Inverse Sword God

Chapter 4980: 9 You are here!

how is this possible!

Hellbringer was shocked, wasn't the boy in front split in half by him?

Why can he still shoot at him?

He suddenly turned back and found Lin Xuan intact,

Damn, how could it look like this, could it be a clone?

wrong! It's illusion! I just hit illusion!

When the **** messenger saw those cold eyes, he instantly understood.

Cold sweat on my forehead,

Damn, this young man ’s pupil technique was so powerful that he was all hit.

What makes him even more alarmed is that he can't move at all now,

Inside him, pierced by a spear of piercing, an indomitable sword will flow into it, and it seems to be able to cut off all the power inside him.

Are you going to use this strength to suppress me? It's ridiculous, Lin Xuan lengheng.

Hellbringer, crazy roar, boy, don't be too proud. No matter how strong a person is, he cannot compete with hell.

is it? Can I compete with the whole land government, I do n’t know, but I will kill you easily.

There was a terrible killing intention on Lin Xuan. The face of the **** messenger changed greatly, you dare to kill me

When you kill me, you are the enemy of the land government.

However, it was useless. No matter how he threatened, he couldn't change Lin Xuan's thinking.

When Lin Xuan was about to start, a loud gong sounded from a distance, and then the whole void broke into pieces.

The envoy of the prefecture froze, and his body was torn into pieces by the sound, turned into a black mist, and quickly reunited in the distance.

Ask for messenger!

Great, here you are. The death sickle was very excited,

Lin Xuan frowned. Is anyone here again?

The first two ecstasy, the last one killed, he sank,

From the front, there was a figure coming out. It was an old man, pale and without blood.

With a **** flag on the back, and a gong in his hand, the sound just hit it.

After the old man came, looked at the messenger of hell, frowned, what happened, failed again?

This kid is too evil, his soul pupil is very powerful, and he will do terrible swordsmanship.

Huh, waste. The old man chilled,

The hellbringer lowered his head and asked the Lord to forgive him.

Forget it, let me take the shot myself. The old man walked up and he didn't enter the cave.

Hit the gong directly.


The deep voice sounded, and it seemed that the soul was about to shed its sheath.

Lin Xuan also felt that his soul was shaking. The radiance in his eyes burst out and he suppressed it all at the same time.

Countless dragon-shaped swords burst out and chopped forward,

Useless boy, I can't open my voice with your sword.

The old man in **** is very confident, but as soon as he finishes speaking, he is beaten.

Under his sword's breath, his voice suddenly became smaller and then disappeared.

what happened? The old man in the land looked somber. The sword energy of the opponent is indeed very strange.

No wonder the first two times will fail, you do have some strength, it seems to use some means,

The black banner behind him bloomed with a fascinating light, and then turned into two **** hands, grabbed overwhelmingly.

Lin Xuan's eyes also exploded.

Previously, Xia Jiuyou said that he would block three attacks, that is, the land government would send three messengers.

Today, it is the third one.

As long as it can block the attack of this person, there will be no danger of Jiuyou in a short time.

Lin Xuan waved a big destruction, chopped forward with a dragon-shaped sword, colliding with the **** hand,

The banner suddenly turned into a black snake and entangled.


The old man was angry, and the **** snake turned into countless seals, overwhelmingly sealing everything.

Then, the old man sneered, and once again struck the gong in his hand,

The sound of Dangdang sounded again. In his opinion, he had sealed the other party. His black flag was also an incredible weapon magic weapon.

It is absolutely difficult for the other party to escape.

However, the sound didn't get in,

Numerous black swirls appeared around them, and these sounds were directly swallowed up.

Lin Xuan's voice still came, and the seal just wanted to seal me, you are too naive.


The spear of great destruction blooms, as if the black dragon has come alive, tearing the sky ’s seal directly,

The sword's breath erupted from above, straight into the sky,

Lin Xuan swept out like a peerless sword god.


He killed the **** flag. The old man's face changed, and he printed with one hand, waving towards the back.

The black banner flew out, dancing to the sky, and competing with the great spear of destruction.

At the same time, the gong in his hand changed direction and killed Lin Xuan.

Broken soul,

The voice has changed. It used to be a call to the soul. Now it is a voice to destroy the soul.

Lin Xuan felt that all seven tricks would bleed, and his soul would be broken.

He bloomed the power of reincarnation, turned into a reincarnation mill, crushed it out,

At the same time, the palm prints, the fearless lion prints,

The mad lion roared between heaven and earth, and Lin Xuan opened a big fight and fought with him.

So powerful? The messenger holding the sickle was stunned. It seemed that the other party was going to kill him without any effort.

The old man was even colder, this turned out to be such a difficult opponent, the top genius?

Thinking of this, he was also angry,

No one has dared stop us, not even the top genius ~ ~ Hell has come.

The old man screamed angrily, endless black runes appeared on his body, and began to burn,

The surroundings instantly darkened, and a Jiuyou Difu came again.

This method has been used by the Hellbringers before, but now the power is ten times stronger than before.

It seems that the whole world is shrouded,

People in the temple felt that it was dark all of a sudden. An overcast wind blew through them, shaking them.

The old **** looks like a **** of hell, looking at Lin Xuan,

Suppression, eighteen floors of hell!

Lin Xuan, feeling the ground under his feet cracked, there seemed to be a force to turn him under the ground,

His feet were slumped, and the terrible divine power turned into a dragon, bombarding this big fissure,

At the same time, he rose into the sky.

Even if the land government is coming, let me see you with a sword!

The sword gas in Lin Xuan's hands became more and more horrible, making a terrible dragon roar, and then holding the sword with both hands, splitting down forcefully.


The Jiuyou Difu that came down began to shake again, and cracks appeared on it.

Then split in half from the middle,

How did this happen? The old man's pupils shrunk,

He fell to the ground in the sky and vomited blood with a large mouth.

What kind of swordsmanship is this? Can even split Jiuyou Difu.

It's incredible.

Lin Xuan split again, the old man's body was split in half,

He found this power that prevented his body from healing.

Lin Xuan came over like a demon, with all kinds of skills and constant attack.

Aren't you from the prefecture? Isn't there a book of life and death? I see if you can be resurrected after you die,

The fearless lion's seal went mad, and the gold lion tore it to pieces.

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