Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7352: Aeolus 1 sword! (three)


Hearing is the only way, Lin Xuan can only nod,

He said: Then I challenge and become a swordsman.

You can't be careless.

Xu Tianding said: Wanting to be a swordsman is very different from challenging a swordsman.

If you challenge the sword holder, you can directly use the dragon dragon soul to confront him.

However, if you want to become a swordsman, you may not be able to use the power of the Great Dragon Sword.

After hearing this, Lin Xuan was also very surprised: What kind of test does it take to become an executive?

You need to win the recognition of all the swords here, but what exactly do you need to do? We don't know.

You can only rely on yourself.

I see, let me try it.

Although it sounds difficult, Lin Xuan promised these weapons after all, and he must successfully bring out the Xuantian Sword.

Today, we can only move on.

Lin Xuan walked forward, looking at a broken sword that fell to the ground and became dark.

There was a fascinating light in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "Sword holder, hesitant to appear, what changes may have occurred?

Here, no swordsman,

I want to challenge the status of swordsman and want to become a new swordsman.

Lin Xuan's voice spreads in all directions,

As his voice fell, the swords around him shook violently.

Swords of Qi straight into the sky, turned into a world of kendo, covering the world.

No, rewind.

Seeing this scene, Xu Tianding and Wan Yaoxuan retreated to a distance.

They said: Boy, next, you can only rely on yourself, the challenge of the sword holder, we can't help you.

When they retreated to the distance, the world of kendo formed by countless sword qi and condensed fell directly, covering Lin Xuan.

The next moment, Lin Xuan felt that there were countless sharp breaths around him.

He felt that there were countless kendos, some were as hot as fire, some were as ice, some were vast like the sea, and some were like the wind.

Each kind of kendo is quite different, but has its own characteristics.

Lin Xuan was also excited. To be honest, he also wanted to accept such a challenge.

As a swordsman, Lin Xuan wanted to experience thousands of kendos to make his only kendo.

Now is a good opportunity to hone him.

The rusty long swords around them seemed to be alive, blooming with extremely bright light.


Suddenly, a bright light burst into a blue storm that swept the square.

A long sword flew out from below the earth, suspended between heaven and earth.

This is a cyan sword with many gaps on it. Obviously, it has broken through countless wars.

But still blooming at this moment, his own glory.

Between the heavens and the earth, a faint shadow emerged and caught this blue long sword. He stood with the sword like a fairy.

Lin Xuan, although he couldn't see the other person's face, but also knew that this person must have been a peerless sword fairy.

If you want to become a swordsman, you must get the recognition of these swords.

And wanting to be recognized is very simple. Use the same swordsmanship as me and defeat me.

Ahead, the illusory figure suddenly heard a low voice.

When hearing this, Lin Xuan gave a slight stun: using the same sword to defeat the opponent was really unexpected!

It ’s just, how does the opponent's swordsmanship work?

Ahead, the illusory figure said: My swordplay, I only show you once, you need to see clearly.

Aeolian swordsmanship, like the wind.

The illusive figure suddenly shot, the sword in his hand, and the fast speed stabbed fiercely forward.

It turned into a storm that swept the sky.

Lin Xuan was startled. He wanted to take a shot, but soon he stopped.

He widened his eyes and stared at the figure.

He found that the opponent was not attacking him, but was using a sword technique at him.

Then, he will use this sword to defeat the opponent.

Fengshen sword method, a total of seven hundred forty-seven swords, each sword is extremely mysterious.

I am afraid that other swordsmen, even the sword god, will be stunned.

Once again, I'm afraid I can only remember the sword tricks, it's hard to catch the mystery.

It is difficult to control such upright words, and it is impossible to defeat the other party.

There was a figure in front, gradually stopped, and the surrounding storm slowly disappeared.

Lin Xuan closed her eyes.

I have to say that this is very challenging for any sword god.

Lin Xuan only felt the blood boiling, it was great, this is the fight he longed for.

Finally, Lin Xuan opened his eyes and looked at the illusive figure in front of him. He said: Please enlighten me.

In Lin Xuan's hands, a phoenix sword appeared, blooming with radiance.

Taking a deep breath, he did not release the breath of the Great Dragon Soul, but instead exerted the power of the immortal with all his strength, surrounding the sword of the fairy.

Blast like wind.

Lin Xuan took the lead and cut it with a sword.

Ling Xuan's sword was approaching the extreme, and instantly killed the other party.

Blast like wind.

The other side's illusory figure did not seem to dodge, urging the blue Excalibur toward the front and severely chopped it over.

The two are the same moves, they collide between heaven and earth, and a roaring sound sounds,

Both have retreated.

This is not just a simple move collision, but also a collision on the avenue.

Lin Xuan only felt the blood tumbling: so powerful.


Lin Xuan's body suddenly became blurred, turned into a morning light, and quickly spun up.

His sword is more like a windmill ~ ~ dancing between heaven and earth, quickly moving forward, sweeping away.

The illusive figure in front was not the same as Lin Xuan's action.

He was a little tiptoe, and the whole person was spinning like a spinning top.

And the sword in his hand seemed to become extremely ethereal.

Willows in the wind.

The blue Excalibur, like wicker, danced in the wind without any regularity.

However, it perfectly blocked all attacks by Lin Xuan.

The earth-shaking voice came, the surrounding void, constantly broken, and numerous cracks spread throughout it.

Lin Xuan's figure was blocked,

But he fluttered into the sky.

Within a few steps, he came to nine days above, and the sword in his hand kept dancing.

Return by wind.

Lin Xuan descended from the sky again, driving the wind, like a fairy.

At this moment, the opponent's defense was torn open, and a sword was cut at the opponent's heavenly cover.

If this sword is hit, I am afraid that even if it is a phantom, it will be wiped out!

The snow is killing.

The illusory phantom did not resist at all, but held the sword with both hands and pierced the sky.

On him, an endless storm appeared, and at the same time, terrible ice and snow appeared in the storm.

A sword stabbed, frozen the world, shattered everything, cut everything.

He gave up all defense, this sword was completely attack,

This style of play is simply crazy.

Even if Lin Xuan could stab the opponent, I'm afraid he would be hit with a sword and seriously injured.

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