Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7370: Gather! Summon 0 miles to ask the sky! (three)

When he saw Lin Xuan coming, the demon shadow was pale and scared, and he began to ask for forgiveness.

Give me a break, I dare not do anything to you anymore, and I have a way to get you out of this painting world.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan stopped.

To be honest, they haven't had a way to leave the world in this painting.

The only way should be to keep going, go to the last world, and defeat the other party.

They should be able to leave.

Now that he has collected the pieces of Destiny Stone, this method is a waste of time.

Hearing each other's words, Lin Xuan said: OK, I will give you one last chance.

This time, the shadow never dared to do anything.

He came to the broken statue, shattered the last destiny stone, took the piece, and handed it to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan took it and took a deep breath. He was so excited that he finally gathered it together.

With a wave of his hand, the six worlds opened, and the six destiny stone fragments floating inside.

Fusion with the last one into a complete destiny stone.

Lin Xuan tried it and found that there seemed to be a force that prevented the destiny stone.

It seems that you have to leave the world in this painting to summon Baili to ask the sky.

Next, the demon shadow exerted his own means and condensed into a door of space.

The door of this space is a vortex, different from the previous one.

Lin Xuanwang said to him: You better let us leave, the world in this painting,


No matter how difficult it is, I will kill you and let you die.

After listening to the shadow, the scalp became numb,

He said: Don't worry, you won't lie to you.

Lin Xuan and his party entered the vortex of space. When they appeared again, they found that they had reached the street.

On both sides are countless temples, and in front of them are 7 murals.

They finally came out of the world in the painting.

As soon as it came out, the destiny stone bloomed with mysterious light.

Lin Xuan took a deep breath without delay, he immediately said: I want to see Baili ask the sky.

His voice passed into the Destiny Stone, and the Destiny Stone spun quickly.

The surrounding scene changed, and Lin Xuan and others seemed to have crossed time and space.

They found that their figures seemed to be falling rapidly, and the ground beneath them seemed to be cracking in general.

They seemed to fall into the abyss.

When they saw this scene, Wan enchanted, Xu Tianding, they were startled.

Lin Xuan said: It is an illusion.

He cast his reincarnation, and made a careful investigation, and found that it was indeed an illusion.

Even so, they were scared of cold sweat.

Because of this illusion, I am afraid that it really exists.

Barry asked heaven, is it under the earth of Tianyuan City? Lin Xuan was not clear, he watched carefully.

In this illusion, they kept falling towards the earth.

I don't know how long it has fallen, as if this is an abyss.

Finally, they stopped,

There was darkness all around, and there was a ray of light only from above.

Lin Xuan and others looked up and looked up.

They froze. Above them was Tianyuan City.

They now came under the Tianyuan City.

Quickly find what's around?

They started looking

Soon they found out, and even, they were stunned.

Even Lin Xuan was stunned.

He found that not far from them, there was a figure, a huge figure.

He was suppressed under Tianyuan City.

Is this figure, Baili asked the sky? Has he been suppressed?

Lin Xuan was shocked.

Even Xuantian Chop Lingjian and others were stunned.

Soon, Xuantian cut Lingjian said: No, he is not suppressed, he is carrying Tianyuan.

The entire Tianyuan City was supported by him.


Xu Tianding and others were stunned when they heard this.

Tianyuan City is an extremely mysterious and ancient city with a long history.

It turned out to be carried by one person, it was incredible.

Who is this guy? Baili ask the sky?

The legendary Baili asked the sky, has it reached such a point against the sky?

Too powerful!

Lin Xuan also took a deep breath and suppressed the shock in his heart. He said: Senior Baili, are you?

"I didn't expect that someone could really gather Destiny."

At this time, an old voice sounded.

This voice was full of the breath of time, as if it hadn't been spoken for a long time.

When they heard this voice, Lin Xuan stunned them slightly.

This sound came from another direction.

They turned their heads and saw an old man coming to the rear.

The old man, wearing an ancient robe, vicissitudes of his face.

Senior Baili?

That's right, it's me.

The old man nodded: Did you gather the destiny?

What's wrong with me?

Lin Xuan was stunned, and Xuantian chopped the spirit sword, they were also shocked.

They guessed wrong, it wasn't Baili who asked the sky to bear Tianyuan.

Who is that?

Who is this person?

Wan Yaoyu was very curious, so he asked directly,

Even Lin Xuan had some expectations.

He also wanted to know, what is sacred?

Someone who has something to do with me.

Baili asked the sky, and briefly said,

Later, he said: The more you know, the less good it will be for you.

Stop the curiosity in your heart and tell the purpose of your visit.

This old man is strange and mysterious.

Wan enchanted them, didn't get the answer, 10 points of depression.

Lin Xuan could only suppress the curiosity in his heart and took a deep breath. He stated the purpose of his trip.

Please predecessor Baili, and join us to break the formation to the camp.

Hearing this, Baili asked the sky for a moment.

A million years ago, he was locked in this abyss because he broke the opponent's formation.

Unexpectedly, after a million years, did anyone want to ask him to shoot?

His eyes flickered.

Seeing that the other party was silent, Lin Xuan sighed, he could only step back.

He said: If the predecessors are inconvenient to shoot, please tell us how to break the formation?

Even if Baili asks the sky not to take action, they will take action, they will not give up.

How confident are you?

Baili asked the sky.

Not sure.

Lin Xuan shook his head: However, as long as we have a certain degree of confidence, we will not give up.

You guys, you're too naive. The power of that formation is beyond your imagination.

Old man, do you look down on others, do you know what Lin Gongzi is? Lin Gongzi is a descendant of this generation.

Heir to the Great Dragon Sword!

Baili asked the sky extremely surprised, this was really beyond his expectations.

No wonder the other party can come here! Such an opponent's strength is truly extraordinary.

Since you are a descendant of the dragon, I think you should have some chances of success, so let me tell you the way to crack first.

If you can reach the core, then I will personally help you.

You can't even get into the core, so I won't take another shot.

Thank you seniors.

Lin Xuan was excited ~ ~ Next, Baili asked the sky to tell the cracking method and told Lin Xuan that it was very troublesome and complicated.

Fortunately, Lin Xuan's soul is so powerful that she can remember it completely.

Otherwise, it must be another heavenly master to remember it completely.

Other than that, it is difficult for others to remember this cracking method.

After using this cracking method, Lin Xuan's face was also pale.

He recovered for a while, then stood up and said, "Thank you, senior, it is not too late, we are leaving.

Lin Xuan doesn't know, what's going on with Zhou Tianshi? He'd better leave early.

I send you out of the Jedi.

With a wave of his hand, Baili asked the sky, and the appearance of a spatial matrix shrouded Lin Xuan and others.

The next moment they disappeared.

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