Inverse Sword God

Chapter 5143: Land of billions of stars!

After the defeat of the Jinwu tribe, someone went again,

The people who shot this time were even more terrible, but they still did n’t go in.

Beaten by the stars, vomiting blood.

Those around me are crazy, knowing that anyone who can come here is invited,

No one is weak, but even so, no one can enter,

Could it be this Nebula Hall, so terrible?

The solemn expression of all people,

They knew they had done it before. The next few people were so ashamed and embarrassed.

At this time, an elder from the Sendai Nebula said, "My sons, I think you'd better show your true skill,

The origin of the Nebula Hall is extraordinary, and those who can set foot on the Hall of Fallen Stars have become the powerful men in the world.

The worst is to reach the summit of the Great Holy One, and even have the opportunity to surpass the Holy Realm and reach the Emperor Realm,

So I hope you take it seriously,

Hearing these words, the eyes of those around them instantly turned on,

This Nebula Hall is so horrible,

Some top geniuses stood up and they must go in successfully.

Become the Great Holy Peak? Many people's eyes burst into cold light.

They know that it is really difficult to become an emperor, but it is what they want to be the peak of the Holy Saint.

But even so, the Great Holy Peak is very difficult to cross,

After all, there are not many ancestors in each family.

But there are a lot of geniuses, which means that in the end, one percent of these geniuses can become the peak of the Great Holy One, which is already very bad.

This example is not high, because this is for top geniuses,

If it is placed on ordinary people, it may not even reach one billionth.

A genius in Tianzong walked forward, and he was condensed with extremely terrible laws of heaven.

The next moment he came in front of the Nebula,

Show off

He finally stepped in,

Countless people exclaimed, Cangtian, he went in. It is indeed the top genius of heaven.

This talent and strength really are strong enough,

This is the first person to enter the Nebula Hall.

However, he only took two steps inside, and was blasted back, vomiting blood in large mouth,

Everyone marvels, what's inside?

Did you feel the avenue?

The genius of Tianzong shook his head and sighed.

I felt a mysterious power that entered my body,

Although I was injured, when I recover, this strength can improve my strength,

But unfortunately, I have already taken two steps. If I can stay in it for a longer period of time, I should gain more mysterious power.

Everyone was shocked after listening,

The Temple of Starfall is truly mysterious and contains mysterious power.

Others ask, what else is there?

The strong man said that there was a palace in the Nebula Hall, and I saw a star gate, but it was too far away from me.

Is the Nebula Temple so mysterious? They looked at the elders of Starfall Sendai,

But the elders laughed and said nothing, you need to explore them yourself.

At this time, a strong man of the hegemon strode forward,

He has a strong physique and infinite strength.

The crowd looked at it, it was the overlord.

The overlord's physique is very terrifying. Everyone held their breath,

Can the other person succeed? Walking in front of everyone's attention, the tyrant,

He entered the Temple of Nebula,

Countless people exclaimed that they are indeed overlords, and they are really strong enough.

Is he the legendary overlord?

Voices came from one after another.

The Overlord entered the Star Hall, and then continued to walk inside,

Every time he walked, he felt his body shake,

Finally, he came to the gate of the stars, pushed open, and entered the second hall.

The next moment, he felt all around, dreamless, and wanted to go inside, taking three steps,

He stepped back, his face pale,

Is the Overlord coming out? Countless people are shocked,

Overlord shook his head and sighed,

No way,

He felt the laws of the body and became stronger before,

Those around me are shocked, aren't they, just a few steps away, this law promotion has become so horrible,

They took a breath, and the Star Hall was mysterious.

Those of the Di Zong also gathered around,

The hegemons also asked, how about it?

The overlord said that there was indeed the second major hall inside. I pushed open the door of the stars, but only took three steps and came out.

Between you, I see that there seems to be a third star gate,

Countless people were shocked, and the halls in the Nebula Hall were heavy, I don't know how many there were at the end.

Seeing that the rules of the overlord's body have improved so much, those other people are also tempted,

They move quickly,

However, most of these geniuses were turned away, and a few went in, and they were only able to take a few steps.

Only the Overlord alone entered the first floor of the palace.

God, it must be the legendary physique, or the emperor can do it.

Countless exclamations came.

At this time someone stood up again, he was wearing a terrible light,

With golden wings on the back, waving gently, tearing apart Tianyu.

It was him, the first genius of the canopy family,

Countless exclamations sounded. This is a prince-like character. Can he succeed?

There is no shortage of miles, he walked forward, his strength was much stronger before,

So he easily entered the Nebula Hall, and even opened the first star door to enter.

Before long, there was a roar inside,

He entered the gate of the second star,

The people around were exclaimed. It was terrible. It was indeed the Tianpeng tribe. Is the tyrant still terrifying?

I wonder if he can continue?

Everyone marveled,

However, it did n’t take long for Baili to come out. He entered the second temple,

And stagnated in it, missed the third temple,

However, his body rules are improved. The previous overlord is much more powerful.

Obviously, the more you go in the better.

Everyone looked at envy, these people's strength has improved,

And it shows that the bloodline and talent are top-level, and it will become a pinnacle in the future ~ ~

You know, these are all ancestor-level existences. They are powerful men who can sweep Tianyu.

Then everyone tried again, most of them failed, but others also succeeded.

If the Jinwu tribe ’s proud daughter succeeded, he also pushed open the first floor of the palace and got the law promotion.

The same goes for the other impoverished families, the empire, and the top geniuses in it,

Only the top ones can enter the first hall, and everyone else is turned away.

It's even less like entering the second hall, except that there is nothing wrong with it.

There is only one person, Yunyue.

Although she surrendered to Lin Xuan, her original identity was extremely terrifying.

Destiny family first genius, reputation is not weaker than a hundred miles.

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