Inverse Sword God

Chapter 4981: Hell evil pupil!

[Book Name: Chapter 4981 of the Inverse Sword Mad God! (4 more) Author: fresh sword]

Inverse Sword God Welcomes You! The domain name of this site: \ "2k 小说 \" complete pinyin, it is easy to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: The beautiful covenant of the ancient God King Wu Lian, the peak of the Five Elements, the gate of the heavens and the heavens, and the choice of heaven, the night of the king, the king of the inverse scale, the Lord of the Holy Market, the snow eagle lord, died forever.

Hellbringer with a sickle, terrified,

You are over, you dare to kill the people in our land now, you are dead,

He growled and panicked, even fading, trying to disappear.

Lin Xuan's eyes are full of extremely terrible light,

After getting the reincarnation bones, the power of his reincarnation is even more terrible, his eyes turned into the power of two reincarnation,

Directly penetrate the opponent's body,


With a scream, the messenger of the local government disappeared.

The two died, and the blood mist flew into two blood-colored runes, which quickly flew towards Lin Xuan.

This scene, very suddenly,

Lin Xuan jumped.

He stepped back quickly, and slapped forward with one palm,

The two runes were blown out, and the last two runes were between heaven and earth.

The earth cracked, and a black eye opened suddenly, but the eyes seemed to pierce the sky with the light of the devil.

Covering Lin Xuan,

Lin Xuan was close to the enemy. He screamed angrily and stretched the magical eyes of the heavens to the extreme to resist.

At the same time, he was shocked, what is this eye? too terrifying.

Inside the mansion, Xia Jiuyou was also shocked and came out suddenly.

When I saw this black eye, my face changed too.

Hell evil pupil!

Rewinding, he patted it with one hand, at the same time, the evil pupil of Hell also gave out a terrible look.

Killed Lin Xuan,

Xia Jiuyou's palms are overwhelming. At this moment he has recovered some. The power is really terrible.

For a moment, he shattered the eyes of Hell's evil pupil,

At the same time, the whole **** evil pupil was also fragmented, and it turned into black smoke.

Disappeared? Hexie Tongtong was relieved, but Lin Xuan in the back sighed angrily,

Damn, he felt like something was wrong.

There was a terrible pain in his back, and it seemed to be stabbed in general.

Xia Jiuyou quickly ripped his armor, and then took a breath.

Backed out behind Lin Xuan, a black, vertical eye appeared, like a magic pattern,

How did **** evil pupil appear on Lin Xuan?

Is it possible to be targeted?

Xia Jiuyou's brow frowned tightly, Lin Xuan could naturally feel it,

After hearing this, he also looked dull and snorted coldly. The dragon sword soul in his body moved quickly, killing the evil pupil of **** on the back, and wanted to chop it,

Hell evil pupils bloomed with a terrifying black light, resisted, and blocked the dragon dragon soul for a moment.

Lin Xuan was even more shocked. What is this? So evil.

Xia Jiuyou said that the evil pupil in Hell is very strange and existed in the ancient times.

Also, the legend has existed since the establishment of the prefecture, so it is very strange,

What should I do? Lin Xuan frowned tightly, did not expect that the land government was so evil.

Xia Jiuyou took a deep breath, and it seemed that she had to take a trip. I thought I would go there.

I didn't expect to take you this time,

Lin Xuan was surprised, where to go.

Xia Jiuyou said, go to the prefecture.

Hell! Lin Xuan was even more shocked

Xia Jiuyou nodded, and originally wanted to go there to pick up something, but now you are stared at by the evil pupil of Hell again,

It seems you have to go there in person too,

Because only then can you crack the eye behind you,

Otherwise, if he has an attack, it is likely to kill you.

So scary, Lin Xuan was shocked,

Xia Jiuyou said that it was very scary. 100,000 years ago, there were two people fighting against the emperor. Both of them hoped to become the emperor.

But one of them was caught by the people in the local government and hit the evil pupil in hell.

Later, somehow it fell.

So now you have to pay attention.

Lin Xuan was silent. After a while, he said, I know.

Next, Lin Xuan and Xia Jiuyou started to recover, preparing to go to the prefecture,

Lin Xuan also told Bai Susu that they were here for the time being, and he had one thing to do.

The Dark Red Dragon asked, boy, do we need to follow?

Lin Xuan thought and said, no need, I can handle it myself,

This time, when I went to the prefecture, I didn't know what kind of danger would happen.

Therefore, he still hopes that fewer people are better.

Xia Jiuyou's vitality has recovered a lot. The palm of his hand was sealed, and in the void, he began to build a huge space array.

Lin Xuan can feel the terrible space power from there. Don't think about it, the distance this time should be very far.

He asked his elders, where is the land government?

Xia Jiuyou said that in the universe, there is a dark galaxy, and there is an endless world.

The prefecture, right there, the entire dark galaxy is under the control of the prefecture.

Lin Xuan was also surprised after hearing that, for a galaxy, it is really an endless world. The heritage of the land is really scary.

But soon, he thought of another possibility, the heaven is not weaker than the existence of the land, that is,

There must be another galaxy in the cosmic starry sky, which belongs to heaven!

He originally thought that he had gotten a lot of world resources, but now it still looks a lot worse,

However, according to Xia Jiuyou, his world seems to be more important than the total time of a galaxy ~ ~ This is even more firm, Lin Xuan must fully revive the sword world.

The layout of the space matrix method was completed, and Lin Xuan and Xia Jiuyou walked up and teleported.

In an instant, an endless space crack appeared over the true spirit world,

Countless people looked up, what happened,

Some people are shocked. Does anyone want to teleport so far?

who is it

That direction?

They probed, but all visions had disappeared,

Lin Xuan and Xia Jiuyou have left the real world.

The two people shuttled in the space channel, and the stars around each time changed, but each time was similar.

The icy universe is dominated by darkness, dominated by darkness, and the light from the surrounding stars is not enough to illuminate everything.

Fortunately, Xia Jiuyou's strength is too strong, so they have already left the true spirit world far after several shuttles.

However, at this time, it was shaking and the space tunnel was broken.

not good!

Xia Jiuyou's face changed,

Lin Xuan said, has anyone followed me?

Xia Jiuyou shook her head. No, this may be very small. I think it must be a special situation.

Hurry up,

They ripped through the void and fled quickly.

The original space channel was constantly broken, and the two appeared in the universe, looking around,

Xia Jiu's gaze flickered, deviating from some positions, not yet.

Then he turned his head and looked away.

It turned out that they had destroyed the space tunnel.

Lin Xuan also looked towards the distance, and he was working with the magic eye pupil, only to find that there was a battle in the distance.

And, very scary,

On both sides of the battle, one was a giant, and the monster's body was even larger than a world. 2k novel reading network

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