Inverse Sword God

Chapter 4507: The ancient city is going to soar!

The two great saints, once fighting for the ancient city of Qiankun during the time of Emperor Qiankun,

The two were so shocked that in the end no one could do anything.

So I lived in this ancient city of Qiankun,

Each takes up half,

It is said that later, Gan Dasheng sat here, but Kun Dasheng left in his later years and ended up missing.

These legends undoubtedly show that in the ancient city of Qiankun, extraordinary things were buried.

Otherwise, it wouldn't let the two top sages fight so hard.

Maybe it really has something to do with Emperor Qiankun.

With this news, Lin Xuan was also surprised. This ancient city is related to the emperor, that is, he was able to break through in the ancient city of Qiankun.

Thinking of this, he is really so happy!

Now that we know where the breakthrough was, the next step is to find enough resources to make the breakthrough.

Lin Xuan took out the map again for viewing, and at the same time, he had the bronze key.

Just then, the door opened and Toad and Xiaobai flew in.

The stomach of the two of them was bulging. Obviously, the two of them ate endless treasures.

Toads flutter when walking,

It ’s really hi. Uncle Ben is so satisfied for the first time.

Xiaobai couldn't move anymore, he jumped into the black soil and went to sleep.

Lin Xuan tossed the toad and then played again.

He ran the heavenly eye pupil and watched the key carefully.

Lin Xuan poured power onto the bronze key to see what changed,

However, at this time, the entire ancient city of Qiankun was a while.

what happened? Countless people are shocked,

They rose into the air,

Has the ancient city of Qiankun changed again?

Everyone felt an old sigh sounded in their ears,

what happened? The situation is here again! Everyone was shocked, one by one, the eyes penetrated the sky and explored.

Where is it sacred?

Some people in the ancient city of Qiankun are frowning. They should not. Today is not a full moon night. Why is there such a change?

Lin Xuan was also startled. What a terrible vision of the world, there really was a sigh.

He looked around with Tianji Shentong and didn't find out who sent it.

However, what shocked him even more was that the bronze key in his hand had changed again.

On the bronze key, endless runes appeared, spreading around, forming a gate of enchantment,

this is?

Lin Xuan was stunned. I didn't expect such a change. Could it be this sigh that appeared in advance because he brought the bronze key?

So, is this where he is looking?

In Lin Xuan's eyes, the light bloomed. He did not hesitate to put the bronze key on the gate of the enchantment, and then rotated.

With a click,

The gate of enchantment seemed to be opened. The next moment, the entire ancient city of Qiankun shook violently.

All the people in the ancient city of Qiankun were awakened, and they all skyrocketed.

In the end what happened?

In the sky, Qiankun City seems to be rising.

Isn't it possible that this ancient city wants to feather Fei Xian? Countless exclamations sounded,

The Luo family, as one of the three major families in the ancient city of Qiankun, was naturally surprised by this sight!

The Luo family owner and a group of elders came out. God please dignity.

Sure enough, there has been a change, and it happened earlier. Everyone responds,

With a command, the surrounding array flashes,

These strong men treat with intent,

Lin Xuan also came out.

He floated in the void, feeling carefully,

Don't know what will happen in the end?

Outside the ancient city of Qiankun, countless people are rushing towards this side.

They come late, but they are not worried, there are still five days to go before the full moon night.

However, when they came to the ancient city of Qiankun, they found that there was a change ahead.

The ancient city of Qiankun rises, it seems to be soaring,

They are anxious and want to get closer,

That great power gave them Zhenfei,

Even a holy king, his body has become blood mist directly,

Others didn't dare to move forward anymore and could only watch from a distance.

what is that? They saw a huge palm in the cracked earth, and protruded out

The palm is very huge, dragging the ancient city of Qiankun up to the ground.

The ground around the ancient city is constantly cracking, and the Grand Canyon appears,

And from that rift, there is a larger shadow emerging,

Still a city!

The ancient city of Qiankun is just a part, underground, and there! Countless people are stunned,

They rose up into the air,

The area emerging from the ground at this moment is double the size of the former Qiankun ancient city!

The ancient city of Qiankun was already huge, like a kingdom, and it was doubled at the moment.

Did anyone find out before?

Whose palm is that palm? It was able to hold up an ancient city.

Countless shocks sounded,

In the ancient city of Qiankun, everyone felt shaking.

Some of them wanted to escape, but they were also shaken back by that power.

Soon they found out.

Some people stood on the edge of the city wall, but at this moment, a new area appeared in front of them.

It just came out of the earth, with dirt on it, and a lot of rubble scattered on the ground.

what's going on? Countless people are surprised,

Those families who originally lived in the ancient city of Qiankun are even more stunned.

I did not expect that the city where they lived endless years has hidden a part, and now it really appears.

Not only that, they felt an extremely mysterious and terrifying breath burst out in the ancient city.

These emerging areas are extremely difficult.

It seems that the secret is in these new areas, and countless people take a deep breath,

When the shaking was calm, they were ready to dispatch and inquire.

Lin Xuan was also very surprised. I didn't expect it to be like this.

He has a pupil of heavenly intelligence, can see through everything,

Seeing a huge palm, I stuck it out,

However, just after the areas appeared, he could not explore, it seemed that mysterious runes blocked everything,

It seems that only by going there in person can you find out.

For a long time, the ancient city of Qiankun stopped shaking and gradually subsided.

A breath, surging in all directions,

Hurry up ~ ~ Some people can't wait to fly in all directions in an instant.

It looks like they want to find out.

Lin Xuan also took a deep breath. He looked at the toad, said, go, let's go and see.

Toad could not wait any longer, when he heard this, he jumped out instantly,

Uncle Ben came for a treasure hunt, and his strange cry sounded between heaven and earth.

These newly emerged urban areas are extremely cold, I wonder whether they were buried under the earth for many years, or because of other special reasons

Gives a creepy feeling.

The ground is black, and the surrounding buildings have endless runes.

Although quaint and dim, the breath that emanated from it was still shocking.

What a mysterious place.

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