Inverse Sword God

Chapter 5142: Avenue, swallow the sky!

The crowd had a lot of eyes, staring at each other,

The law of Yin and Yang on the other side is even more terrible,

Wu Pengzi was also looking around, and soon he found several terrible figures,

One of them surprised him with chaos,

But soon he didn't notice, he noticed Lin Xuan. !

Lin Wudi,

His eyes turned into sharp swords, looking towards Lin Xuan!

You came. Lin Xuan also nodded with a smile,

Xun Pengzi nodded in response.

He didn't say anything, but walked aside and sat cross-legged and waited.

When fighting with Lin Xuan before, Lin Xuan took the lead to break through and gave him pressure.

He vowed that after breaking through to become a great saint, he will have a showdown with Lin Xuan.

But now that I ’m breaking through, and in the same realm as Lin Xuan,

But he didn't do it because he was not sure.

Next came many geniuses, such as the Fire Dragon Girl.

There was another figure here, he came alone.

There was no light in his body. He wore a gown and walked quietly.

There is a smile on the corner of his mouth,

But it makes people feel creepy,

Who is this guy? Many people wonder,

They found that they did n’t know each other, they were very strange, and he had no terrible breath,

Can he qualify to come here? Many exclamations sounded,

The people over Zifu frowned slightly. Qin Xian'er and others were exclaimed and shook the light. Did he even come?

The expression of these people seemed to be a little frightened.

Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes, and he stared at the shaking light.

This person feels very dangerous to him,

Although the other party was not famous or even showed strength, Lin Xuan felt a potential crisis.

Because the other person ’s cultivation is devouring magical powers,

This method was created by the Devouring Heavenly Emperor, which can devour the blood and power of other talented men

I do n’t know how many people secretly swallowed this guy,

He doesn't know where the opponent is now.

But one thing is certain, that is that the opponent has accumulated enough power,

Otherwise, you wouldn't dare to come out in Yaoguang,

Devouring the magic of the sky is too horrible. Once the show is known, it will be chased and killed by the infinite strong.

Because every family is threatened.

The other side is now outright showing that the other side is already qualified to compete with the world.

Lin Xuan's face was cold, and he said to Murong Qingcheng and Yan Ruyu next to him. Be careful, this guy is practicing swallow magic

Don't be stared at him,

Murong Allure was also surprised, swallowing the magic of the sky,

Yan Ruyu frowned. It turned out to be this kind of exercise. This guy should have already practiced a certain level.

Countless questioning sounded, none of them knew shaking light.

However, when he shook the light, his eyes burst into a black light. He started to look around, looking around,

Soon he sighed, most of it was waste, but I was interested in a few people,

As soon as this word came out, those people around were angry, waste? Most of them!

Just kidding, have they been despised?

Boy, who are you? Do you want to die?

Do you think you are tall?

Those who dared to say this before are dead, unless you are also a double champion,

Many people stood up, and their breath came down like the sea.

I ca n’t resist the monarch,


There are a few swirls in the shaking body, which swallow these breaths,

He stood there without moving,

Sure enough it was garbage.

The people around were surprised, who is this person? Although arrogant, the breath of the body is so horrible,

Faced with such terrible pressure, without any fear,

Yao Guang ignored these people at all, but stared at a few figures,

He stared at Xun Pengzi, smiling, the blood of the emperor, I am looking forward to it.

Wu Pengzi frowned tightly. Although she didn't know each other, the other person's gaze made him very uncomfortable.

As if he was a prey, stared at by a terrible monster,

He snorted, and the body's yin and yang exploded.

Shake the light but retracted his gaze, and then looked at Lin Xuan, Murong Qingcheng and Yan Ruyu beside him.

He grinned, although he didn't say anything, but his eyes were a little stunned,

Obviously, if given the opportunity, he will definitely swallow these people.

Who are you, the breath that devours? At this time, the mixed sky spoke.

Yao Guang turned his head and looked at each other, surprised.

Chaotic body? The legendary physique, I did not expect that it is beginning to appear now,

Sure enough, God treats me well,

Yao Guang is now very happy. If he can swallow these people, who is his opponent in the world?

Do you still want to swallow me? Leng Huengtian, practice for another 10,000 years,

I'm a double champion, he said proudly,

As soon as this word came out, Wu Pengzhi was also shocked. She didn't come before and didn't know

I didn't expect a double crown now.

Are you kidding me? He couldn't believe it, looking towards Lin Xuan,

But found that Lin Xuan looked dignified,

He took a cool breath, could it be that the other party is really a double champion?

Damn, what's going on? How could such a terrible character appear?

Even Yao Guang narrowed his eyes.

A little bit interesting, he sneered, then walked aside,

Today, he no longer has to hide, making everyone feel creepy.

Next came some people, waiting for about a day,

At this time, the elders in front of the Sendai Nebula came out,

They said that time is almost up, we are going to open the Starfall Hall.

The palms of their hands imprinted a terrible light,

The radiance of the Star Meteor Hall is even more horrible, as if the ancient beasts were resurrected.

An ancient and expansive breath sweeps all directions.

Everyone feels the sound of the avenue. If it is inside, it will definitely help them to improve their avenue.

Even they can get no avenue,

After all, the Emperor Xian Dynasty, but there have been more than one emperor.

I ’m here first. Naturally, some people do n’t want to give up on such a good thing.

The first to come is a strong man of the Jinwu tribe. He has a fiery flame, like a sun.

Flew straight ahead,

Haha, he is very proud,

However, just after approaching the Nebula Hall, and wanted to step into the result, he was struck by an ancient star.

He vomited blood and flew ~ ~ Endless blood holes appeared.

He made a miserable cry. Jin Wuhuo landed on the Quartet,

Those around are surprised

Jinwu ’s strength is extremely extraordinary, but he was directly hit.

Not even qualified to go in? God, this is too incredible.

At this moment, the geniuses around are taking a deep breath,

They found that they underestimated the Nebula Hall,

I'm afraid this feathered fairy dynasty, they imagine it to be horrible,

Several elders of Sendai stood there with a smile on their faces,

Wait, soon these days will know, what kind of **** land is Yuhua Xianchao!

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