Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7371: 1 Sword Spike! (One)

Ren Tianyue's face was not good-looking, she was still guarding outside the Jedi.

When the Jedi changed and her strength suddenly increased, she guessed that Lin Xuan might fall.

So she sent someone to the resurrection point to guard it,

Once the other party is reborn, they will shoot immediately.

Xiao Qiushui and others all went to the resurrection point. Even those skeletons also had masters.

Not long after, news came from the point of rebirth, and no Lin Xuan appeared.

This made Ren Tianyue somewhat confused: Didn't the other party fall? Is the other party still in the Jedi?

It's incredible, right?

After discussing with Xiao Qiushui, she decided to divide the soldiers into two paths.

She continued to wait here, while Xiao Qiushui waited at the rebirth point.

If something happens, they can start immediately.

Just like that, they waited and waited, they were almost impatient,

Moreover, Ren Tianyue speculated that the other party would not fall into the Jedi.

Some strong men fell into it, and they will not be resurrected, they will be completely wiped out.

When she thought about it, she sighed: there were a lot of treasures on the other side, especially the sword qi.

Once available, her strength can be greatly improved,

Her status in the death camp can also be improved.

Don't look at her strength now, but in the death camp, she is just an ordinary elder.

She couldn't even go to the living hall.

Only entering the Hall of Ascension can be regarded as the Ascension Camp, the core strongest.

Apart from being the master and not being old, there are only eight people who can enter the hall of death.

And beyond these eight people, Ren Tianyue is one of the few people who have hope.

But now, I'm afraid this opportunity is not long.

Suddenly, he felt that in the void a few kilometers away, fast shaking, a space vortex emerged.

Anyone want to teleport?

who is it?

Ren Tianyue was extremely curious.

The next moment, she noticed that several figures appeared from inside.

Three weapons and a silhouette.

When Ren Tianyue saw this scene, his eyes almost glared.

Isn't that the guy she's been waiting for?

Did the other party come out alive?

It's incredible, right?

For a moment, she was a little lost.

How terrible the Jedi was, the true **** went in, and he died a lifetime. I did not expect that the other party could succeed.

The skulls next to them are also left by the true God, which is the Scorpio True God.

When he saw this scene, he also exclaimed: It is you! You finally came out.

While talking, the true God of Scorpio is also quickly passing on messages to other powerful men.

Let them hurry up.

Ahead, it is Lin Xuan and others.

After Lin Xuan came out, he opened his eyes and looked around.

After feeling the breath of the surroundings, they were relieved.

Finally came out of the Jedi.


Both sides are happy.

Xuantian Sword of Souls came out, and Lin Xuan's purpose was also achieved! They are ready to leave.

But at this moment, a cold drink came from behind.

Lin Xuan turned his head and saw the true God of Scorpio and Ren Tianyue.

He frowned slightly. Are these guys still dead? Still waiting for him here.

Solve it.

Lin Xuan turned around,

This time, he gained a lot of fortune in the Jedi, his strength increased greatly, and he was not afraid of these two people at all.

Sword of wind, snow kill.

Lin Xuan waved the Xianxian sword, and a sword stabbed forward.

Swords fluttered, and heaven and earth, there was a strong wind, and snowflakes were flying in the wind.

The sword is terrible. The whole world is instantly broken. Those cracks are covered with frost, like a world of ice and snow.

The two forces combined to form a lore, and instantly killed the Scorpio God.

Scorpio was startled. Didn't expect that the other party said nothing and just started?

The true **** of Scorpio is also roaring in the sky, and the divine power on him erupts.

His body kept growing, as if turning into an eternal mountain, covering the whole world.

The breath of the ocean and the sea is like the same furnace of heaven and earth. It is about to destroy everything.

Cold ice, melt me.

Scorpio really snorted,

In his opinion, he could block the sword.

However, he is too naive. Lin Xuan's sword skills have been improved than before, which is not what the other party can imagine.

When the sword fell on the opponent, the huge figure was immediately swept by the wind.

From that wind, a terrible chill came, and instantly the huge body was frozen.

how can that be?

The true God of Scorpio, when he felt this chill, he was crazy.

He felt that his breath of life was falling rapidly,

This sword turned out to be a deadly threat to him.

Do not.

He screamed madly, shattering the void, trying to escape.

However, as soon as he left, he was frozen and formed an ice cube.

The scorching wind blows on it, forming a terrible force, and instantly hits this huge ice cube into scum.

Scorpio True God fell, and was killed by a sword.

how is this possible? It's so strong!

When Ren Tianyue saw this scene, he was stunned.

She found that Lin Xuan's strength was unexpected and much stronger than when she entered.

What did this guy get in the Jedi? Why does power become so powerful?


Lin Xuan snorted and took back Xianxian Jian,

He turned and looked at Ren Tianyue.

He said: Next, it's your turn.

Ren Tianyue's face was ugly, but she did not escape.

She has sent a message to Xiao Qiushui,

Want to come, soon the other party will come.

At that time, several true gods join forces, not necessarily afraid of each other,

More importantly, she is different from Scorpio.

The Scorpio True God is the first true God, and Ren Tianyue is the Little True God.

She raised the other side a level,

She won't be spiked.

Seeing how Lin Xuan looks, I want to single her out,

Exactly, you can see how strong the opponent's swordsmanship is.

However, to her surprise, Lin Xuan did not use her sword at all, but put away the Excalibur.

What do you mean? The other person wants to compete with her with bare hands? Just kidding.

This guy is too presumptuous.

It was totally out of her eyes.

Ren Tianyue has lost ~ ~ However, every failure has a reason,

She did not believe that the other party could defeat her with bare hands.

Arrogant guy, you will pay for your arrogance.

Ren Tianyue gave a cold drink, rushed quickly, she took the lead, raised her hand, and played a rule.

The boundless immortality is flying, condensing to form a moon, descending from the sky.

This power is really terrible, shaking the world,

Those in the distance looked up at the sky, their bodies trembling.

This person is good.

Xuantian cut the spirit sword, but also very surprised.

Lin Xuan's expression was cold. He stepped out, grasped his fist in his hand, and waved forward fiercely.

He cast the Chaos Spirits to the extreme.

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