Inverse Sword God

Chapter 3751: Swordmaster! (two)

Finally solved.

Lin Xuan exhaled,

Casting swords, and quickly recovering from injuries,

He turned and looked.

He found that Xu Tianding and Wan Yaoxun also resisted,

For a moment, they failed to kill each other.

This is not the way to go,

Lin Xuan condensed the shadow of the big dragon sword. He combined the power of the big dragon sword tip, like the peerless sword god, and quickly shot.

Lin Xuan, like the messenger of the night, came to the two figures in an instant,

Shooted successively, piercing the other's head.

The two figures died out.

Lin Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, his face became a bit pale, and the power of the big dragon sword still had some burdens on him.

This power is really horrible. Shoot with all your strength and be able to kill each other directly.

Xu Tianding and Wan Yaoxu were also relieved: Damn, this is too terrible, right?

It must be the energy body formed by those gods and demon at that time, which must be related to the **** and demon wall.

Otherwise, it's impossible.

Fortunately, they brought Lin Xuan,

The opponent's swordsmanship is so sharp that he can smash the opponent.

Otherwise, but they can compete against each other, it is very difficult to completely destroy each other.

Lin Xuan recovered for a while, stood up, and his eyes glowed with fascination: Let's go, how far is it from your goal?

If it were as fast as before, it should be half a month.

Half a month, it's really far enough, so speed it up.

Lin Xuan, they are on the road again,

They ended up using it for a month.

Because they were on the road and met several times again,

On one occasion, Lin Xuan's physique was almost broken.

In the end he won.

From these fallen figures, a black bead emerged.

Lin Xuan began to absorb, and the strength in these black beads, his cultivation, also slowly improved.

Lin Xuan didn't do it immediately, he stopped for another two months,

Using the Dragon Soul of the Dragon one after another, he was afraid of hurting the foundation.

He practiced well,

This day, Lin Xuan opened his eyes and said: I can shoot.

Xu Tianding nodded, he said: We have reached this place, known as the land of buried swords.

You just need to defeat the swordsmen here.

Sword holder?

Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes after hearing: Is it terrible?

Wan Yaoxi nodded and said: Very powerful, more powerful than any real **** you have seen so far.

The two of us are not rivals and can only rely on you.

Is he also a swordsman?

Lin Xuan asked.

Yes, he is a peerless swordsman. His kendo is very powerful and he can become a swordsman.

Lin Xuan looked forward to hearing this, and he also wanted to see this so-called swordsman.

Pedestrian, walking forward,

The ground in front of it changed, it was no longer black, it turned out to be a **** land, with a terrible blood evil.

Not only that, Lin Xuan also saw one broken sword after another standing on the ground.

Every sword is extremely extraordinary,

At this moment, it is all rusty.

Obviously, no one has used them for millions or even tens of millions of years.

These swords have been buried, and it is worthy of being called the place where the sword is buried.

As a peerless swordsman, Lin Xuan was so dull that he saw so many swords.

He was also wondering if the Xuantian Sword of Soul was buried here?

Xu Tianding next to him quickly said: As long as you defeat the sword holder, you can ask him.

Take away Xuantian Cut Spirit Sword.

I know, rest assured, I will do my best.

Lin Xuan took a deep breath, and a faint ray of light bloomed in his eyes.

Finally, they stopped,

The thousands of monsters next to him turned into thousands of monsters roaring between heaven and earth.

Swordmaster, we are here to challenge you.

The sound was like a thunder, sweeping away in all directions.

However, nothing appeared around him.

Wan Yao frowned and frowned tightly, he growled again: Sword holder, are you there? Come out soon, we want to challenge you.

Swordmaster, please come out and accept the challenge.

The Xingtian Ding next to it is also a roar of madness, and every sound is like a thunder.

Lin Xuan is concentrating his energy and adjusting his state to the peak. He is like a peerless sword that is about to emerge.

Xu Tianding and the two of them shouted for a long time, but no one appeared.

The heavens and the earth are terribly quiet.

what happened?

Lin Xuan frowned slightly. There didn't seem to be any swordsman here.

This is impossible!

Ten thousand enchantments are also covered.

Last time, we clearly saw the sword holder and we fought with it.

We were defeated and could only leave helplessly.

Why didn't the sword holder come out this time?

Damn, is there anything wrong?

Xu Tianding didn't know, they searched quickly, even Lin Xuan tried to shout: I am also a swordsman.

I want to challenge the swordsman.

His voice is extremely sharp, and there are endless cracks in the world.

Want to come this time, the other party will definitely fight?

However, the swordsman still didn't come out.

On the other side, Xu Tianding and Wan Yaoxuan flew back.

The two of them were puzzled: the swordsman seemed to disappear.

Apparently, what changes must have occurred in these hundreds of thousands of years?

The sword-holder disappeared somehow ~ ~ What then?

Lin Xuan asked in a deep voice: If there is no way to challenge the swordsman, can there be other ways to take away the Xuantian Sword of Soul?

Has he been suppressed? Still sealed?

You take me to that place, and I split the seal with the dragon.

Lin Xuan said in a deep voice.

However, Xu Tianding shook his head and said: No, you can't act lightly.

This area is very scary. Once you move your hands, it is very likely that it will alarm those extraordinary existences.

Maybe there will be a legendary existence, and then we can't resist it.

What should I do?

Lin Xuan frowned: Is it going to be here, keep waiting?

What if the other party does not appear for hundreds of thousands of years?

There is another way.

Wan Yaoyu was bolder, he said: The sword-holder was reluctant to appear, most likely, he had an accident.

He might fall.

It only takes the appearance of a new swordsman to solve it.

New swordsman? who is it?

Lin Xuan wondered.

Wan Yaoxuan looked at him and said: Naturally it is you. If you can become a swordsman, it will be better.

You will be able to take away the Xuantian Cut Sword.

Am I a swordsman?

Lin Xuan waited with big eyes: what's the situation? Anyone can be a swordsman?

Of course not. The sword holder also needs challenges, and it is very difficult.

This is the only way.

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