Inverse Sword God

Chapter 3660: Sky monument

[Title: God mad sword against the body of the first chapter Tianbei 3660, the monument of: fresh sword]

Inverse Sword God Welcomes You! The domain name of this site: \ "2k 小说 \" complete pinyin, it is easy to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: The Gate of Creation, Perfect World, Infinite True Immortals, Divine Confucianism, Taoism, and Holy Songs Although the road to the awakening Wuzun Road invincible medicine respect said that everyone is now suppressed, but the fierce name of the emperor's tomb has been deeply imprinted in their minds, so they still retreat involuntarily.

Just because of your waste, are you eligible to join me in the sky monument?

roll! Or kill you! Emperor Mausoleum's voice was cold and with a slaughtering intention,

The people around them had scalp numbness, and it was over, their most worried thing happened,

If the Eighth Tianjiao teamed up to block the sky monument, then everyone else would not be qualified to participate.

Sure enough, the other Tianjiao also quickly rushed towards the Tianbei and rushed over, and they occupied one after another.

Yu Qianye even made a sneer, turned back suddenly, glanced at Lin Xuan,


If he can join the Emperor's Tomb and others and suppress them together, Lin Xuan cannot practice the magical powers on the monument. In this way, they won the second level.

Countless people were stunned by the scene. They looked at Lin Xuan one after another, and wanted to see what Lin Xuan would do?

Because Lin Xuan is not one of the Eight Great Tianjiao, and has a hostile relationship with several people in the Eight Great Tianjiao,

If Lin Xuan starts, they can help. At least, you ca n’t let the Bada Tianjiao be so arrogant,

Shen Jingqiu said the same thing, abominable, these guys are so bad, even Xiao Xiao teamed up to blockade, Brother Lin, let's do it together.

Lin Xuan laughed, Qiu'er, don't worry, didn't you say it before? This second pass is absolutely fair,

Do you think they can do this without breaking the rules?

Sure enough, in the distance, a warrior without a pair of cities, shouted coldly, the sky monument, anyone can learn, not to occupy,

Those who dare to violate will be expelled directly and disqualified.

When this word came out, everyone was uproar, and many people were all excited and excited.

Great, but those eight big Tianjiao, such as Yu Qianye, Emperor's Mausoleum, etc., look extremely ugly.

Damn, there are such conditions, they are not willing.

However, they did not dare to do it. If they dared to confront the people in Wushuang City, they would be expelled immediately.

Oh, what about getting them to realize?

That is, the magical powers on the monument are not everyone can understand. The Emperor Mausoleum sneered, and Gui Li also raised a smirk smile.

Yu Qianye gritted his teeth, but unfortunately, this was originally an excellent opportunity for Lin Xuan, but he did not expect to be resolved instantly.

Quickly go to enlightenment, the saints around them rushed up one after another, and began to choose their own monuments,

Lin Xuan and Shen Jingqiu also left in the morning.

Boy, I'll let you know, I'm great. You wait, after three months, I will let you kneel for mercy,

Yu Qianye gritted his teeth aside, but Lin Xuan waved his hand impatiently, screaming something, and had better kung fu to learn more about the stele,

He didn't even look at Yu Qianye at all now.

It can even be said to be ignoring each other.

Damn it! I'm furious! The other side's light and clouded expression made Yu Qianye spit blood.

But now is not the time for him to do anything, he can only sullen, grit his teeth and watch the magical powers on the monument.

Lin Xuan also glanced across the Twelve Heavens Monument, revealing a dignity.

I have to say that the magical powers on the Twelve Heavens Monument are really strong, with melee, long-range attacks, swords, and fists.

There is one each, and even pupillary.

However, this is not so easy to understand, because these supernatural powers are too simple, only a few pens, let people see at a glance, only know what supernatural powers, but want to cultivate, but without mind

For a moment, everyone's eyes flickered and they began to think seriously.

Shen Jingqiu frowned, why didn't she understand?

This thing can't be learned overnight. This twelve-day stele is absolutely the best supernatural power recorded.

I wanted to practice for three months. It was too reluctant. Lin Xuan shook his head. He was not in a hurry to practice. He wanted to get a comprehensive understanding.

Then he looked at the thirty-six tombstones. The thirty-six tombstones, which were also recorded above, were also very subtle.

Looking at the power, it seems to be a little weaker than the Twelve Heavens Steles, but it is more detailed than the records of the Twelve Heavens Steles.

Can at least make people feel their heads.

Next, Lin Xuan watched 108 mysteries!

This time, the supernatural power recorded above is very detailed, and how to practice each step, the warrior can practice gradually according to the instructions above.

The three types of steles are different, have different powers, and have different degrees of difficulty.

Time is also specific, only three months.

Then, in these three months, the most important thing is not to occupy the magical powers on the stele, but to make your combat strength as strong as possible.

Then there is a problem of distribution.

Oh, it seems that the second level is not so simple. Lin Xuanxuan's mouth raised a smile,

He now understands it a little bit. The second pass is not only a gift, but also a choice.

In the face of such a situation, 10,000 people have 10,000 choices, and how to choose is the best way to optimize their combat power?

There can be a lot of knowledge in this.

Is there a connection between these three types of steles? Lin Xuan's eyes flickered.

He found a sword technique and looked at the monument.

One of them is called the sword of a hundred battles.

This is a wonderful swordsmanship that can transform various monsters and fight against terrible visions of heaven and earth.

It is a bit similar to the evolution of the Dragon Soul of Soul ~ ~ But well, the Dragon Soul of Soul can evolve everything and everything can be evolved, while the sword of battles can only evolve specific ones to fight .

Lin Xuan took a look and found that fifteen kinds of monsters can be transformed, each of which is terrible.

Then, he looked for a similar supernatural power from 36 monuments.

This supernatural power is called the psychic hand, and arranges some arrays instantly, and then cooperates with the rules to attack

This is a palm method. You can get together on the palms and get some of the characteristics of the monster, such as infinite strength or softness.

Lin Xuan found that this psychic hand is somewhat similar to the sword of a hundred battles.

Then he started to look at the Twelve Sky Tablet again.

The Twelve Heavens Stele is very simple. It seems to contain the simplicity of the road, which makes people wonder.

However, Lin Xuan was able to see something clearly, for example, he saw one of the sky monuments!

There are only three of them. Daowen is engraved on it, but Lin Xuan seems to be able to see that it is a person who is calling something between heaven and earth.

Seems like soul,

In this way, Lin Xuan feels that it is similar to the first two magical powers, and can be said to be an upgraded version.

Sure enough, he narrowed his eyes,

In this way, if you want to cultivate the magical powers on the sky monument, you can first cultivate the magical powers on the xuanbei and the earthen monument.

Then, practice the magical powers on the monument.

Thinking about this, Lin Xuan took a deep breath and he was ready to act.

He, speaking to Shen Jingqiu, told these things to Shen Jingqiu.

Shen Jingqiu was surprised.

This is true!

He searched around and found that there was some connection,

In this case, let's cultivate quickly. The two walked towards 108 mysteries. 2k novel reading network

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