who can practice the best magic in the same time.

The second level is like this! The crowd took a breath, and they thought they wanted to play Taiwan.

Unexpectedly, it was still so special and went to the small world created by the King of Saints.

Tongquetai, a total of 12 sky monuments, 36 earth monuments, and 108 mysterious monuments

Based on what choice? Is it the first level? Someone asked.

As soon as this word came out, everyone was nervous. If it is really based on the ranking, then I am afraid that the backward people will suffer.

The elder shook his head, not based on ranking, rest assured, our Wushuang City will give you the greatest fairness,

Everyone can choose at will, the magical powers on these steles are cultivated, and the time is the same.

However, don't think that ranking is not important.

A total of three levels were assessed.

The ranking of the three levels adds up to the final overall ranking, and each level has a specific reward.

In the first place of each level, we will send a piece of leaves of Gouda tea.

Others, according to rank, also have. These rewards will be distributed uniformly after the Sanguan assessment is over.

Godao tea leaves!

Heaven! Such a big deal! Many people's eyes become red,

These people are all young and old in their respective families, but they have no chance to get the leaves of Wudao tea.

Don't talk about them, even their homeowners have no chance to get it, because this thing is really too precious,

The number is very small, and will be divided up by countless holy cities, each holy city is not divided.

These three may have been left over after thousands of years of accumulation, and now such a treasure should be used as a reward.

It really stimulated these people,

Lin Xuan was equally surprised.

There is also such a good thing, he has already felt the leaves of Go Dao tea before,

That time, he directly promoted two small realms and reached the triple sky.

These three leaves of Wudao tea must be mine! Lin Xuan's eyes burst into a terrible light.

Everyone else is very excited,

The emperor's tomb is ambitious. Although the first level is behind, the second level and the third level, I must get.

Hehe, is it true that the leaves of tea are surprising? I accepted such good things.

There was a smile on the corner of Gui Li's mouth,

In addition, Shi Weifan, Zhishui Tiancheng and others didn't say anything, but it was clear that they were determined to do so.

Soon, everyone came to Tongquetai.

Tongquetai is as tall as an ancient building. Everyone knows that it has its own place.

Sure enough, after entering, they found that there was much more in it, like a world, and he didn't find it.

Indeed, their cultivation is completely suppressed by the laws of heaven and earth here, and other magical powers cannot be exerted.

I rely on, the power of blood can't be exerted. The laws of heaven and earth here are really amazing.

It seems that you can only use the newly learned magical powers. Everyone was surprised that it was fair enough.

Oh, than talent, you who are my opponents! Emperor Ling hummed, he was the highest and the strongest.

Enough to show that his talent is super,

Ghost Li is sneer, isn't it? Not that time, don't you step on my feet.

Others clenched their fists as well, especially those in the lower ranks. If they really played according to actual combat, they had no hope.

However, now that everyone starts at the same starting line, there is not necessarily no chance.

I heard that there are twelve monuments, hurry up, you must learn the magic on the monuments.

The supernatural powers there are the most powerful, and many people are running forward.

There are more than 10,000 people, not crowded here at all, but a bit empty,

Sure enough, there are one stone after another,

A total of twelve flashing golden lights are sky monuments,

Purple light, thirty-six, stele.

Blue light ~ ~ 108, mysterious monuments.

Sure enough, these stone steles are painted with martial arts magical powers, but they are different, some are very detailed, and some are few, it seems that they can only be understood.

There are all kinds of strange and strange magical powers.

You have three months to come to enlightenment. After three months, you will fight.

Successful ones can be promoted to the next stage of assessment. The loser is disqualified!

Directly speaking as a named disciple,

After waiting half a year, test again.

The sound sounded between heaven and earth, everyone's face changed greatly after hearing, what, if they fail, they will be disqualified directly!

How could it look like this!

Everyone was crazy. Before that, they were all confident and wanted to hit core disciples, but now they have a problem.

That is the person who fails, and immediately becomes a named disciple,

This is really incredible.

You know, more than 10,000 people, the two sides face off, then at least half of them will be eliminated!

It's really cruel!

Well, as for the specific rules of fighting, let ’s talk about it three months later. Now, you still have to think about how to cultivate your magical power as soon as possible in these three months.

The four warriors of Wushuang City also followed, and they fought one side, seemingly to guard order.

Hurry up and get enlightened.

Everyone, they are in a hurry, because from this moment, the time has started to count down, they are only three months,

Everyone must have rushed towards the Twelve Heavens Monument, because there are the fewest monuments, and the most precious thing is to want to learn martial arts.

Ghost calendar, Emperor Mausoleum and others are also fast, like a streamer rushing towards the forefront.

They each took up a sky tablet and watched.

Get me out!

The Emperor's Mausoleum roared, his breath erupted, so that those around him were out of breath, 2k novel reading network

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