Inverse Sword God

Chapter 4508: Shadow of the Demon!


On the uninhabited street, two people suddenly appeared,

It's Lin Xuan and Toad,

They came to this area, the new area, looked around curiously,

Something is wrong. Let's be careful. Toad is also afraid to carelessly.

Lin Xuan nodded, indeed, this is an ancient city built by the emperor himself, who knows anything terrible?

At this time, there are more than a dozen figures in the rear.

They have Dongtian disciples, there are also strong people of the Taigu tribe, and even the indigenous families of the ancient city of Qiankun

After they came, they looked around curiously,

No one looks at Lin Xuan,

Lin Xuan changed his face. These people didn't know him, and the breath on Lin Xuan's body was not strong, which made these people ignore it.

There are so many buildings here, maybe there is a baby inside, go and check it out.

Three figures flew forward,

In front, there is a pavilion, seven stories high, very quaint,

The three came to the front, smashed the door with one palm, and walked in.

The others took a deep breath and were ready to act,

At this time, a scream came suddenly from the mansion that went in before,

Immediately afterwards, the Holy Blood flew out, and there was even a sound of broken bones,

what happened?

Here are all masters, the weakest are half step holy king,

At this moment they felt horrible. Are there anyone else in this area?

Should not,

Even Lin Xuan was surprised. Someone came before him.

He frowned, his eyes flashing, and he looked forward.

The next moment, his pupils shrank, and the others exclaimed, taking three steps back.

One by one, like the enemy,

From the broken pavilion, a figure rushed out, which was one of the three people who had entered before,

At this moment he was covered in blood, half of his body had disappeared, and his internal organs were broken.

demon! There are demons inside!

Run away.

demon? The crowd froze, and before they came and reacted, they saw a dark hand grabbing the door frame,

Then, a figure came out.

It was a black figure, very emaciated, with barbs on his body, looking like a monster,

A pair of eyes are extremely red, and they are huge. They occupy almost half of the entire face.

The remaining half is a large mouth with a large bowl of blood, with sharp teeth, comparable to a holy weapon.

He looks very shy, like a demon crawling out of hell,

At this moment, there is holy blood falling in the big mouth of the blood basin, and some bones have not been swallowed.

Obviously, it was the bodies of the two people before,

Was it eaten by the other party? The faces of the people around them were very ugly.


With a roar, the black sorrowful demon jumped out and stepped on the strong man who fled.

That man is a half step holy king, but at this moment, under this foot, his body is broken,

Immediately afterwards, his blood was swallowed in his back, carrying a demon shadow.


Blood-red eyes emit more terrible light.

He roared to the sky, the **** breath of boundlessness, permeated all around,

At the same time, the surrounding buildings also heard a deep roar,

Isn't it more than one?

Those around them were stunned, they saw a pair of scarlet eyes shining in the gaps between those buildings,

Bang Bang Bang,

Then, the sound of the empty thought reminded that the windows of the buildings were torn, and then all the black shadows flew out.

Some of them are humanoid, standing and walking, some like monsters, running on all fours, and some even have black tails and black wings.

But without exception, they all have blood-red eyes and a kind face.

The people around me became extremely ugly.

They originally came for treasure hunt, but where did they want to find this new area, there would be so many terrible things.

Even Lin Xuan frowned. Could these things be sealed under the earth before?

Is it turned on for strange reasons at this moment? He was very skeptical now, what was the key he got?

Will it release countless terrible demons?

There are also terrible ghosts around, with a total of nearly fifty heads, surrounded by Lin Xuan and others firmly.

At this time, the distant area already had a terrifying collision sound, and a scream came.

Some people exclaim, it seems that they are not only in this place, but also in other places.

There has even been a war, and some have begun to fall.

Let's do it, Lin Xuan drank, soles of his feet slumped, and a sword split out.

The toad roared even more, and rolled this uncle,

His voice turned into sound waves, sweeping in all directions,

The surrounding void is constantly broken, and the earth is knocked.

However, the building was built by the Emperor himself and will not be damaged, but it still shakes violently.

Get ready.

After Lin Xuan's hands-on, those strong people in the caves and families around them also acted in succession.

They have been through hundreds of battles before they have cultivated to the present.

Although I was frightened before, it was really terrible to fight back at this moment.

They only have more than a dozen shadows, but they stopped these dozens of shadows, and their cooperation with each other is getting more and more tacit

Of course, some people were injured in the process, and even one person was torn in half of his body.

Although these guys are weird and mysterious, fortunately, their strength is not very strong.

We can also cope, and the toad is relieved,

Lin Xuan frowned, because he felt that the head that appeared first held up to him,

The strength of this head is even more terrifying than others, and those blood-red eyes make him extremely uncomfortable.

But soon, he sneered and wanted to do something to him? act recklessly.

The golden light burst into my eyes, and the sword of soul flew out,

His blood-red eyes, his pupils shrank, and his soul was severely wounded.

The next moment, he made a loud roar, many people bleed, and their ears were about to crack.

He went crazy and killed Lin Xuan,

Lin Xuan was awkward, she could still be alive, she should n’t,

His soul power, the use of magical pupils, this blow, the opponent's soul is absolutely broken,

Even if she doesn't die, she has lost her resistance.

However, the other party still killed him,

Moreover, the breath has not weakened,

What are these guys doing?

Lin Xuan frowned, shook his body, avoided the attack of the opponent, and kicked out.

Collided with each other's huge claws ~ ~, making a trembling sound,

The demon shadow flew out and hit a distant wall and fell down.

The strength of this guy is so strong,

The strong men in the surrounding sky saw Lin Xuan's blow and knocked the opponent back out. He was shocked.

They feel that the other party seems to only have the practice of the Lord,

Whose genius is this?

Lin Xuan's face was not good-looking. During the approaching moment, he used the God's Eye pupil to investigate. These shadows seemed to have no soul.

No wonder, disregarding his child prodigy,

Without soul, that pupil technique would be useless.

His kick had been broken just now, the opponent's claw, but no blood flowed out.

It made him feel weirder,

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