Inverse Sword God

Chapter 3661: Psychic Hand!

[Book Name: Chapter 3661 of the Inverse Sword Madman! Author: fresh sword]

Inverse Sword God Welcomes You! The domain name of this site: \ "2k 小说 \" complete pinyin, it is easy to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: The Gate of Creation, Perfect World, Infinite True Immortals, Divine Confucianism, Taoism, and Holy Songs At the moment, Wu Zun Road, the invincible medicine statue of Tian Xing Road, everyone is crushing their heads, and they want to cultivate the magical powers on the Tian Bei, and even few of them are patronized.

Whereas Lin Xuan and Shen Jingqiu crowded the crowd and walked towards the Xuan Bei,

This scene surprised countless people,

Isn't that Lin Wudi, and Jingqiu, the goddess of the spiritual tribe, how did the two of them leave?

Don't they want to see the Tianbei?

I do n’t know. Do you want to see the stele? There is little competition there.

They looked carefully and found that the two had walked past the area where the stele was located, but came to the place where the stele was located.

Suddenly, these people were crazy.

Cangtian, they chose the Xuanbei! how can that be!

The xuanbei seems to be the least powerful magical power?

These people simply don't understand, what is Lin Wudi doing?

And others, sneer to see it,

Yu Qianye snorted coldly, the idiot's kid went to choose the rubble monument.

He was too excited. If Lin Xuan chose Tianbei, his pressure would be very high, but the other party chose Xuanbei.

In this way, he has absolute confidence, and after three months, he can kill each other to the fullest!

After seeing Gui Li, he also sneered, and Emperor Ling was disdainful.

What invincible Lin does not even have the courage to choose Tianbei. It is estimated that he has no talent to enlighten him.

It's ridiculous.

Just like him, in the second level, I slapped him with one hand.

The emperor's mausoleum is also ambitious. In his opinion, Lin Xuan should know that he can't understand the sky monument, so he chooses the easiest monument.

Shi Weifan, Zhishui Tianchen, and Wang Xiaofeng, etc., are also confused.

It shouldn't be, how powerful Lin Wudi is, they know, but why did the other party choose the monument?

Is it possible that there is another mystery?

Wang Xiaofeng Wang Xiangzhi Shuitian City, Zhishui Tiancheng said, I do n’t know what he is doing or what he found,

But I should n’t leave, my water stop pupil can play a role here, I want to realize that it is much more efficient than others,

None of these top masters left because they have absolute confidence in themselves.

There are the best things, why should they be the next best?

Seeing this scene, the four warriors of the Wushuang City in the four corners of the station were surprised.

Is it possible that this kid found out?

They are also looking forward to it. They want to see what the peerless genius of the first level created the record genius. In the second level, what kind of performance can they have?

Lin Xuan came to the front of the 108 mysterious monument, and he chose the sword of the hundred battles, because this sword method is similar to the dragon dragon soul, the simulation effect is very similar,

He is absolutely handy to cultivate.

Qiu'er, these three kinds of stone monuments are related to each other. You choose one, and you practice the exercises in succession, and then you practice in order, the effect should be very good.

After Lin Xuan said it, he started to cultivate himself.

Shen Jingqiu nodded, she also chose a practice.

I have to say that Lin Xuan's swordsmanship suits him very well, so soon after he has practiced, he stands up and smiles at the corner of his mouth.

It is time to enlighten the psychic hands.

Lin Xuan looked away. At the thirty-six block stele, he began to enlighten.

At Tianbei, it was still very lively, but after a few days, someone collapsed.

No, I don't understand at all.

Yeah, it's too difficult.

I always feel that I can't figure out the direction, and some people are going crazy.

Some people feel that they need to change their strategy, so they abandoned the sky monument and practiced 36 earth monuments.

Some people insist that after a while, they should be able to fully understand,

But a month has passed and most people are desperate,

They now know that Tian Bei is not so easy to comprehend,

If you are wasting time, it is estimated that they have no supernatural powers. They will not be able to learn that way. It is estimated that when they fight, they will not be able to fight at all.

Only hanged,

Therefore, these people also retreated back. Some people chose 36 monuments. Some even wanted to start practicing 108 monuments like Lin Xuan.

However, there are several figures in front of them, which have not moved, that is, the other seven of the Eight Great Tianjiao.

Plus five, eight people outside Tianjiao,

These people are very confident in themselves. They are standing in front of the monument and have been enlightened.

Although these people's faces are very dignified and very unsightly, it is clear that the progress made is not particularly great.

However, they believe that once they have learned a trick and a half, the power will definitely exceed everyone else.

After another half a month, Lin Xuan stood up, and his psychic skills have been practiced. Next, he needs to see the sky monument.

That is, the summoning power he saw before.

Thinking of this, he walked forward,

The arrival of Lin Xuan surprised everyone, what happened? Lin Wudi came to Tianbei again. Could it be that he wanted to see Tianbei?

Cangtian, he did n’t get enlightened at first, but now he has only one and a half months left. Can he be fully enlightened?

The crowd was shocked, and then they shook their heads and ignored them.

They could n’t understand Lin Xuan ’s actions.

The only thing that I understand is probably Shen Jingqiu ~ ~ At this moment, Shen Jingqiu is also enlightening. One of the 36 monuments will soon be completed. It is estimated that there will be another three or five days.

She'll also go to Tianbei's place.

Lin Xuan came to the monument, sat down on her knees, and began to enlighten.

His arrival made Tianjiao on Tianbei's side as equally unexpected. Why is this kid here again?

Zhishui Tianchen and others are confused, Yu Qianye is cold humming, humming, I don't know whether life or death, come at this time, do you have time to understand?

In his opinion, this is a pure waste of time,

In the eyes of the Emperor's Tomb, he also brought a touch of disdain.

Does the other person have the same monument as he did, and is he trying to die?

Fortunately, he will use the same magical power to severely kill each other.

Time is flowing slowly. Those who are in the Xuanbei need as many magical powers as possible. Some people even begin to understand the magical powers of the monument.

And these people in Tianbei have never moved, because in three months, they can understand a piece of Tianbei, and it is very good.

Finally, another one and a half months have passed, and three months have come.

this day. A voice sounded, and then the warriors of Wushuang City said that the time had come and everyone could not understand.

The words fell, the rays of light on those steles bloomed, and I could see nothing more.


Many people sighed, they have n’t got enough enlightenment yet. This is a great opportunity for them. They can learn the magic power of Wushuang City.

But there is no way, time is up, they just ca n’t understand.

Octopus Tianjiao also stood up, and God asked for great dignity.

The three months of enlightenment is indeed a different experience for them. They have never experienced such a magical power in such a tense situation.

I don't know how much power can be exerted in the end? 2k novel reading network

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